

vvvvv The Protocol on Notifications (the Protocol) consists of a Preamble and ten Sections. Pursuant to Article VIII of the Treaty, the Protocol sets forth the requirements for notifications of certain activities involving strategic offensive arms (SOA) and their related facilities subject to the Treaty. The information contained in the notifications is designed to facilitate the understanding of these activities as they are detected by National Technical Means of Verification (NTM), and to assist in the preparations for on-site inspections. The Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers (NRRC) are responsible for the transmission and receipt of these notifications.

vvvvvIn addition to the notifications in the Protocol, additional notifications relating to inspections and continuous monitoring are specified in Section III of the Inspection Protocol.

vvvvvEach of the Sections of the Protocol corresponds to one of the subparagraphs of paragraph 3 of Article VIII of the Treaty. Section I specifies the requirements for notifications concerning data with respect to items subject to the limitations provided for in the Treaty, according to data categories in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and corresponds to subparagraph 3(a) of Article VIII. Section II specifies the requirements for notifications concerning movements of items subject to the limitations provided for in the Treaty, and corresponds to subparagraph 3(b) of Article VIII. Section III specifies the requirements for notifications concerning data on ICBM and SLBM throw-weight in connection with the Throw-Weight Protocol, and corresponds to subparagraph 3(c) of Article VIII. Section IV specifies the requirements for notifications concerning conversion or elimination of items subject to the limitations provided for in the Treaty and elimination of facilities subject to the Treaty, and corresponds to subparagraph 3(d) of Article VIII. Section V specifies the requirements for notifications concerning cooperative measures to enhance the effectiveness of national technical means of verification and corresponds to subparagraph 3(e) of Article VIII. Section VI specifies the requirements for notifications concerning flight tests of ICBMs or SLBMs and for notifications concerning telemetric information, and corresponds to subparagraph 3(f) of Article VIII. Section VII specifies the requirements for notifications concerning strategic offensive arms of new types and new kinds, and corresponds to subparagraph 3(g) of Article VIII. Section VIII specifies the requirements for notifications concerning changes in the content of information provided in other notifications, and corresponds to subparagraph 3(h) of Article VIII. Section IX specifies the requirements for notifications concerning inspections and continuous monitoring, and corresponds to subparagraph 3(i) of Article VIII. Section X specifies the requirements for notifications concerning operational dispersals, and corresponds to subparagraph 3(j) of Article VIII.

vvvvv The obligation to provide notifications may be suspended during an operational dispersal pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article XIV of the Treaty. However, as stipulated in that paragraph, the separate obligations of the Agreement on Ballistic Missile Launch Notification are not suspended during an operational dispersal. In addition, if conversions or eliminations continue during an operational dispersal, the relevant notifications from Section IV of this Protocol must be given.


vvvvv The Preamble states that the Parties have agreed upon provisions that establish the procedures for, and the content of, the notifications provided for in Article VIII of the Treaty.


bbbbbSection I consists of 18 so-called paragraphs (these are not strictly paragraphs in the grammatical sense but are referenced as paragraphs throughout the Treaty.) This Section sets forth the obligation of each Party to provide to the other Party notifications concerning data with respect to items for which data are contained in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and in other agreed categories of data.

vvvvv Paragraph 1 of Section I requires that each Party provide its data current as of the date of entry into force (EIF) of the Treaty for each category of data contained in the MOU, and each Party must provide that data no later than 30 days after entry into force of the Treaty. This is the initial update of the MOU data and is provided only once. In essence, all the MOU data must be revised, as necessary, to provide data accurate as of the date of EIF. Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article VIII of the Treaty, the MOU updates will be transmitted through the Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers.

vvvvv Paragraph 2 of Section I requires that each Party provide its updated data for each category of data contained in the MOU no later than 30 days after the expiration of each six-month period following EIF. The first of these six-month periods begins the first day of the calendar month following the month of EIF. Data accurate as of the expiration of the preceding six-month period must be provided.

vvvvv Geographic coordinates are not provided as part of the notifications in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Section I. Such coordinates must be provided if required; they may be transmitted and handled separately. Geographic coordinates are provided as part of the more numerous notifications in paragraph 3 of Section I.

