

Pursuant to and in implementation of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, the Parties hereby agree upon provisions and procedures associated with the fulfillment of obligations concerning telemetric information pursuant to Article X of the Treaty.

I. Provision of Tapes that Contain a Recording of Telemetric Information

1. Pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 6 of Article X of the Treaty, the Party conducting the flight test shall provide through diplomatic channels, no later than 65 days after the flight test of an ICBM or SLBM (JCIC Agreement No. 35, Article 2, Paragraph 1):

(a) tapes that contain a recording of all telemetric information broadcast during the flight test;

(b) tapes that contain a recording of all telemetric information that is encapsulated, if such tapes are recovered; and

(c) a summary for each tape provided in accordance with subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph, including the following:

(i) type of ICBM or SLBM, date of flight test, tape number, recorder type, and recording speed (meters/second or inches/second);

(ii) information for each track, including track number, record period, record mode, and broadcast frequency (megahertz), except for track numbers for each tape, and each portion of a tape, that contain a recording of telemetric information that has been encrypted ;

(iii) digital data encoding methods employed and digital data recording formats, except for track numbers for each tape, and each portion of a tape, that contain a recording of telemetric information that has been encrypted; and (JCIC Agreement No. 26, Article I)

(iv) identifications, and explanations where possible, keyed to a time standard, of the periods during the flight test for which no tape recordings were obtained or for which tape recordings are of inferior quality.

2. The Party conducting the flight test shall determine the method of recording the telemetric information on the tapes.

3. If the Party that receives the tapes that contain a recording of telemetric information determines that such tapes do not contain the complete set of telemetric information or that their quality is insufficient for processing such information, that Party shall provide notification thereof in accordance with paragraph 4 of Section VI of the Notification Protocol. No later than 30 days after its receipt, the Party receiving such notification shall provide through diplomatic channels either a statement explaining the reasons for the incompleteness or insufficient quality of the recording of telemetric information or, if possible, new copies of the tapes.

4. In order to make it possible for the other Party to play back tapes that contain a recording of telemetric information, each Party shall:

(a) conduct, no later than 120 days after signature of the Treaty, an initial demonstration of the tapes being used, and of the appropriate equipment for playing back the telemetric information recorded on such tapes;

(b) conduct a demonstration of tapes or appropriate playback equipment that are different from the tapes or equipment previously demonstrated. Such demonstration shall be conducted no less than 30 days in advance of the first flight test of an ICBM or SLBM during which such tapes or equipment that are different are to be used. Notification of the date and place of such demonstration shall be provided in accordance with paragraph 2 of Section VI of the Notification Protocol. If the recording format is the only difference in the tape that contains a recording of telemetric information, and this difference does not require different playback equipment, a Party shall provide, through diplomatic channels, only information describing the format, no less than 60 days in advance of the flight test specified in this subparagraph; and

(c) if requested, provide the opportunity to acquire the appropriate equipment to play back the telemetric information that is contained on the tapes no less than 30 days in advance of the receipt of such tapes, unless otherwise agreed. Notification containing such a request shall be provided in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section VI of the Notification Protocol. Equipment acquired following the initial demonstration, conducted pursuant to subparagraph 4(a) of this Section, shall be acquired in accordance with the provisions of Annex 1 to this Protocol. (JCIC Agreement No. 6, Article I)

(d) if requested, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Section VI of the Notification Protocol, ensure the timely provision of training, maintenance, spare parts, and replacement parts for equipment acquired pursuant to this paragraph or pursuant to paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of Section I of Annex 1 to this Protocol. Provision of training, maintenance, spare parts, and replacement parts shall be in accordance with Annex 4 to this Protocol. (JCIC Agreement No. 18, Article I)

The Parties shall agree within the frame-work of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission on the procedures for the demonstrations provided for in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph.

