Decree No. 1298 of the Government of the Russian Federation, 11 October 1997, Moscow: "On Approving Regulations on Organizing the System of State Accounting and Control of Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes" In execution of Article 22 of the Federal Law "On Use of Atomic Energy," the Government of the Russian Federation hereby resolves: 1. To approve the attached Regulations "On Approving Regulations on Organizing the System of State Accounting and Control of Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes." 2. To designate the Russian Federation Ministry of Atomic Energy as the client for work associated with the creation and operation of the system of state accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes. 3. That the Russian Federation Ministry of Atomic Energy shall prepare a statute on state accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes, and approve it in the second quarter of 1998 in coordination with interested federal bodies of executive government and bodies of executive government of subjects of the Russian Federation. 4. That federal bodies of executive government, bodies of executive government of subjects of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Academy of Sciences exercising, within the limits of their power respectively, state management of the use of atomic energy and state regulation of safety in the use of atomic energy, and coordinating and monitoring activities associated with producing, using, salvaging, storing, burying, transporting, and carrying radioactive substances and radioactive wastes across the customs border of the Russian Federation in export and import operations, and the organizations carrying out these activities, shall implement measures supporting the creation, prior to 1 January 2001, and operation of the system of state accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes in accordance with the Regulations approved by this decree. Regulations on Organizing the System of State Accounting and Control of Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Wastes 1. These Regulations were written pursuant to the Federal Law "On the Use of Atomic Energy," and describe the procedure for organizing the system of state accounting and control of radioactive substances, including their use in radiation sources, and radioactive wastes (henceforth—the accounting and control system), binding on all legal entities regardless of form of ownership and organizational and legal form conducting activities associated with producing, using, salvaging, storing, burying, transporting, and carrying radioactive substances, including those used in radiation sources, and radioactive wastes (henceforth—radioactive substances and radioactive wastes), across the customs border of the Russian Federation in export and import operations, as well as on federal bodies of executive government, bodies of executive government of subjects of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Academy of Sciences exercising, respectively within the limits of their power, state management of the use of atomic energy and state regulation of safety in the use of atomic energy, and coordinating and monitoring these activities. 2. Concepts used in these Regulations shall have the following meanings: "Radioactive substances"—substances emitting ionizing radiation not classified as nuclear materials; "radiation sources"—complexes, devices, apparatus, equipment, and articles not classified as nuclear devices and containing radioactive substances or generating ionizing radiation; "radioactive wastes"—nuclear materials and radioactive substances for which further use is not foreseen. 3. The purpose of the accounting and control system shall be to determine quantities on hand, account for, and maintain control over radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the federal, regional, and departmental levels in order to prevent loss, unsanctioned use, and misappropriation, and in order to provide, by established procedure, the appropriate information on quantities on hand and movement of these substances and wastes and their export and import to bodies of state government, bodies of state management of the use of atomic energy, bodies of state regulation of nuclear, radiation, industrial, and fire safety associated with the use of atomic energy, and other interested federal bodies of executive government. 4. The accounting and control system shall include administrative bodies at the federal, regional, and departmental levels, information analysis organizations, and centers for the collection, processing, and transmission of information, the engineering and technical resources, and the legal standards regulating activities in this area. 5. Management bodies of the accounting and control system shall include: at the federal level—the Russian Federation Ministry of Atomic Energy; at the regional level—bodies of executive government of subjects of the Russian Federation; at the departmental level—federal bodies of executive government and the Russian Academy of Sciences possessing subordinated organizations conducting activities associated with producing, using, salvaging, transporting, storing, and burying radioactive substances and radioactive wastes. 6. The procedure for accounting for and controlling radioactive substances and radioactive wastes shall be regulated by a statute on state accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes approved by the Russian Federation Ministry of Atomic Energy in coordination with interested federal bodies of executive government and bodies of executive government of subjects of the Russian Federation. 7. Accounting and control shall be maintained over radioactive substances and radioactive wastes of quantities and radioactivity (and/or emitting ionizing radiation of intensity or energy) exceeding minimum values established by federal norms and regulations on use of atomic energy, and which require permission from bodies of state regulation of nuclear and radiation safety for activity associated with these substances and wastes. 8. The following shall be subject to accounting and control: at the federal level (in organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation)—radioactive substances and solid radioactive wastes; at the regional level (in organizations on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation)—radioactive substances, and solid and liquid radioactive wastes; at the departmental level (in organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation and subordinated to federal bodies of executive government and the Russian Academy of Sciences)—radioactive substances, and solid and liquid radioactive wastes. 9. Within the limits of its powers, the Russian Federation Ministry of Atomic Energy shall provide for: 1) accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the federal level; 2) preparation, jointly with interested federal bodies of executive government and bodies of executive government of subjects of the Russian Federation, and approval of the general specifications of the accounting and control system; 3) work associated with creation, operation, organizational support, and improvement of the accounting and control system, and with creation of interdepartmental councils (commissions) as necessary to coordinate activities in this area; 4) provision of information on quantities on hand and movement of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes and on their export and import to bodies of executive government, to federal bodies of executive government exercising state management over the use of atomic energy and state regulation of safety in use of atomic energy, to the Russian Federation Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies, and Natural Disasters, to the Russian Federation Federal Security Service, to the Russian Federation State Committee for Protection of the Environment, and to other interested federal bodies of executive government, in a volume necessary for exercise of their powers; 5) collection and analysis of information associated with accounting for and controlling radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the regional and departmental levels; 6) preparation, jointly with interested federal bodies of executive government, of federal rules and regulations on accounting for and controlling radioactive substances and radioactive wastes approved by procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation; 7) conduct of scientific, organizational, and technical research concerned with the creation, operation, and improvement of the accounting and control system at the federal, regional, and departmental levels; 8) coordination of the work of federal bodies of executive government in preparing legal standards concerned with accounting for and controlling radioactive substances and radioactive wastes; 9) the activity of information analysis organizations and information collection, processing, and transmission centers supporting operation of the accounting and control system at the federal level; 10) development and approval, by established procedure, of standard forms to be used in accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the federal, regional, and departmental levels. 