vvvvv Paragraph 3 of Section I requires that notification of an event be provided no later than five days after the occurrence of the event if such an event results in a change in data in the MOU or in other agreed categories of data. This paragraph also exempts a Party from providing such a notification if notification of the data change has been provided in accordance with another paragraph of the Protocol. The information provided in the notification of paragraph 3 is to be sufficient for the receiving Party to make all the requisite changes in the relevant MOU categories. The Twenty-first Agreed Statement makes it clear that a Party need provide only one notification for a given event, although there may be a large number of data categories affected and although the event may fall under several different paragraphs of the Protocol. The information that must be provided in the notification of the event includes the change in data, by number, and, as applicable, type, category, variant, and version of the items; the location of the items; the date on which such a change occurred; and, for ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs, the data from the unique identifier. In addition, the geographic coordinates must be specified for the location that relates to the occurrence of the event. Some events require additional information as specified in the subparagraphs:

Subparagraph (a) requires that, in the event of the loss of an item accountable under the terms of the Treaty as the result of an accident, the Party experiencing the loss provide the approximate or assumed location and assumed date of the accidental loss and the circumstances of the loss, if such circumstances are known.

Similarly, subparagraph (b) requires that for disablement beyond repair of an item accountable under the provisions of the Treaty, the circumstances of the disablement be described.

Subparagraph (c) covers the special requirements for the notification of the elimination of a silo launcher of ICBMs, silo training launcher, silo test launcher, or soft site launcher at which grading of the site is not to be performed. Paragraph 8 of Section II of the Conversion or Elimination Protocol requires that a notification of elimination be provided in accordance with paragraph 4 of Section IV of this Protocol if grading was performed as part of the elimination process. If grading was not performed, then notification of completion is to be given in accordance with this subparagraph, where the date specified is the date of completion of the elimination process.

Subparagraph (d) is an affirmation by the notifying Party that it will abide by its obligation to provide site diagrams for new facilities, and photographs of new items, pursuant to Annex J to the MOU, through diplomatic channels no later than 48 hours after the notification of an event provided for in this paragraph that involves new facilities or new items.

Subparagraph (e) requires the notifying Party to specify the date and location for technical characteristics exhibitions conducted pursuant to paragraph 11 of Article XI of the Treaty for new variants of ICBMs and SLBMs and new versions of mobile launchers of ICBMs. The date for the exhibition may be no earlier than 15 days after the notification has been provided in order to allow the other Party sufficient time to form and dispatch an inspection team. The exhibition must be conducted no later than 30 days after the notification has been provided.

vvvvv Paragraph 4 of 1.4 Section I requires that notification be provided no less than 30 days in advance of the completion of a reduction in the number of warheads attributed to ICBMs at an ICBM base or to SLBMs on ballistic missile submarines at submarine bases. This so-called downloading" of reentry vehicles must be done for ICBMs on a base-by-base basis and for SLBMs on an ocean-by-ocean basis pursuant to subparagraphs 5(c)(iv) and 5(c)(v) of Article III of the Treaty, respectively. Paragraph 5 of Article III provides the specific limits on downloading and details other restrictions on downloading deployed ICBMs or deployed SLBMs of an existing type. The planned date on which the reduced number of warheads is to be attributed must be given. Because there is a prohibition on attributing different warhead loads to deployed missiles of the same type at a given base, the date for the attribution of a different number of warheads must be the date the final missile with the reduced number of warheads is deployed. By the time of the planned date, all other missiles at that base that previously had been attributed with a larger number of warheads must have been similarly downloaded, removed, or placed in non-deployed status.

vvvvv Paragraph 5 of Section I is a confidence building measure that requires each Party to provide an annual notification of planned (but non-binding) changes in the number of listed deployed strategic offensive arms during that year and the manner in which those changes are planned. This notification implements an agreement reached by President Bush and President Gorbachev at the June 1990 Summit. This notification provides the receiving Party an opportunity to assess how the notifying Party is drawing down its inventory of strategic offensive arms towards the central limits of the Treaty during the first seven years after entry into force, and it also assists a Party in monitoring the strategic force activities of the other Party after the reductions have been completed. If the expected number of deployed strategic offensive arms of any type will be greater at the end of a year than the earlier planned number specified in the notification, a corrected notification of the larger figure must be provided no less than 30 days in advance of the change in activities that would result in the planned number being exceeded. Although this provision does not address the point, where such a change in activities is not something that can be anticipated (e.g., a fire at a conversion or elimination facility), the Party would give notice as soon as possible.

