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Al Qaim / Al Quaim
34°22'N 41°07'E

Al Qaim, located 380 km WNW of Baghdad, engaged in the production of yellow cake (refined uranium ore) from 1984 to 1990. All of the yellow cake used by nuclear program allegedly came from this site. Ore was supplied to the facility by both Iraqi and foreign sources.

Al Qaim Superphosphate Fertilizer Plant, Iraq

Al Qaim Superphosphate Fertilizer Plant, Iraq

Al Qaim Superphosphate Fertilizer Plant, Iraq

Al Qaim Superphosphate Fertilizer Plant, Iraq

Al Qaim Superphosphate Fertilizer Plant, Iraq

Al Qaim Superphosphate Fertilizer Plant, Iraq

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Updated Monday, October 09, 2000 7:47:23 PM