

This Annex contains definitions of terms that are used in the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, and its Annexes, Protocols, and Memorandum of Understanding. They are arranged in alphabetical order and can be accessed using the "find" button in the "edit" pull-down menu.

For the purposes of the Treaty and its Annexes, Protocols, and Memorandum of Understanding:

1. (1) The term "air base" means a facility, other than a production facility for heavy bombers, a heavy bomber flight test center, or a training facility for heavy bombers, at which heavy bombers or former heavy bombers are based and their operation is supported.

2. (35) The term "aircraft" means any manned machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from interaction with the air other than the interaction of the air with the Earth's surface.

3. (118) The term "aircrew member" means an individual who performs duties related to the operation of an airplane and who is included on the inspecting Party's list of aircrew members in accordance with the provisions of Section II of the Inspection Protocol.

4. (34) The term "air-launched cruise missile (ALCM)" means an air-to-surface cruise missile of a type, any one of which has been flight-tested from an aircraft or deployed on a bomber after December 31, 1986.

5. (95) The term "airplane" means a power-driven, heavier-than-air aircraft that derives its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces that remain fixed under given conditions of flight.

6. (6) The term "air-to-surface ballistic missile (ASBM)" means a ballistic missile with a range in excess of 600 kilometers that is installed in an aircraft or on its external mountings for the purpose of being launched from this aircraft.

7. (5) The term "ballistic missile" means a missile that is a weapon-delivery vehicle that has a ballistic trajectory over most of its flight path.

8. (10) The term "bomber" means an airplane of a type, any one of which was initially constructed or later converted to be equipped for bombs or air-to-surface missiles.

9. (30) The term "category" means, for heavy bombers, one of the following classifications based on the kind of armament for which they are equipped or on their purpose: heavy bomber equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs, heavy bomber equipped for nuclear armaments other than long-range nuclear ALCMs, heavy bomber equipped for non-nuclear armaments, test heavy bomber, or training heavy bomber.

10. (53) The term "continuous monitoring" means carrying out procedures in accordance with the Inspection Protocol that involve inspection of containers, launch canisters, and vehicles leaving a monitored facility.

11. (21) The term "continuous monitoring activities" means activities conducted pursuant to paragraph 14 of Article XI of the Treaty , which, in accordance with the Inspection Protocol, include conducting an engineering site survey; establishing, operating, and maintaining a perimeter and portal continuous monitoring system; and conducting continuous monitoring.

12. (46) The term "conversion or elimination facility" means:

(a) for ICBMs or SLBMs, a specified facility for the elimination of ICBMs, SLBMs, launch canisters that remain after flight tests of ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs, or ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs or first stages of such ICBMs that remain after static testing;

(b) for mobile launchers of ICBMs, a specified facility for the elimination of mobile launchers of ICBMs;

(c) for SLBM launches, a specified facility for the conversion or elimination of SLBM launchers;

(d) for heavy bombers or former heavy bombers, a specified facility for the conversion of heavy bombers, or the elimination of heavy bombers or former heavy bombers.

13. (33) The term "cruise missile" means a missile that is an unmanned, self-propelled weapon-delivery vehicle that sustains flight through the use of aerodynamic lift over most of its flight path.

14. (91) The term "deployed heavy bomber" means any heavy bomber other than

a test heavy bomber, a training heavy bomber, or a heavy bomber equipped for non-nuclear armaments.

15. (86) The term "deployed ICBM" means an ICBM that is contained, or is considered to be contained, in a deployed launcher of ICBMs.

16. (87) The term "deployed ICBM and its associated launcher" means a deployed ICBM and the deployed launcher of ICBMs that contains, or is considered to contain, the deployed ICBM.

17. (90) The term "deployed launcher of ICBMs" means:

(a) any silo launcher of ICBMs other than a silo test launcher, a silo training launcher, or a silo launcher located at a space launch facility; or

(b) any deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs.

18. (89) The term "deployed launcher of SLBMs" means any SLBM launcher installed on a submarine that has been launched, unless otherwise provided for in the Treaty.

19. (88) The term "deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs" means any mobile launcher of ICBMs, other than a mobile test launcher or a mobile launcher of ICBMs at a space launch facility, that contains, or is considered to contain, an ICBM.

20. (84) The term "deployed SLBM" means an SLBM that is contained, or is considered to be contained, in a deployed launcher of SLBMs.