bbbbb Paragraph 6 of Section I provides a mechanism for a Party receiving data on locations of facilities that are considered by that Party to have the same appearance, to request clarification or more precise geographic coordinates. This notification and the subsequent one implement paragraphs 2 and 3 of Annex J to the Memorandum of Understanding which, while specifying coordinates be given to the nearest minute, include provisions requiring additional clarifications in cases where two facilities or locations have the same appearance and the same geographic coordinates within the one minute of precision that is otherwise required.

vvvvv Paragraph 7 of Section I is the response that must be given to a request for clarification regarding locations of facilities that are considered to have the same appearance. The requested Party must either provide sufficient information for the other Party to differentiate between the specified locations, for example, by giving detailed descriptions of each facility, or provide the geographic coordinates of the locations with sufficient accuracy as is appropriate to that location so that it can be distinguished from other locations (e.g., to express a location in seconds, but not necessarily to the nearest second).

vvvvv Paragraph 8 of Section I requires notification of the transfer of items to or from a third State in accordance with a pattern of cooperation existing at the time of signature of the Treaty, as referred to in Article XVI of the Treaty and the First Agreed Statement in the Annex to the Treaty on Agreed Statements. The only such pattern of cooperation is that between the United States and the United Kingdom. The number, type, date and location of the transfer must be provided. While not defined, items" means items listed in the Memorandum of Understanding.

bbbbb Paragraph 9 of Section I requires a notification of a new facility or of a change of MOU category of a facility no less than 30 days in advance of an activity, not previously declared, that is associated with listed strategic offensive arms. If the facility is a new production facility, notification may be required in accordance with paragraph 10 of this Section instead of paragraph 9.

bbbbb Paragraph 10 of Section I requires a 90-day advance notification of the location of a production facility at which production of ICBMs or SLBMs or first stages of ICBMs or SLBMs is planned. The 90-day lead time provides time for the receiving Party to prepare for the possibility of setting up a perimeter and portal continuous monitoring system (PPCMS) and establishing continuous monitoring activities (CMA). To assist such planning for PPCMS and CMA, if the production facility is a production facility for ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs or first stages of such ICBMs or if the ICBMs or SLBMs or first stages of the ICBMs or SLBMs that will be produced at the facility are as large as or larger than the smallest ICBM for mobile launchers of ICBMs, the notifying Party must affirm that, pursuant to Annex J to the MOU, the site diagram of the facility will be provided through diplomatic channels no later than 48 hours after the notification provided for in this paragraph. Site diagrams are required for facilities producing ICBMs or SLBMs as large or larger than the smallest ICBM for mobile launchers of ICBMs since such facilities are subject to mandatory suspect site inspection.

bbbbb Paragraph 11 of Section I requires the notification of the beginning of construction of a new silo launcher of ICBMs. The type of ICBM for the silo launcher, the name of the ICBM base, the geographic coordinates of the silo launcher of ICBMs under construction, and the date on which excavation began must be provided. Paragraph 6(c) of Article III of the Treaty specifies that such a silo launcher will begin to be subject to the limitations provided for in the Treaty when excavation and pouring concrete for the silo have been completed or 12 months after the date on which excavation began, whichever occurs earlier.

bbbbb The notification of Paragraph 12 of Section I provides a Party the opportunity, for a specified monitored facility, to be relieved of mobile missile production-related provisions of the Treaty for specific mobile missiles no longer in production if a notification of the cessation of production of ICBMs for mobile launchers of ICBMs or first stages of such ICBMs at that facility is provided. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Section XVI of the Inspection Protocol, continuous monitoring activities shall cease one year after this notification (but no sooner than May 31, 1995).

vvvvv Because the data from unique identifiers is not a category of data of the MOU, there must be another mechanism, besides a notification provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Section, for providing this data on mobile missiles existing at the time of entry into force of the Treaty. Paragraph 13 of Section I requires a Party to provide the data from the unique identifier for each ICBM for mobile launchers existing as of the date of EIF of the Treaty. In addition to the data from the unique identifiers, the locations of each such ICBM must be identified. If the ICBM for mobile launchers is in transit or relocation, its destination must be identified.

