Decree: "Decree of the RF Government, 13 January 1995, No. 34: `First-Priority Projects to Develop and Introduce a State System for Records-Keeping and Control of Nuclear Materials for 1995'" In execution of Edict of the president of the Russian Federation, dated 15 September 1994, entitled "First-Priority Measures to Improve the System of Records-Keeping and the SafeKeeping of Nuclear Materials," the Government of the Russian Republic decrees: 1. To approve the list of first-priority projects to develop and introduce a state system of records-keeping and control of nuclear materials for 1995, which list was developed by the RF Federal Oversight of Nuclear and Radiation Safety and RF Ministry of Atomic Energy and coordinated with RF Ministry of Defense, RF Ministry of Economics, RF Ministry of Science and Technology Policy, RF Ministry of Finance, RF State Committee on the Defense Branches of Industry, RF Ministry of Internal Affairs, RF State Customs Committee, RF Federal Counterintelligence Service, and the RF Federal Border Service, as per the appendix. 2. To approve the RF Federal Oversight of Nuclear and Radiation Safety as the state customer with regard to the execution of the first-priority projects to develop and introduce a state system of records-keeping and control of nuclear materials for 1995. 3. RF Ministry of Science and Technology Policy and the RF Federal Oversight of Nuclear and Radiation Safety, jointly with RF Ministry of Atomic Energy, RF Ministry of Defense, RF Committee on the Defense Branches of Industry, RF Ministry of Internal Affairs, RF Federal Counterintelligence Service, RF State Customs Service, and the RF Federal Border Service, are to allocate, within a one-month period, the appropriation volumes necessary to carry out the first-priority projects to develop and introduce a state system for records-keeping and control of nuclear materials for 1995 within the limits of the funds stipulated by the federal budget for carrying out fundamental research and for promoting scientific-technical progress in 1995. RF Federal Oversight of Nuclear and Radiation Safety is to conclude state contracts for the execution of these projects in conformity with the allocated appropriations, and RF Ministry of Finance is to guarantee their priority financing. If necessary, RF Ministry of Science and Technology Policy, jointly with RF Ministry of Finance, is to submit to the RF Government, within a two-month period, recommendations for locating additional funds to finance the indicated projects. [Signed] V. Chernomyrdin, chairman of the RF Government [Appendix] Approved by decree of the RF Government, 13 January 1995, No. 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |List of First-Priority Projects to Develop and Introduce a State System of R-| |ecords-Keeping and Control of Nuclear Materials for 1995 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Name of project |Deadline for execution o-|Project executor | | |f project | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Development of drafts of | |the following federal la-| |ws: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |"State Regulation of Nuc-|October |RF Gosatomnadzor [Federa-| |lear and Radiation Safet-| |l Oversight of Nuclear a-| |y" | |nd Radiation Safety], RF | | | |Minatom [Ministry of Ato-| | | |mic Energy], RF Minoboro-| | | |ny [Ministry of Defense],| | | | RF Goskomoboronprom [St-| | | |ate Committee on the Def-| | | |ense Branches of Industr-| | | |y] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |"Compensation of Nuclear |June |RF Gosatomnadzor, Rosstr-| |Damages and Nuclear Insu-| |akhnadzor [RF Federal Se-| |rance" | |rvice for Oversight of I-| | | |nsurance Activities], RF | | | |Minatom, RF Minoborony, | | | |RF Goskomoboronprom | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Development of the conce-|June |RF Gosatomnadzor, RF Min-| |pt and principles govern-| |atom, RF Minoborony, RF | |ing the state system of | |Goskomoboronprom, RF MVD | |records-keeping and cont-| |[Ministry of Internal Af-| |rol of nuclear materials | |fairs] | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Development of federal s-|September |RF Minatom, RF Gosatomna-| |pecial program for devel-| |dzor, RF Minoborony, RF | |oping and introducing th-| |Minekonomiki [Ministry o-| |e state system of record-| |f Economics], RF Minfin [| |s-keeping and control of | |Ministry of Finance] | |nuclear materials | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Development of departmen-|December |RF Minatom, RF Minoboron-| |tal technical-normative | |y, RF Goskomoboronprom, | |documents defining the p-| |RF MVD, RF Gosatomnadzor,| |rocedure for records-kee-| | RF FSK [Federal Counter-| |ping and control of nucl-| |intelligence Service] | |ear materials | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Analysis of the rate of |October |RF MID [Ministry of Fore-| |fulfillment of internati-| |ign Affairs, RF Gosatomn-| |onal agreements in the a-| |adzor, RF Minatom, RF Mi-| |rea of the nonproliferat-| |noborony, RF MVD, RF FSK,| |ion of nuclear weapons; | | RF SVR [Federal Foreign | |and the ppreparation of | |Intelligence Service] | |recommendations for deve-| | | |loping international coo-| | | |peration in this area | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Development of technical |December |RF Gosatomnadzor, RF Min-| |draft for the state info-| |atom, RF Minoborony, RF | |rmation system for recor-| |Goskomoboronprom | |ds-keeping of nuclear ma-| | | |terials | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Development of experimen-|December |RF Minatom, RF Minoboron-| |tal models of technical | |y, RF Goskomoboronprom, | |means for controlling nu-| |RF MVD, RF Gosatomnadzor,| |clear materials for tech-| | RF FSK, RF GTK [State T-| |nological processes, ins-| |ariff Committee], RF FPS | |pection services, and bo-| |[Federal Border Service] | |rder and customs control | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Development of recommend-|September |RF Gosatomnadzor, RF Min-| |ations for improving the | |ekonomiki, RF Minfin, RF | |structure of the inspect-| |Minatom, RF Goskomoboron-| |ion services of federal | |prom, RF MVD, RF FSK | |agencies of the executiv-| | | |e authority that are mon-| | | |itoring the activities i-| | | |n the handling of nuclea-| | | |r materials, radioactive | | | |substances, and articles | | | |based on them | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Development of the statu-|April |RF Gosatomnadzor, RF Min-| |te and structure of a me-| |atom, RF Minoborony, RF | |thodology-training cente-| |Goskomoboronprom, RF Min-| |r for training specialis-| |ekonomiki, RF Minfin, RF | |ts in the records-keepin-| |MVD, RF FSK. | |g and control of nuclear | | | |materials | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------