II. Provision of Data Associated with the Analysis of Telemetric Information

1. Pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article X of the Treaty, the Party conducting the flight test shall provide, through diplomatic channels, no later than 65 days after each flight test of an ICBM or SLBM, the following interpretive data(JCIC Agreement No. 5, Article I, Para. 2):

(a) for all telemetric information that is broadcast, except for telemetric information that originates in and is broadcast from a reentry vehicle, a description of the format of the telemetry frame and methods of encoding, including but not limited to:
[Interpretive Data Joint State]

(i) bits per standard word;

(ii) standard words per frame;

(iii) frames per second;

(iv) location of synchronization words or bits;

(v) location of information in the frame describing its formatting;

(vi) designation and location of each data element within the frame throughout the flight and, if a given word location is time-shared by two or more data elements, the structure for such time-sharing;

(vii) method of representing each data element, including the location of each bit in each data element, the order of the bits from least significant to most significant, and the method for representing negative values; and

(viii) all information regarding encoding algorithms, including error detection and correction, data compression, and any conversion processes that are applied in the telemetry equipment to on-board measured parameter values prior to their broadcast; and

(b) names of parameters and their locations in the telemetry frame, as well as conversion factors or analytic expressions for converting telemetric information to physical values of parameters, only for telemetric information necessary to determine:
[Interpretive Data Joint State]

(i) acceleration of the stages and the self-contained dispensing mechanism of the ICBM or SLBM;

(ii) separation times of the stages and the self-contained dispensing mechanism of the ICBM or SLBM; and

(iii) times of reentry vehicle separation commands and times of reentry vehicle releases.

2. No later than 65 days after each flight test of an ICBM or SLBM, the Party conducting the flight test shall provide, through diplomatic channels, a missile acceleration profile, for all its stages and its self-contained dispensing mechanism, having a precision better than one-tenth of a meter per second squared, with a rate of no less than five times per second, with these data provided relative to an inertial frame of reference in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. The missile acceleration profile shall be calculated on the basis of all relevant onboard and external measurements made during the flight test. In those cases when it is not possible to ensure the precision provided for in this paragraph, the Party conducting the flight test shall provide such a profile calculated to the greatest possible precision.

3. No later than 120 days after signature of the Treaty, each Party shall provide through diplomatic channels or during demonstrations provided for in paragraph 4 of Section I of this Protocol, an example illustrative of the interpretive data and missile acceleration profile specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, respectively, of this Section for one of the following ICBMs or SLBMs:

(a) for the United States of America: Peacekeeper, Minuteman III, Trident I, or Trident II; and

(b) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: SS-18, SS-24, SS-25, or SS-N-23.

The Parties shall agree within the framework of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission on the content of the interpretive data and missile acceleration profile specified in this paragraph.

III. Provisions Concerning Encapsulation and Encryption of Telemetric Information

1. Encapsulation provided for in paragraph 6 of Article X of the Treaty, shall be conducted subject to the following:

(a) Encapsulation shall be applied only to reentry vehicle measurements made during the plasma phase of flight tests of ICBMs or SLBMs. Notwithstanding this provision, reentry vehicle measurements may be encapsulated throughout each flight test of the missile designated by the United States of America as Minuteman II.

(b) When possible, the Party conducting the flight test shall broadcast, from the same reentry vehicle on which data are encapsulated, all measurements made before and after the plasma phase and, when possible, that Party shall broadcast, following the plasma phase, some measurements made and recorded during the plasma phase. The obligation to broadcast measurements made after the plasma phase shall not apply when impact of the reentry vehicle occurs during conditions of plasma formation.

2. Encryption provided for in paragraph 6 of Article X of the Treaty, shall be carried out subject to the following:

(a) Encryption shall be used only during flight tests of ICBMs or SLBMs of former and retired types, as well as during no more than two flight tests each year of an ICBM or SLBM of only one existing type of each Party. The Party that exercises the right to use encryption during flight tests of an ICBM or SLBM of such existing type shall provide the notification in accordance with paragraph 5 of Section VI of the Notification Protocol . Subsequent notifications shall be provided only when the ICBM or SLBM, the notification of which has previously been provided, is retired.

(b) Only telemetric information that pertains to the front section or its elements shall be encrypted, and only after that front section or its elements have separated from either:

(i) the self-contained dispensing mechanism, during a flight test of an ICBM or SLBM; or

(ii) the final stage, during a flight test of an ICBM or SLBM that is not equipped with a self-contained dispensing mechanism.