bbbbbParagraph 14 of Section I provides for a Party to declare that ICBMs or SLBMs of a type shall be considered to be ICBMs or SLBMs of a retired type. In so declaring, the type, number, and location for each such ICBM or SLBM must be provided. All launchers for the particular ICBM and SLBM, except those at test ranges, space launch facilities, and on special purpose submarines, must be eliminated before such a notification can be given.

bbbbb Because retired types of ICBMs or SLBMs are not included in data categories of the MOU, except for their technical characteristics, which, as required by Agreed Statement 37, are listed in Annex F of the MOU, maintenance of knowledge of a Party's inventory of retired types of missiles must occur in some way other than through MOU updates. Paragraph 15 of Section I is the required notification of the inventories of retired ICBMs and the location of each, by facility name, that begins three months after the notification that a type of mobile ICBM shall be considered to be retired and repeats each three-month period thereafter, for as long as the Party has such retired types. In the event that a Party has more than one type of retired ICBMs, the reporting of inventories of all types shall be done with a single notification.

bbbbb For ICBMs other than mobile ICBMs and for SLBMs of retired types, paragraph 16 of Section I requires that notification of inventories and location (although not by facility) of such missiles be provided beginning six months after the notification of retirement and at each six-month period thereafter for as long as the Party has such missiles. In the event that a Party has more than one type of such missiles, the reporting of inventories of all types shall be done with a single notification.

vvvvv Former types of ICBMs and SLBMs are not included in data categories of the MOU either, so maintenance of knowledge of a Party's inventory of former types of missiles must occur in some way other than through MOU updates. Paragraph 17 of Section I is the required initial notification of the inventory of each missile of former types and their location (although not by facility) at EIF, while paragraph 18 of Section I provides for the notification, for each six-month period following EIF of the Treaty, of updated inventory data for missiles of former types. The only former types of ICBMs and SLBMs are the U.S. Minuteman I and Polaris (A3); thus, this notification applies only to the United States.


bbbbb Section II consists of 17 paragraphs that set forth the obligation of each Party to provide to the other Party notifications concerning movement of items subject to the limitations provided for in the Treaty.

bbbbb Paragraph 1 of Section II is the notification of a transit, as defined in the Definitions Annex, required no later than 48 hours after completion of the transit. In addition to the expected information: the number and type of items involved; the facility from which the items departed; the date of departure; the facility at which the items have arrived; the date of arrival; and the mode of transport; the notifying Party must also provide the data from the unique identifier for each ICBM for mobile launchers of ICBMs. The paragraph repeats all of the items for which transit is a defined term in the Definitions Annex and adds mobile training launchers.

bbbbb Paragraph 2 of Section II is the notification required when a visit of a heavy bomber or former heavy bomber to a specified or eliminated facility at which they are not based, has exceeded 24 hours in duration. The information provided in the notification must include the identity of the facility being visited, the description of each heavy bomber or former heavy bomber, the identity of the facility at which each is based, and the date and time of arrival.

bbbbb Paragraph 3 of Section II is the notification of the conclusion of the visit notified in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Section, of a heavy bomber or former heavy bomber at a visited facility at which it is not based. The information in the notification is essentially the same as that in the notification of paragraph 2 of this Section. Note that notifications provided in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Section are not required if the visit does not exceed 24 hours in duration.

bbbbb Paragraph 4 of Section II is the advance notification of the impending departure of a train with rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs from a rail garrison for routine movement. Notification of rail-mobile launchers departing on routine movement relates to the limit on the number of rail-mobile launchers (50%) allowed to be on routine movement at any one time, pursuant to paragraph 11 of Article VI of the Treaty. Consequently, the notification includes the number of deployed rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs departing the rail garrison. In addition, the notification must identify the rail garrison and indicate the date of departure.

bbbbb Paragraph 5 of Section II is the advance notification of the departure of a train with rail-mobile test launchers from a test range. Because mobile test launchers are limited pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article IV of the Treaty, and the number of movements of rail-mobile test launchers outside of test ranges is limited pursuant to paragraph 9(c) of Article IV of the Treaty, keeping track of these assets requires that the notification include the number of rail-mobile test launchers and the number of launch-associated railcars departing the test range, the identity of the test range, and the date of departure. A train leaving the test range may be in any configuration chosen by the Party owning the train, provided it does not exceed three launchers, but the configuration must be described. The number of launchers and number of launch-associated railcars establishes the configuration.