21. (85) The term "deployed SLBM and its associated launcher" means a deployed SLBM and the deployed launcher of SLBMs that contains, or is considered to contain, the deployed SLBM.

22. (94) The term "deployment area" means an area, limited in size, within which routine movements and exercise dispersals of deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles are conducted.

23. (68) The term "distinguishable" means different on the basis of the totality of functional and external differences that are observable by national technical means of verification, or, when such observations may be inconclusive in the opinion of the inspecting Party, that are visible during inspection.

24. (13) The term "each year" means during a period of 12 months commencing on the date of entry into force of the Treaty or on an anniversary of that date.

25. (29) The term "encapsulation" means, for telemetric information, recording and not broadcasting such information during the flight test of a missile, and recovering it subsequently.

26. (122) The term "encryption" means, for telemetric information, the reversible transformation of such information that gives it a random character to prevent unauthorized access to such information.

27. (60) The term"facility" means an ICBM base, submarine base, air base, rail garrison, maintenance facility, restricted area, parking site, silo launcher group, ICBM loading facility, SLBM loading facility, production facility, repair facility, storage facility, training facility, conversion or elimination facility, test range, heavy bomber flight test center, space launch facility, or static display site.

28. (63) The term "facility subject to continuous monitoring" means a facility at which continuous monitoring activities are permitted but continuous monitoring has not yet commenced.

29. (105) The term "fixed structure for mobile launchers of ICBMs" means a fixed structure for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs or a fixed structure for rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs.

30. (104) The term "fixed structure for rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs" means a unique structure at a parking site for rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs that can contain a train of standard configuration with rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs.

31. (103) The term "fixed structure for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs" means a unique structure, within a restricted area, that can contain road-mobile launchers of ICBMs.

32. (36) The term "flight test" means, for a missile, the launch and subsequent flight of a missile.

33. (12) The term "former heavy bomber" means a reconnaissance airplane, tanker airplane, or jamming airplane that is not equipped for nuclear armaments or non-nuclear air-to-surface armaments and: [Agreed State 17]

(a) that was initially constructed on the basis of the airframe of an existing type of heavy bombers and satisfies the requirements for conversion in accordance with the Conversion or Elimination Protocol; or

(b) that has been converted from a heavy bombers in accordance with procedures provided for in the Conversion or Elimination Protocol, or in such a way that it satisfies the requirements for conversion in accordance with the Conversion or Elimination Protocol. [Agreed State 6] [Agreed State 12]

34. (11) The term "former type" means, for ICBMs or SLBMs, a type of existing ICBM or SLBM, any one of which had been deployed prior to entry into force of the Treaty, but none of which was deployed when the Treaty entered into force and none of which are currently deployed.

35. (17) The term "front section" means that portion of the payload of the final stage that contains the reentry vehicle or reentry vehicles and may, depending on design, include a reentry vehicle platform, penetration aids, and a shroud.

36. (112) The term "heavy bomber" means a bomber of a type, any one of which satisfies either of the following criteria:

(a) its range is greater than 8000 kilometers; or

(b) it is equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs.

A bomber shall not be considered to be a heavy bomber if it meets neither criterion (a) nor criterion (b), or if otherwise agreed.

A bomber shall not be considered to be a heavy bomber if it is not equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs, if it is not a model or modification of an accountable heavy bomber, and if it is tested, equipped, and configured exclusively for maritime operations. For the purposes of this definition, the term "modification of an accountable heavy bomber" is understood to mean an airplane having a design essentially identical to the design of an accountable heavy bomber.

A bomber of a type, any one of which has an integrated platform area in excess of 310 square meters, but that is not declared by a Party as a heavy bomber, shall be considered to be a heavy bomber unless the deploying Party provides the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission with information demonstrating to the satisfaction of the other Party that this bomber does not meet the criterion provided for in subparagraph (a) and does not meet the criterion provided for in subparagraph (b).

Heavy bombers of the Parties of the types existing as of the date of signature of the Treaty are specified in Article III of the Treaty.

37. (113) The term "heavy bomber equipped for non-nuclear armaments" means a non-modern heavy bomber that is equipped only for non-nuclear armaments, and that satisfies the requirements for conversion in accordance with the Conversion or Elimination Protocol.

38. (117) The term "heavy bomber flight test center" means a facility, other than a production facility for heavy bombers, at which test heavy bombers are based and their operation is supported.

39. (111) The term "heavy ICBM" means an ICBM of a type, any one of which has a launch weight greater than 106,000 kilograms or a throw-weight greater than 4350 kilograms.