(c) Each Party undertakes not to encrypt telemetric information that pertains to the functioning of the stages or the self-contained dispensing mechanism of an ICBM or SLBM.

IV. Provisional Application

1. Beginning from the date of signature of the Treaty, the provisions of paragraph 3 of Section VI of the Notification Protocol, subparagraph 4(a) of Section I, and paragraph 3 of Section II of this Protocol shall apply provisionally.

2. The provisions specified in paragraph 1 of this Section shall apply provisionally for a 12-month period, unless, before the expiration of this period:

(a) a Party communicates to the other Party its decision to terminate the provisional application of any such provisions; or

(b) the Treaty enters into force.

The Parties may agree to extend the provisional application of these provisions for additional periods, subject to the same conditions specified in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph.

3. The provisions specified in paragraph 1 of this Section shall apply provisionally in light of and in conformity with the other provisions of the Treaty.

This Protocol is an integral part of the Treaty and shall enter into force on the date of entry into force of the Treaty and shall remain in force so long as the Treaty remains in force. As provided for in subparagraph (b) of Article XV of the Treaty, the Parties may agree upon such additional measures as may be necessary to improve the viability and effectiveness of the Treaty. The Parties agree that, if it becomes necessary to make changes in this Protocol that do not affect substantive rights or obligations under the Treaty, they shall use the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission to reach agreement on such changes, without resorting to the procedure for making amendments set forth in Article XVIII of the Treaty.

Done at Moscow on July 31, 1991, in two copies, each in the English and Russian languages, both texts being equally authentic.


George Bush

President of the United States of America


M. Gorbachev

President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics



This Annex is pursuant to JCIC Agreement No. 6, Article II)

I. Provision of Equipment

1. The United States of America and the Russian Federation shall provide to each other the equipment necessary for playback of telemetric information that is contained on tapes provided by the Parties pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 6 of Article X of the Treaty. The quantity, description, make, and model number of such equipment are listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Section III of this Annex.

2. In addition to the equipment specified in paragraph 2 of Section III of this Annex, the United States of America shall, as a matter of goodwill, provide to the Russian Federation the equipment related to playback of telemetric information that is contained on tapes provided pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 6 of Article X of the Treaty. The quantity, description, make, and model number of such equipment are listed in paragraph 3 of Section III of this Annex.

3. The United States of America shall, in response to the request by the Russian Federation of September 25, 1992, and pursuant to subparagraph 4(c) of Section I of this Protocol, provide to the Russian Federation the equipment necessary for playback of telemetric information that was demonstrated on August 17, 1992, in Washington, D.C., pursuant to subparagraph 4(b) of Section I of this Protocol. The quantity, description, make, and model number of that equipment are listed in paragraph 4 of Section III of this Annex. The Russian Federation shall, in response to the request by the United States of America on January 28, 1992, and pursuant to subparagraph 4(c) of Section I of this Protocol, provide to the United States of America the equipment necessary for playback of telemetric information that was demonstrated on January 25-27, 1993, in Moscow pursuant to subparagraph 4(b) of Section I of this Protocol. The quantity, description, make, and model number of that equipment are listed in paragraph 5 of Section III of this Annex. The equipment specified in paragraph 4 of Section III of this Annex shall be delivered and installed at the same time as the telemetry playback equipment specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Section III of this Annex, and shall be subject to the provisions of Section II of this Annex. The equipment specified in paragraph 5 of Section III of this Annex shall be delivered and installed at the same time as the telemetry playback equipment specified in paragraph 1 of Section III of this Annex, and shall be subject to the provisions of this Annex. (JCIC Agreement No. 10, Article I, Para. 1)

4. For the equipment provided pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Section, the providing Party shall provide all technical documentation necessary for operating and maintaining such equipment. There shall be no requirement to provide such documentation in a language other than that of the providing Party.

5. For the equipment provided pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this Section, the providing Party shall:

(a) Install such equipment at a site selected, and prepared for installation in accordance with the technical requirements for such equipment, by the receiving Party; and

(b) ensure that the equipment is operating in accordance with the specifications of the technical documentation, exclusive of any warranty obligations noted therein.

6. The providing Party shall bear the cost of fulfilling its obligations pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of this Section.