bbbbb Paragraph 6 of Section II is the notification of the return of a train with deployed rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs and their associated missiles to the rail garrison from which they departed for routine movement. As previously stated, the number of deployed rail-mobile launchers allowed in routine movement is limited to 50% of all such launchers, and this notification is required to verify that this limit is not exceeded. The information that must be provided is the number of deployed rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs that have returned to the rail garrison, the identity of the rail garrison, and the date of return.

bbbbb Paragraph 7 of Section II is the notification of the return of a train with rail-mobile test launchers to the test range from which it departed and whose departure was pre-notified in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Section. The information required in the notification is the date of return and the test range.

bbbbb Paragraph 8 of Section II is the notification that must be provided if there was any change in the configuration of the train that left the test range with rail-mobile test launchers and launch-associated railcars during the time that train was outside the test range. For the purpose of identifying trains by NTM, the information that must be provided includes, for each variation, the dates, the portions of the route, and the number of launchers and launch-associated railcars in the train. Because configurations are expected to change only under extraordinary circumstances," which is not a defined term, those circumstances that required a variation from the configuration of the train must be described.

bbbbb Paragraph 9 of Section II is the advance notification of a relocation. ("Relocation" is a defined term meaning a one-way movement of a deployed mobile ICBM launcher and its associated missile.) This notification is intended to provide information to assist in determining compliance with limits and locational restrictions in Articles IV and VI of the Treaty. It must include the point of departure or the facility of origin, the destination, and the date of departure. Pursuant to paragraph 10 of Article VI of the Treaty, relocations have a time limit of 25 days for completion and a limit on the number of launchers involved (the greater of 15% of the total number of deployed road-mobile launchers or 5 such launchers, or 20% of the total number of deployed rail-mobile launchers or 5 such launchers) that may be outside restricted areas and rail garrisons at any one time for the purpose of relocation.

bbbbb Paragraph 10 of Section II is the notification of the completion of a relocation that was notified in accordance with paragraph 9 of this Section. In addition to information comparable to that provided in the paragraph 9 notification, the reporting Party must provide the data from the unique identifier for the mobile ICBMs and, for road-mobile launchers, specify the location, date, and time at that location for each launcher at least once every four days while outside the deployment area.

bbbbbParagraph 11 of Section II is the notification of the beginning of an exercise dispersal of deployed mobile launchers being conducted pursuant to Article XIII of the Treaty. Accordingly, the notification must include the identity of the ICBM bases for mobile launchers that are involved in such a dispersal and the date and time of the beginning of the dispersal. Subparagraphs 1(d), (e), and (f) of Article XIII of the Treaty describe the understanding of the status of mobile launchers and missiles associated with the identified ICBM base that are engaged in routine movements or relocations when the exercise dispersal is notified.

bbbbb Paragraph 12 of Section II is the notification of the completion of an exercise dispersal that was notified in accordance with paragraph 11 of this Section. In addition to identifying the ICBM base and specifying the date and time of the completion of the dispersal, information about all launchers that have not returned to their restricted area or rail garrison must be given. The notifying Party must identify the specific facility or the geographic coordinates of the location at which each such mobile launcher of ICBMs and its associated missile is located and the reason for its location there, unless, for road-mobile launchers, the notifying Party intends to transport inspectors to the locations of the launchers for an inspection conducted pursuant to paragraph 7 of Article XI of the Treaty if such an inspection were to be requested by the other Party.

bbbbb Paragraph 13 of Section II is the advance notification of a variation from standard configuration of a train with deployed rail-mobile launchers that is to travel between the rail garrison and the maintenance facility associated with the rail garrison. This notification is required only if the return of that train to standard configuration cannot take place within the 12-hour period provided for preparation for the implementation of a cooperative measure in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article XII of the Treaty. Providing this notification does not exempt trains from being displayed; the notification is designed to avoid any confusion should the other Party request a cooperative display.

bbbbb Paragraph 14 of Section II is the notification of any variation from the standard configuration of trains with deployed rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs during routine movements and relocations. Again, this disclosure facilitates the analysis of NTM imagery.

bbbbb Paragraph 15 of Section II is the notification of the return to standard configuration of a train with deployed rail-mobile launchers that left the rail garrison for the maintenance facility and left portions of the train in the garrison as pre-notified in accordance with paragraph 13 of this Section.