40. (110) The term "heavy SLBM" means an SLBM of a type, any one of which has a launch weight greater than 106,000 kilograms or a throw-weight greater than 4350 kilograms.

41. (3) The term "ICBM base" means:

(a) for rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs, an area in which a rail garrison and one associated maintenance facility are located. Such a maintenance facility may be located either within or outside the rail garrison;

(b) for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs, an area in which one or more restricted areas and one associated maintenance facility are located;

(c) for silo launchers of ICBMs, an area in which one or more groups of silo launchers of ICBMs and one associated maintenance facility are located.

42. (115) The term "ICBM emplacement equipment" means equipment used to install an ICBM into a silo launchers of ICBMs.

43. (38) The term "ICBM for mobile launchers of ICBMs" means an ICBM of a type, any one of which has been contained on, or flight-tested from, a mobile launcher of ICBMs, or has been declared an ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs.

44. (79) The term "ICBM launcher" means a device intended or used to contain, prepare for launch, and launch an ICBM.

45. (42) The term "ICBM loading facility" means a facility, outside an ICBM base and outside a test range, where ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs are loaded onto or unloaded from mobile launchers of ICBMs.

46. (39) The term "ICBM or SLBM the final stage of which executes a procedure for dispensing reentry vehicles" means an ICBM or SLBM of a type, any one of which has been flight-tested with more than one reentry vehicle and has executed a procedure for dispensing reentry vehicles during that flight test using a final stage engine; or an ICBM or SLBM that has released during a flight test of that missile a reentry vehicle or a penetration aid prior to termination of main engine thrust of the final stage and is an ICBM or SLBM of a type, any one of which has been flight-tested with more than one reentry vehicle.

47. (37) The term "in-country escort" means a group of individuals designated by the inspected Party to accompany and assist inspectors, monitors, and aircrew members throughout the in-country period, as provided for in the Inspection Protocol.

48. (71) The term "in-country period" means the period of time from the arrival of the inspection team, monitors, or aircrew members at the point of entry until their departure from the country through the point of entry.

49. (24) The term "inspected Party" means the Party to the Treaty whose facilities and locations are subject to inspection or continuous monitoring pursuant to Article XI of the Treaty.

50. (25) The term "inspecting Party" means the Party to the Treaty that conducts inspections or continuous monitoring activities.

51. (44) The term "inspection site" means a facility or location at which inspections may be conducted in accordance with the Inspection Protocol.

52. (27) The term "inspection team" means the group of inspectors assigned by the inspecting Party to conduct a particular inspection.

53. (26) The term "inspector" means an individual specified by one of the Parties to conduct inspections and included on that Party's list of inspectors.

54. (40) The term "intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)" means a land-based ballistic missile with a range in excess of 5,500 kilometers.

55. (16) The term "jamming" means, for telemetric information broadcast from a missile, creating interference on frequencies used for broadcasting such information.

56. (96) The term "launch-associated railcar" means a railcar that is directly associated with a rail-mobile launcher of ICBMs and that together with it provides for the preparation for launch and launch of a missile.

57. (83) The term "launch canister" means a container, directly associated with an ICBM, that can be or has been used for transporting and storing an assembled ICBM, with or without its front section, and from which an ICBM can be or has been launched.

58. (102) The term "launch weight" means the maximum weight of a fully loaded ICBM or SLBM at the time of first stage ignition, demonstrated during flight tests of ICBMs or SLBMs of that type.

59. (32) The term "long-range ALCM" means an ALCM with a range in excess of 600 kilometers.

60. (58) The term "long-range non-nuclear ALCM" means a long-range ALCM that is not nuclear-armed.

61. (123) The term "long-range nuclear ALCM" means a long-range ALCM that is nuclear-armed.

62. (61) The term "maintenance facility" means a facility that is part of an ICBM base and at which ICBMs and ICBM launchers are maintained and their operation is supported.

63. (72) The term "missile tender" means a naval ship that is used for storing, transporting, and loading SLBMs into SLBM launches.

64. (49) The term "mobile launcher of ICBMs" means a road-mobile launcher of ICBMs or a rail-mobile launcher of ICBMs.

65. (50) The term "mobile training launcher" means a full-scale model of a mobile launcher of ICBMs that is not capable of launching an ICBM.

66. (52) The term "monitor" means an individual specified by one of the Parties to conduct continuous monitoring activities and included on that Party's list of monitors.