7. The providing Party shall, if requested by the receiving Party, ensure the provision of training, maintenance, service, spare parts, and replacement parts for all equipment provided pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Section. The receiving Party shall bear the cost of such training, maintenance, service, spare parts, and replacement parts.

8. Unless otherwise agreed, each Party undertakes not to transfer equipment, spare parts, or replacement parts, or to release technical documentation, received pursuant to this Section, to states other than the other Parties, or to individuals other than those who, because of their official responsibilities, require access to such equipment, spare parts, replacement parts, or technical documentation to carry out activities related to fulfillment of the obligations provided for in the Treaty.

II. Delivery and Installation of Equipment

1. Regarding dates of delivery and installation:

(a) No later that ten days after the date this Annex begins to be applied, the providing Party shall provide a list of special technical requirements for site selection or preparation to the receiving Party.

(b) No later than 60 days after the date this Annex begins to be applied, the providing Party shall deliver its equipment to the point of entry on the territory of the receiving Party. Specific dates of delivery and installation of such equipment shall be agreed upon by the providing and receiving Parties through diplomatic channels.

(c) No less than 20 days in advance of delivery, the receiving Party shall state to the providing Party, through diplomatic channels, the site where such equipment is to be installed.

2. Regarding delivery from the point of entry, the receiving Party shall bear responsibility for delivery, and safe-keeping during delivery, of provided equipment from the point of entry to the site where such equipment is to be installed. The receiving Party shall bear the cost of such delivery. The providing Party shall have the right to observe the provided equipment during such delivery.

3. Regarding the number and list of installation team members and the provision of visas:

(a) A team for installation of equipment provided pursuant to Section I of this Annex shall include no more than individuals. (JCIC Agreement No. 10, article I, Para. 2) The installation team shall have the right to bring tools and equipment required for installation. The aircrew for delivery of all such equipment and for transport of the installation team shall include no more than 15 individuals.

(b) The providing Party shall provide a list of installation team members and a list of aircrew members no less than 30 days in advance of their arrival in the territory of the receiving Party. The provisions of paragraph 6 of Section II of the Inspection Protocol on objections to an individual on the list of inspectors shall apply to an objection to an individual installation team member or aircrew member, except that the receiving Party shall notify its objection no later than 15 days after receipt of such lists.

(c) The receiving Party shall provide visas and, where necessary, such other documents to each individual to whom it has not objected, as may be required to ensure that each such team member and each aircrew member may enter and remain in its territory for the duration of the delivery and installation period.

(d) The providing Party shall provide a list of tools and equipment required for installation no less than 30 days in advance of their delivery to the territory of the receiving Party. The provisions of paragraphs 8 and 11 of Section V of the Inspection Protocol on examination of equipment and supplies shall apply to examination of such tools and equipment.

4. Regarding the installation team:

(a) The receiving Party shall provide necessary assistance, including a safety briefing and the appropriate power supply connectors for the provided equipment, to the installation team in connection with the delivery and installation of the equipment.

(b) The provisions of paragraph 11 of Section VI of the Inspection Protocol on movement, travel, and urgent departure or emergency evacuation of inspectors, monitors, and aircrew members shall apply to installation team members and aircrew members.

(c) Throughout the delivery and installation period, the receiving Party shall ensure that the installation team can be in communication with the embassy of the providing Party located on the territory of the receiving Party, using telephonic communications provided by the receiving Party.

(d) The receiving Party shall treat with due respect the installation team and aircrew members of the providing Party in its territory in connection with the delivery and installation of equipment, and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on the person, freedom, and dignity of such persons.

5. Regarding arrangements for air transportation:

(a) Diplomatic clearance numbers for airplanes transporting the equipment, the installation team, and the tools and equipment required for installation, and airplane flight routes to and from the point of entry, shall be provided by the receiving Party no less than ten days prior to delivery.

(b) For the purposes of this paragraph, points of entry shall be: for the United States of America, Washington, DC; and for the Russian Federation, Moscow.

(c) The providing Party shall use only airplanes of the types specified in Annex 10 to the Inspection Protocol.

