Abu Zaabal Company for Engineering Industries (Factory 100)
P.O. Box: 5888 Heliopolis West, Cairo
Tel: 20-2-469-5222/5333 & Fax: 20-2-469-1228/5333
Telex: 22595 UN
This military factory is affiliated with the Ministry of Military Production. Military products include explosives powder, industrial explosives, and dynamite. This facility produces automatic guns and artillery pieces up to 203mm caliber. Projects include the 23mm Nile 23 and Sinai 23 air-defense gun vehicle, and manufacture of 105mm guns for upgrading T-55 tanks. It also produces the Ramadan 23 indigenous 23mm weapon system , which combines a pair of ZU 23mm fire units with a Contraves Gun King laser/computer firing system. Civilian products include paints, inks, varnish, beauty products, potassium chlorate, and anesthetic ether.
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Updated Saturday, October 02, 1999 6:26:31 PM