67. (51) The term "monitored facility" means a facility at which continuous monitoring has commenced.

68. (19) The term "monitoring team" means the group of monitors specified by the inspecting Party to conduct continuous monitoring activities .

69. (59) The term "new type" means, for ICBMs or SLBMs, a type of ICBM or SLBM, the technical characteristics of which differ from those of an ICBM or SLBM, respectively, of each type declared previously in at least one of the following respects:

(a) number of stages;

(b) type of propellant of any stage;

(c) launch weight, by ten percent or more;

(d) length of either the assembled missile without front section, or length of the first stage, by ten percent or more; [RF MOU Annex F] [US MOU Annex F]

(e) diameter of the first stage, by five percent or more; or

(f) throw-weight, by an increase of 21 percent or more [Throw-weight Protocol, I.5] [Agreed State 34], in conjunction with

a change in the length of the first stage by five percent or more.

70. (55) The term "non-deployed ICBM" means an ICBM not contained, and not considered to be contained, in a deployed launcher of ICBMs.

71. (56) The term "non-deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs" means a mobile test launcher, or a mobile launcher of ICBMs at a space launch facility, or a mobile launcher of ICBMs that does not contain, and that is not considered to contain, an ICBM.

72. (54) The term "non-deployed SLBM" means an SLBM not contained, and not considered to be contained, in a deployed launcher of SLBMs.

73. (57) The term "non-modern heavy bomber" means a heavy bomber of a type, any one of which was initially based at an air base more than ten years earlier.

74. (124) The term "nuclear armaments other than long-range nuclear ALCMs" means, for heavy bombers, nuclear air-to-surface missiles with a range of less than 600 kilometers and nuclear bombs.

75. (77) The term "parking site" means a location, within a rail garrison, at which deployed rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs are based and fixed structures for rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs may be located.

76. (73) The term "payload" means, for a stage, all that separates from that stage, excluding the front section shroud and the propellant burned by that stage, beginning at the time when the velocity of the final stage is equal to 1,000 meters per second less than its velocity at the time of termination of main engine thrust of the final stage or at the time of the first release of a reentry vehicle or penetration aid, whichever occurs earlier.

77. (97) The term "perimeter and portal continuous monitoring system" means the physical barriers, buildings, and equipment along the perimeter, at the portal, and at the other exits of a monitored facility, that may be established, operated, and maintained by the monitors for purposes of continuous monitoring of such a facility.

78. (93) The term "perimeter continuous monitoring area" means the space within which the inspecting Party has the right to establish, operate, and maintain a perimeter and portal continuous monitoring system and to carry out continuous monitoring.

79. (70) The term "period of inspection" means the period of time from completion of the pre-inspection procedures until the commencement of post-inspection procedures.

80. (66) The term "procedure for dispensing reentry vehicles" means a maneuver of the self-contained dispensing mechanism or of the final stage of a missile, associated with targeting to an aim point and releasing one or more reentry vehicles, whether or not a reentry vehicle was actually released.

81. (75) The term "produce" means build, construct, or manufacture in any quantity, and includes serial production as well as one-of-a-kind manufacturing.

82. (62) The term "production facility" means:

(a) for ICBMs or SLBMs, a facility at which:

(i) ICBMs that are maintained, stored, and transported as assembled missiles in their launch canisters, are assembled, including the joining of all stages and the loading of such missiles into launch canisters;

(ii) ICBMs or SLBMs that are maintained, stored, and transported as assembled missiles without launch canisters, are assembled, including the joining of two or more stages;

(iii) first stages of ICBMs or SLBMs that are maintained, stored, and transported in stages are assembled;

(b) for ballistic missile submarines, a facility at which construction of ballistic missile submarines is performed;

(c) for mobile launchers of ICBMs, a facility at which the erector-launcher mechanism of a mobile launcher of ICBMs is mounted on the self-propelled chassis, trailer chassis, railcar, or flatcar;

(d) for heavy bombers or former heavy bombers, a facility at which assembly of a complete heavy bomber airframe or complete former heavy bomber airframe is performed.

83. (76) The term "prototype" means, for ICBMs or SLBMs, an ICBM or SLBM of a new type, none of which has been attributed with warheads or accountable throw-weight, no more than 20 of which have been flight-tested, and no launchers of which have been deployed.

84. (23) The term "rail garrison" means an area in which one or more parking sites are located and an associated maintenance facility may be located.