(d) The receiving Party shall provide parking, security protection, fueling, air navigation, airport facility, and ground technical and commercial services, as well as additional services as requested, for the dedicated airplane transporting the telemetry equipment of the providing Party at the point of entry. The cost of parking and security protection for each such airplane shall be borne by the receiving Party. The cost of fueling and air navigation, airport facility, and ground technical and commercial services, as well as additional services as requested, shall be borne by the providing Party.

(e) The providing Party shall state its intention, through diplomatic channels, to transport installation team members and equipment no less than 72 hours in advance of the estimated time of arrival of the installation team members at the point of entry from outside the territory of the receiving Party. Such statement shall include:

(i) the date and estimated time of arrival at the point of entry; and

(ii) the names, dates of birth, and places of birth of the installation team members and aircrew members.

(f) The provisions of paragraphs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of Section IV of the Inspection Protocol on flights of inspection airplanes shall apply to flights of airplanes transporting installation team members and equipment.

6. Regarding the installation report and confidentiality requirements:

(a) Before departing the installation site, the installation team leader and a representative of the receiving Party shall confirm in a factual written installation report that all the equipment is installed and is operating in accordance with the specifications of the technical documentation.

(b) Disclosure of information obtained by any Party in connection with the delivery and installation of equipment shall be only in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article VIII of the Treaty.

(c) Installation team members shall not disclose information obtained during delivery or installation except with the express consent of the receiving party.

7. For the United States of America, practical implementation of activities pursuant to this Annex shall be carried out through the On-Site Inspection Agency of the United States of America. For the Russian Federation, practical implementation of activities pursuant to this Annex shall be carried out through the Nuclear Risk Reduction Center of the Russian Federation.

8. Regarding additional services, throughout the in-country period, the receiving Party shall provide meals, lodging, work space, transportation, and, as necessary, medical and other urgent services for the installation team and aircrew members of the providing Party. Costs of all such services shall be borne by the receiving Party.

III. Quantity, Description, Make, and Model Number of Equipment

1. Equipment provided by the Russian Federation pursuant to paragraph 1 of Section I of this Annex:

(a) 1 Modulator/Demodulator unit (including synchronization converter, information input unit, demodulator and playback unit, synchronizer and demodulator unit, frequency multiplier, signal imitator, and sound playback unit), BY 3 430 020;

(b) 2 Magnetic tape recorders (including recording heads unit, playback heads unit, playback unit, control unit and tape transport mechanism), BY 3 060 032;

(c) 1 Power supply distributor, BY 3 620 054; and

(d) 1 Set interconnecting cables, BY 4 075 133.

2. Equipment provided by the United States of America pursuant to paragraph 1 of Section 2 of this Annex:

(a) 1 Analog tape recorder/playback unit (including I reproduce card for demodulation of IRIG Time Code at 900 KHz, Metrum 97; and

(b) 1 Time code reader/generator, Datum 9310.

3. Equipment provided by the United States of America pursuant to paragraph 2 of Section I of this Annex:

(a) 1 Telemetry receiver (including 1 Pre-D multi-frequency playback converter, heterodyne, Microdyne 1481-PP*), Microdyne 1400-MR*;

(b) 1 (each) Second IF filter (4, 2, 1 MHz and 300 kHz), Microdyne 1433-I*, 1430-I*, 1428-I*, 1425-I*;

(c) 1 FM demodulator, Microdyne 1444-D*;

(d) 1 Multi-mode telemetry demodulator, Microdyne 1458-D*

(e) 1 Bit syncoronizer, Loral Data Systems 720;

(f) 1 Low pass filter, Reactel 10L5-50KB11; and

(g) 1 Set interconnectiong cables.

4. Equipment provided by the United States of America pursuant to paragraph 3 of Section I of this Annex:

(a) 1 Video cassette recorder, Panasonic AG-1960;

(b) 1 Color video monitor/receiver, RCA FX 209002;

(c) 1 Device for decoding and display of time code signals, Datum 9520;

(d) 1 Set cable connectors; and

(e) 1 Set voltage transformers and adapters.

* This equipment is an updated version of that demonstrated by the United States of America and is fully capable of serving as a substitute.