10. Within the limits of their powers, federal bodies of executive government and the Russian Academy of Sciences possessing subordinate organizations conducting activities associated with producing, using, salvaging, transporting, storing, and burying radioactive substances and radioactive wastes shall provide for: 1) accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the department level; 2) preparation and approval, by established procedure, of departmental legal standards concerned with accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the departmental level; 3) the activity of information analysis organizations and information collection, processing, and transmission centers supporting the operation of the accounting and control system at the departmental level; 4) provision of information on accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the departmental level to information analysis organizations and information collection, processing, and transmission centers supporting the operation of the accounting and control system at the federal and regional levels; 5) participation in scientific, organizational, and technical research concerned with the creation, operation, and improvement of the accounting and control system; 6) training of specialists to account for and control radioactive substances and radioactive wastes. 11. Within the limits of their powers, bodies of executive government of subjects of the Russian Federation shall provide for: 1) accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the regional level in organizations located on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation and conducting activities associated with producing, using, salvaging, transporting, storing, and burying radioactive substances and radioactive wastes (besides organizations subordinate to federal bodies of executive government and the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the "Kurchatov Institute Russian Scientific Center" Russian Federation State Scientific Center); 2) the activity of information analysis organizations and information collection, processing, and transmission centers supporting operation of the accounting and control system at the regional level; 3) provision of information on accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes to organizations located on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation (besides organizations subordinated to federal bodies of executive government and the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the "Kurchatov Institute Russian Scientific Center" Russian Federation State Scientific Center) to information analysis organizations and information collection, processing, and transmission centers supporting the operation of the accounting and control system at the federal level; 4) participation in preparation of legal standards on accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes. 12. Regardless of form of ownership and organizational and legal form, organizations conducting activities associated with producing, using, salvaging, transporting, storing, and burying radioactive substances and radioactive wastes shall account for and maintain control over them and submit the information they obtain to information analysis organizations and information collection, processing, and transmission centers supporting the operation of the accounting and control system at the departmental (in the case of departmentally subordinated organizations) and regional levels. The "Kurchatov Institute Russian Scientific Center" Russian Federation State Scientific Center shall provide this information directly to information analysis organizations and to information collection, processing, and control centers supporting the operation of the accounting and control system at the federal level. 13. Upon export and import of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes, within the limits of its powers the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation shall provide for their accounting and control as they cross the customs border of the Russian Federation, and submit the information they obtain to information analysis organizations and to information collection, processing, and transmission centers supporting the operation of the accounting and control system at the federal level. 14. Within the limits of their powers the Russian Federal Inspectorate for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, the Russian Federal Mining and Industrial Inspectorate, and the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs shall maintain state regulation of nuclear, radiation, industrial, and fire safety in operations of the accounting and control system. 15. Within the limits of their powers the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Federation Federal Security Service shall conduct the corresponding activity to reveal, prevent, stop, and investigate unlawful actions radioactive substances and radioactive wastes. 16. The volume of information on quantities on hand and movement of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes provided to organizations, including public organizations, and citizens and the procedure of such provision shall be determined by legislation of the Russian Federation. 17. The following shall be required in creating the accounting and control system: 1) accounting for the peculiarities of the production procedures of organizations producing, using, salvaging, transporting, storing, and burying radioactive substances and radioactive wastes, and utilizing existing mechanisms of accounting and control, as well as methods and technical resources for measuring the characteristics of these substances and wastes; 2) foreseeing a method of operation of the accounting and control system under which the failure of any of its elements would not disturb the work of the accounting and control system as a whole; 3) foreseeing limited access to storage media containing information on accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes at the federal, regional, and departmental levels; 4) providing for the development and use of state-of-the-art scientific and technical methods for determining the characteristics of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes; 5) implementing measures to furnish information analysis organizations and information collection, processing, and transmission centers supporting the operation of the accounting and control system at different levels with computer equipment based on state-of-the-art computer technology and with the corresponding software, and organizations producing, using, salvaging, transporting, storing, and burying radioactive substances and radioactive wastes with the necessary technical resources and equipment with which to measure the characteristics of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes; 6) foreseeing the creation of organizational training centers training specialists to account for and control radioactive substances and radioactive wastes; 7) providing for an initial inventory in organizations producing, using, salvaging, transporting, storing, and burying radioactive substances and radioactive wastes with the purpose of determining quantities on hand and radioactivity characteristics of these substances and wastes; 8) foreseeing a possibility for cooperation under international agreements and programs (projects). 18. The accounting and control system shall be placed in service in stages depending on the potential radiation danger of the radioactive substances and radioactive wastes subject to accounting and control. [Signed] Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. Chernomyrdin