85. (22) The term "rail-mobile launcher of ICBMs" means an erector-launcher mechanism for launching ICBMs and the railcar or flatcar on which it is mounted.

86. (20) The term "range" means:

(a) for an ALCM, the maximum distance that can be covered by an ALCM of that type in its standard design mode flying until fuel exhaustion, determined by projecting its flight path onto the Earth's sphere from the point of launch to the point of impact;

(b) for a ballistic missile, the maximum distance measured by projecting the flight trajectory on the Earth's sphere between the launch point of a missile of that type, and the point of impact of a reentry vehicle;

(c) for an aircraft, the maximum distance that can be flown, without refueling, by an aircraft of that type when carrying an ordnance load of 7500 kilograms, with a full fuel load in the internal and external fuel tanks and a flight profile optimized to ensure minimum fuel consumption per kilometer. In this connection, the fuel remaining in the fuel tanks after landing shall be no more than five percent of the maximum capacity of the fuel tanks, and the distance covered during climb and descent shall be taken into account.

87. (98) The term "rapid reload" means reloading a silo launchers of ICBMs in less than 12 hours or a mobile launcher of ICBMs in less than four hours after a missile has been launched or removed from such a launcher.

88. (8) The term "reentry vehicle" means that part of the front section, that can survive reentry through the dense layers of the Earth's atmosphere and that is designed for delivering a weapon to a target or for testing such a delivery.

89. (69) The term "relocation" means the one-way movement of a deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs and its associated missile from one declared facility to another declared facility, or from any location following the completion of a dispersal to a declared facility, or from any location during a routine movement to a declared facility other than to the maintenance facility associated with that restricted area or that rail garrison.

90. (47) The term "repair facility" means:

(a) for ICBMs or SLBMs, a specified facility, outside an ICBM base or a submarine base, for the repair or maintenance of ICBMs or SLBMs;

(b) for mobile launchers of ICBMs, a specified facility, outside an ICBM base, for the repair or maintenance of mobile launchers of ICBMs;

(c) for heavy bombers or former heavy bombers, a specified facility, outside an air base, for the repair or maintenance of heavy bombers or former heavy bombers.

91. (67) The term "residual propellant" means, when determining the maximum calculated throw-weight of an ICBM or an SLBM, the unusable propellant of a stage and the propellant of a stage reserved for off-nominal missile technical characteristics and missile flight conditions, expressed as a percentage of the total propellant mass of that stage.

92. (65) The term "restricted area" means an area within a deployment area, limited in size, in which deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles are based and in which fixed structures for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs may be located.

93. (99) The term "retired type" means, for ICBMs or SLBMs, a type of ICBM or SLBM, any one of which was deployed when the Treaty entered into force, but none of which are currently deployed due to the conversion or elimination of all launchers of ICBMs or SLBMs of the same type of ICBM or SLBM other than test launchers and launchers at space launch facilities.

94. (18) The term "road-mobile launcher of ICBMs" means an erector-launcher mechanism for launching ICBMs and the self-propelled or trailer chassis on which it is mounted.

95. (64) The term "routine movement" means the movement of a deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs and its associated missile for the purpose of training, maintenance, or testing that begins and ends at the same restricted area or rail garrison and does not involve movement to any other declared facility except movement to the maintenance facility associated with that restricted area or that rail garrison.

96. (2) The term "self-contained dispensing mechanism" means a device that separates from the final stage of a missile together with the front section, and that independently targets and releases the reentry vehicle or reentry vehicles and penetration aids.

97. (120) The term "silo launcher of ICBMs" means a fixed launcher of ICBMs in a silo structure located in the ground.

98. (121) The term "silo training launcher" means a full-scale silo launcher specified for training purposes.

99. (119) The term "silo used as a launch control center" means a silo, other than a silo launcher of ICBMs, that is located at an ICBM base and that is used to control the launch of an ICBM.

100. (78) The term "SLBM launcher" means a device intended or used to contain, prepare for launch, and launch an SLBM.

101. (41) The term "SLBM loading facility" means a shore-based facility, outside a submarine base, where SLBMs are loaded onto or unloaded from ballistic missile submarines.

102. (80) The term "soft-site launcher" means any land-based fixed launcher of ICBMs or SLBMs other than a silo launcher.

103. (107) The term"solid rocket motor" means that part of a stage that consists of the case filled with solid fuel.

104. (43) The term "space launch facility" means a specified facility from which objects are delivered into the upper atmosphere or space using ICBMs or SLBMs.