bbbbb. Under the Agreement on Reciprocal Advance Notification of Major Strategic Exercises, the Parties are required to provide notification, 14 days in advance, of one major strategic exercise involving heavy bomber aircraft each calendar year. START requires that additional details be provided 48 hours before the beginning of the exercise. Paragraph 16 of Section II requires the notifying Party to identify the air bases for heavy bombers and air bases for former heavy bombers that are involved in the exercise and the date and time of the beginning of the exercise. The air bases that are specified in this notification are not subject to inspection during the major strategic exercise, pursuant to subparagraph 2(f) of Article XIII of the Treaty.

bbbbb Paragraph 17 of Section II is the notification of the date and time of the completion of a major strategic exercise involving heavy bombers that was pre-notified in accordance with paragraph 16 of this Section. Within the 30-day period following the receipt of this notification, the receiving Party may make a request for a cooperative measure at one of the air bases that participated in the exercise, pursuant to subparagraph 2(g) of Article XIII of the Treaty. This notification triggers the start of the period during which special cooperative measures pursuant to subparagraph 2(g) of Article XIII may be requested, and makes the involved bases again subject to inspection (after three days).


bbbbbSection III consists of four paragraphs that set forth the obligations of each Party to provide to the other Party notifications concerning data on ICBM and SLBM throw-weight in connection with the Throw-weight Protocol.

bbbbb Paragraph 1 of Section III is the notification of throw-weight data for a new type of ICBM or SLBM that must be given no less than seven days in advance of the eighth flight test of such a missile. (The Parties recognized the remote possibility that deployment of a new type of ICBM or SLBM could occur prior to the eighth flight test and have agreed, in the Thirty-second Agreed Statement, that procedures for determining the accountability shall be agreed within the framework of the JCIC.) The notifying Party must provide the value of the greatest throw-weight demonstrated in the course of the first seven flight tests and the value of the maximum calculated throw-weight that a missile of the new type could deliver to specified distances. The maximum calculated throw-weight values are derived using several parameters specified in paragraph 4 of Section I of the Throw-weight Protocol. Residual propellant in each stage and the descending flight path angle used in deriving the maximum throw-weight values must be specified. The Throw-weight Protocol provides that in determining maximum calculated throw-weight, the residual propellant in each stage shall not exceed one percent for solid propellant ballistic missiles and two percent for liquid fuel ballistic missiles.

bbbbb Paragraph 2 of Section III is the advance notification required for each of the two flight tests of a new type of ICBM or SLBM that are to be conducted to satisfy the requirements of paragraph 2 of Section II of the Throw-weight Protocol. To assist the other Party in verifying disclosures made about the new missile, which is the purpose of the two pre-notified flight tests, the notifying Party must provide certain data about such a flight test, including the designation of the type of missile and the planned date of the flight test. Under the Agreement Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Notifications of Launches of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles of May 31, 1988 (the Ballistic Missile Launch Notification Agreement), specification of the launch area and the planned reentry vehicle impact area are also required.

bbbbb Paragraph 3 of Section III is the notification of data about a new type of ICBM or SLBM required to be provided no later than five days after the new type first becomes subject to the central limits of the Treaty. The notifying Party must again provide the maximum calculated throw-weight to specified distances and other data, as was provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Section. The notification must also specify the accountable throw-weight and the date on which the flight test with the accountable throw-weight was conducted.

bbbbb Paragraph 4 of Section III is the notification required if a flight test of a missile demonstrates a throw-weight greater than its accountable throw-weight. The notification must provide the new value of the accountable throw-weight and the date on which the flight test with the new value of the accountable throw-weight was conducted. For a missile of a new type, the notification shall also include the maximum calculated throw-weight that such a missile could deliver to the distances specified in paragraph 1 of this Section, and other data specified in paragraph 1. However, if the calculated data have not changed from those data previously declared for that type of missile, these data need not be included, but the number of the earlier notification containing such data shall be specified. The phrase number of the earlier notification" is not defined, but is based on the practice of both Parties of numbering all notifications sent via the Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers.


bbbbn Section IV consists of seven paragraphs that set forth the obligations of each Party to provide notifications concerning conversion or elimination of items subject to the limitations provided for in the Treaty and elimination of facilities subject to the Treaty. For heavy bombers, former heavy bombers, mobile ICBMs, mobile ICBM launchers, mobile training launchers, fixed structures for mobile launchers, SLBM launchers, silo launchers, soft-site launchers, silo training launchers, and silo test launchers, there are specific conversion or elimination procedures set forth in the Conversion or Elimination Protocol, and there is a requirement for both an advance notification and a post-process notification for such conversions or eliminations. For non-NDM limited ICBMs, for SLBMs, and for support equipment (other than that listed above), post-notifications of eliminations and elimination procedures are required.