5. Equipment provided by the Russian Federation pursuant to paragraph 3 of Section I of this Annex:

(a) 7S06/17S07 Magnetic recording unit for the RTS-9 System, consisting of:

(i) 2 Magnetic recorder units (including playback preamplifier unit, 17B73; tape drive mechanism unit, 17B74; and magnetic recorder on/off unit, 17B75), 17B71;

(ii) 2 Recording amplifier units, 17B77;

(iii) 1 Final playback amplifier unit 17B76;

(iv) 1 Magnetic recorder switcher unit, 17B78;

(v) 1 Magnetic recorder testing and control unit, 17B79;

(vi) 1 Power supply unit, 9198M1;

(vii) 1 Poser supply unit, 9187M1;

(viii) 1 Combination unit for reel storage; and

(ix) 1 Set of interconnecting cables.

(b) MR BI1.700.006 Magnetic recorder for the BRS-4LR System, consisting of:

(i) 1 Magnetic accumulator (including recording head unit, playback head unit, tape drive mechanism, control unit for two magnetic accumulators, recording modules for two magnetic accumulators, playback modules, and power modules), MN1-BI3.060.011;

(ii) 1 Magnetic accumulator (including recording head unit, playback head unit, and tape drive mechanism), MN2-BI3.060.012;

(iii) 1 Power distribution panel, BY3.620.054; and

(iv) 1 Set of interconnecting cables. (JCIC Agreement No. 10, article I, Para. 3)



(Note: This Annex is pursuant to JCIC Agreement No. 11.)

1. With respect to subparagraph 1(a) and 1(b) of Section I of the Telemetry Protocol, the Party conducting the flight test shall have the right to provide either original tapes or copies of original tapes. All tapes shall be provided on reels that are compatible with the playback equipment provided.

2. With respect to paragraph 2 of Section I of the Telemetry Protocol, each Party shall have the right to use recording media other than magnetic tapes to record telemetric information. Appropriate changes to Section I of the Telemetry Protocol, if necessary, shall be agreed within the framework of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission.

3. With respect to paragraph 1 of Section II of the Telemetry Protocol, a Party may, in fulfilling its obligation to provide interpretive data for a particular flight test, provide references to interpretive data that have been provided previously pursuant to that paragraph. In the event changes are made to the interpretive data previously provided, the Party that conducted the flight test shall, if requested by the receiving Party, provide a complete set of interpretive data through diplomatic channels no later than 30 days after receipt of such a request.

4. With respect to subparagraph 1(b)(i) of Section II of the Telemetry Protocol, the interpretive data to be provided shall cover the entire period during which the telemetric information is broadcast, including the period after the stages and the self-contained dispensing mechanism of an ICBM or SLBM have completed their functions. In this connection, the Parties understand that such data may not be useful, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the provisions of the Treaty, after the stages or the self-contained dispensing mechanism no longer respond to control signals.

5. With respect to paragraph 2 of Section II of the Telemetry Protocol, the missile acceleration profile to be provided:

(a) shall be terminated no less than ten seconds after completion of the last procedure for dispensing reentry vehicles. For a missile that is not equipped with a self-contained dispensing mechanism and to which only one warhead is attributed, the missile acceleration profile shall be terminated no less than ten seconds after the reentry vehicle is separated from the final stage of the missile;

(b) may be terminated at the time of loss of active control, that is, at the time that the self-contained dispensing mechanism, or, for a missile not equipped with a self-contained dispensing mechanism, the final stage of the missile, no longer responds to control signals. If loss of active control is used as the reason for terminating the acceleration profile, the Party conducting the flight test shall inform the other Party, at the time that the acceleration profile is provided, that loss of active control is the reason for termination of the acceleration profile.

6. With respect to Sections I and II of the Telemetry Protocol, the tapes, tape summaries, interpretive data, and missile acceleration profile for a particular flight test shall be provided at the same time. Written materials may be provided in English or Russian, at the choice of the Party that conducted the flight test.



(Note: This Protocol is pursuant to JCIC Agreement No. 17, Article I)

1. The following data provided in fulfilling the obligations provided for in the Treaty shall not be released to the public by any Party other than the Party that provided such data in fulfilling its obligations provided for in the Treaty, unless otherwise agreed:

(a) data and other information contained on tapes provided pursuant to Article X of the Treaty; and

(b) data and other information provided in accordance with the Telemetry Protocol.