105. (106) The term "stage" means, for ICBMs or SLBMs, a section of a missile that is equipped with a propulsion unit and that can provide its payload with an additional velocity of more than 1,000 meters per second.

106. (31) The term "storage crane" means a floating crane that is used to store, transport, and load or unload SLBMs.

107. (48) The term "storage facility" means:

(a)for ICBMs or SLBMs, a specified facility, outside an ICBM base, a submarine base, a test range, or a space launch facility, for the storage of ICBMs or SLBMs;

(b) for mobile launcher of ICBMs, a specified facility, outside an ICBM base a test range, or a space launch facility, for the storage of mobile launchers of ICBMs;

(c) for heavy bombers or former heavy bombers, a specified facility, outside an air base, for the storage of heavy bombers or former heavy bombers.

108. (4) The term "submarine base" means a facility at which ballistic missile submarines are based [RF MOU Annex B] [US MOU Annex B] and that provides shore-based support for such submarines, which may include the assembly, loading, maintenance, and storage of SLBMs, unless otherwise provided for in the Treaty.

109. (7) The term "submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM)" means a ballistic missile with a range in excess of 600 kilometers of a type, any one of which has been contained in or launched from a submarine.

110. (15) The term "support equipment" means vehicles and mobile or transportable equipment used to support the operation of an ICBM or SLBM.

111. (108) The term "telemetric information" means information that originates on board a missile during its flight tests that is broadcast or recorded for subsequent recovery.

112. (81) The term "test launcher" means an ICBM launcher or an SLBM launcher located within a test range, unless otherwise provided for in the Treaty.

113. (28) The term "test range" means a designated land area, other than an ICBM base, from which launches of ICBMs or SLBMs are conducted.

114. (100) The term "train of standard configuration" means a train consisting of a specified number of rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs and launch-associated railcars. [RF MOU Annex F]

115. (45) The term "training facility" means:

(a) for ICBMs or SLBMs, a specified facility, outside an ICBM base, or a submarine base, at which personnel are trained to use, operate, or maintain ICBMs or SLBMs and their launchers;

(b) for heavy bombers, a facility where training heavy bombers are based.

116. (114) The term "training heavy bomber" means a heavy bomber used for training that is not equipped for nuclear armaments or non-nuclear air-to-surface armaments, and that satisfies the requirements for conversion in accordance with the Protocol on Conversion or Elimination.

117. (82) The term "training launcher" means a silo training launcher or a mobile training launcher.

118. (116) The term "training model of a missile" means a full-scale, inert model of an ICBM or SLBM that is not capable of being launched and that differs from an ICBM or SLBM on the basis of external and functional differences that are visible during inspection.

119. (74) The term "transit" means the one-way movement from one facility or location to another facility or another location of:

(a) a non-deployed ICBM, other than an ICBM of a retired or former type;

(b) a non-deployed SLBM, other than an SLBM of a retired or former type;

(c) a launch canister that remains after the flight test of an ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs; or

(d) a non-deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs.

120. (109) The term "transporter-loader" means a vehicle that is capable of transporting an assembled ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs and from which such an ICBM can be loaded directly onto a mobile launcher of ICBMs, or onto which such an ICBM can be unloaded directly from a mobile launcher of ICBMs, outside facilities where non-deployed ICBMs may be located.

121. (14) The term "variant" means:

(a) for heavy bombers, a classification, declared by the inspected Party, of airplanes of one type and one category that are distinguishable from other airplanes of the same type and the same category;

(b) for long-range nuclear ALCMs, a classification, declared by the inspected Party, of items of the same type that are distinguishable from other items of the same type;

(c) for ICBMs and SLBMs, a classification, declared by the inspected Party, of ICBMs or SLBMs of the same type that are distinguishable from other ICBMs or SLBMs of the same type.

122. (92) The term "version" means, for mobile launchers of ICBMs, fixed structures for mobile launchers of ICBMs, and support equipment, a classification, declared by the inspected Party, based on external differences from other such items for a particular type of ICBM or SLBM.

123. (9) The term "warhead" means a unit of account used for counting toward the 6000 maximum aggregate limit and relevant sublimits as applied to deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers.

124. (101) The term "weapon-delivery vehicle" means, for ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, a missile of a type, any one of which has been flight-tested or deployed to carry or be used as a weapon, that is, as any mechanism or device that, when directed against any target, is designed to damage or destroy it.