2. Additional data and other information may be agreed by the Parties within the framework of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission for inclusion in the list set forth in paragraph 1 of this Annex.

3. The provisions of this Annex shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties with respect to the communication of such data and other information to those individuals who, because of their official responsibilities, require such data or other information to carry out activities related to the fulfillment of the obligations provided for in the Treaty.



This Annex is pursuant to JCIC Agreement No. 18, Article Two

1. For purposes of this Annex:

(a) the term "providing Party" means the Party that provided the equipment for which maintenance or training are being conducted or for which spare parts or replacement parts are being provided;

(b) the term "receiving Party" means the Party that received the equipment for which maintenance or training are being conducted or for which spare parts or replacement parts are being provided;

(c) the term "maintenance team" means the group of individuals assigned by the providing Party to conduct maintenance or training on the territory of the receiving Party;

(d) the term "trainee team" means the group of individuals assigned by the receiving Party to receive training on the territory of the providing Party.

2. Regarding the number and list of maintenance team members, the number and list of trainee team members, the number and list of aircrew members, and the provision of visas:

(a) A maintenance team or trainee team shall include no more than 14 individuals. A maintenance team shall have the right to bring tools and equipment required for conducting maintenance or training. The aircrew for transport of team members, and delivery of tools and equipment, shall include no more than 15 individuals.

(b) The providing Party shall provide, through diplomatic channels, a list of maintenance team members and a list of aircrew members no less than 15 days in advance of their arrival in the territory of the receiving Party. The provisions of paragraph 6 of Section II and paragraphs 21 and 22 of Section III of the Inspection Protocol, on an objection to an individual on the list of inspectors shall apply to an objection to a maintenance team member or aircrew member, except that the receiving Party shall notify its objection no later than seven days after receipt of such lists.

(c) The receiving Party shall provide, through diplomatic channels, a list of trainee team members and a list of aircrew members no less than 15 days in advance of their arrival in the territory of the providing Party. The provisions of paragraph 6 of Section II and paragraphs 21 and 22 of Section III of the Inspection Protocol on an objection to an individual on the list of inspectors shall apply to an objection to a trainee team member or aircrew member, except that the providing Party shall notify its objection no later than seven days after receipt of such lists.

(d) The receiving Party shall provide visas and, where necessary, such other documents to each maintenance team member and each aircrew member to whom it has not objected, as may be required to ensure that each such team member and each such aircrew member may enter and remain in its territory for the duration of the maintenance or training period.

(e) The providing Party shall provide visas and, where necessary, such other documents to each trainee team member and each aircrew member to whom it has not objected, as may be required to ensure that each such team member and each such aircrew member may enter and remain in its territory for the duration of the training period.

(f) The providing Party shall provide, through diplomatic channels, a list of tools and equipment required for conducting maintenance or training no less than 15 days in advance of their delivery to the territory of the receiving Party. The provisions of paragraphs 8 and 11 of Section V of the Inspection Protocol on examination of equipment and supplies shall apply to examination of such tools and equipment.

3. Regarding the maintenance team or trainee team:

(a) The receiving Party shall provide necessary assistance, including a safety briefing, to the maintenance team members.

b) The providing Party shall provide necessary assistance, including a safety briefing, to the trainee team members.

(c) The provisions of paragraph 11 of Section VI of the Inspection Protocol on movement, travel, and urgent departure or emergency evacuation of inspectors, monitors, and aircrew members shall apply to trainee team members, maintenance team members and aircrew members.

(d) Throughout the period of stay on the territory of the receiving Party, the receiving Party shall ensure that the maintenance team members can be in communication with the embassy of the providing Party located on the territory of the receiving Party using telephonic communications provided by the receiving Party.

(e) Throughout the period of stay on the territory of the providing Party, the providing Party shall ensure that the trainee team members can be in communication with the embassy of the receiving Party located on the territory of the providing Party using telephonic communications provided by the providing Party.

(f) The Parties shall treat with due respect the maintenance team members, trainee team members, and aircrew members of each Party in its territory and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on their person, freedom, and dignity.

4. Regarding arrangements for air transportation:

(a) The Parties may use dedicated airplanes, inspection airplanes, airplanes making regularly scheduled commercial flights, or, if possible, other airplanes used for inspections related to arms control agreements, for the purpose of transporting trainee team members, maintenance team members, as well as spare parts, replacement parts, tools and equipment to the point of entry.

(b) Diplomatic clearance numbers for dedicated airplanes transporting maintenance team members, as well as spare parts, replacement parts, tools and equipment, and routes for flights of such airplanes to and from the point of entry shall be provided, through diplomatic channels, by the receiving Party no less than ten days prior to the estimated time of arrival at the point of entry on the territory of the receiving Party.

(c) Diplomatic clearance numbers for dedicated airplanes transporting trainee team members, and routes for flights of such airplanes to and from the point of entry shall be provided, through diplomatic channels, by the providing Party no less than ten days prior to the estimated time of arrival at the point of entry on the territory of the providing Party.

(d) The receiving Party shall provide parking, security protection, fueling, air navigation, airport facility, and ground technical and commercial services, as well as additional services as requested, for the dedicated airplane of the providing Party at the point of entry. The cost of parking and security protection for each such airplane shall be borne by the receiving Party. The cost of fueling and air navigation, airport facility, and ground technical and commercial services, as well as additional services as requested, shall be borne by the providing Party.

(e) The providing Party, if training is conducted on its territory, shall provide parking, security protection, fueling, air navigation, airport facility, and ground technical and commercial services, as well as additional services as requested, for the dedicated airplane of the receiving Party at the point of entry. The cost of parking and security protection for each such airplane shall be borne by the providing Party. The cost of fueling and air navigation, airport facility, and ground technical and commercial services, as well as additional services as requested, shall be borne by the receiving Party.

(f) The providing Party shall state its intention, through diplomatic channels, to transport maintenance team members, spare pares or replacement parts no less than 72 hours prior to the estimated time of arrival of the maintenance team members, or delivery of spare parts or replacement parts at the point of entry on the territory of the receiving Party. The receiving Party shall state its intention, through diplomatic channels, to transport trainee team members no less than 72 hours prior to the estimated time of arrival of the trainee team members at the point of entry on the territory of the providing Party. Such statements shall include:

(i) the date and estimated time of arrival at the point of entry; and

(ii) the names, dates of birth, and places of birth of the trainee team members, maintenance team members and aircrew members.

(g) The provisions of paragraphs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of Section IV of the Inspection Protocol on flights of inspection airplanes shall apply to flights of dedicated airplanes transporting trainee team members, maintenance team members, as well as spare parts, replacement parts, tools and equipment.

(h) If the Parties use dedicated airplanes, such airplanes shall be of the types specified in Annex 10 to the Inspection Protocol.

5. Regarding the report and the confidentiality requirements:

(a) Before departing the site where maintenance or training was conducted, the maintenance team leader and a representative of the receiving Party, and if training is conducted on the territory of the Providing Party, the trainee team leader and a representative of the providing Party, shall describe, in a factual, written report, the activity that was carried out pursuant to a request provided for in paragraph 6 of Section VI of the Notification Protocol, and confirm the completion of such activity.

(b) Maintenance team members shall not disclose information obtained during maintenance or training except with the express consent of the receiving Party.

(c) Trainee team members shall not disclose information obtained during training except with the express consent of the providing Party.

6. Throughout the in-country period, the receiving Party shall provide meals, lodging, work space, transportation, and, as necessary, medical and other urgent services for the maintenance team members and aircrew members of the providing Party. Throughout the in-country period, the providing Party, if training is conducted on its territory, shall provide meals, lodging, work space, transportation, and, as necessary, medical and other urgent services for the trainee team members and aircrew members of the receiving Party. The costs of all such services shall be borne by the receiving Party.

7. The receiving Party shall provide to the providing Party, through diplomatic channels, a confirmation of the receipt of spare parts or replacement parts.

8. The receiving Party shall assist the providing Party, if requested, with customs procedures, and in resolving any issues that may arise in connection with the delivery of spare parts, replacement parts, tools, and equipment.