bbbbb Paragraph 1 of Section IV is the advance notification of a process of conversion or elimination of items accountable under the Treaty. The information to be provided for these notifications must include: a description of the item to be converted, or eliminated, or placed on static display; the data from the unique identifier for mobile ICBMs; the location of the item; the location at which the conversion or elimination processes will take place; the specific procedures to be carried out; and in each case the scheduled date of the initiation of such processes.

bbbbb Paragraph 2 of Section IV is the post-notification of the date on which a conversion or elimination process began. The content of this notification is comparable to that required in the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Section. Notification in accordance with this paragraph is not required if the initiation of the conversion or elimination process was subjected to inspection.

bbbbb Paragraph 3 of Section IV is the advance notification of the intention to install either an ICBM of a different type or a training model of an ICBM of a different type in a silo launcher of ICBMs. This notification is required if the silo door was not removed for the conversion. The content of the notification must include the type of ICBM or type of training model of a missile to be installed in the silo, the location of that silo, and the date on which the change is to occur. If the silo door was removed, this notification is not required because the conversion is notified in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section I of this Protocol.

bbbbb Paragraph 4 of Section IV is the notification of the completion of various conversion or elimination processes.

Subparagraph (a) was mentioned in connection with subparagraph 3(c) of Section I. This notification is for the elimination of a silo launcher of ICBMs, silo test launcher, silo training launcher, or soft site launcher, if grading was performed during the process of its elimination, whereas the notification of subparagraph 3(c) of Section I is for the elimination of such a launcher when grading of the site is not performed. The same information is required in both notifications.

Subparagraph (b) is the notification of the elimination of SLBM launchers. The information that must be provided includes the number and type of SLBM launchers eliminated, the elimination facility, the date of completion of elimination, and the elimination procedures that were carried out.

Subparagraph (c) is the notification of the elimination of heavy bombers or former heavy bombers. The information that must be provided includes the number and description of heavy bombers or former heavy bombers, the elimination facility, and the date of completion of elimination.

Subparagraph (d) is the notification of the conversion of a heavy bomber and its arrival at a viewing site for inspection pursuant to paragraph 11 of Section XI of the Inspection Protocol. The date of arrival of the heavy bomber at a viewing site must be provided in the notification, in addition to information comparable to that of the subparagraph (c) notification. Pursuant toparagraph 13 of Section VI of the Conversion or Elimination Protocol, the Parties also have the option of giving an advance notification of the planned date of arrival of a heavy bomber at a viewing site.

Subparagraph (e) is the notification of the elimination of an ICBM or SLBM, other than an ICBM for mobile launchers. Because there is no requirement for inspections of such eliminations and there are no prescribed methods for such eliminations in the Conversion or Elimination Protocol, this notification contains only the declaration of the method of elimination in addition to what would normally be required under a notification given in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section I.

Subparagraph (f) is the notification of the procedures associated with making an item a static display. The notifying Party must provide several elements of information because the number of items placed on static display after Treaty signature is limited by type of item, pursuant to paragraph 7 of Article IV of the Treaty. Because inspections of items placed on static display are permitted pursuant to paragraph 12 of Section XI of the Inspection Protocol, the date of arrival of the item at an inspection site and the location of such inspection site must be given in the notification. For the purpose of identifying the location of the static display in the MOU, the name and coordinates of the location at which such an item is to be on static display must be provided.

bbbbb Paragraph 5 of Section IV is the notification of the completion of static testing of a mobile ICBM, including testing by the removal of propellant segments by dissection. The information in the notification must include the ICBM type, the data from the unique identifier, the length of the remaining portion of the stage after segment removal, and the location and date of the static testing.

bbbbb Paragraph 6 of Section IV is the notification of the annual non-binding schedule for the first seven years for conversion or elimination of listed strategic offensive arms and fixed structures for mobile launchers of ICBMs subject to the provisions of the Treaty. Because such conversion or elimination may require inspection, this notification serves as an aid to planning for such inspections. This notification requires some of the same information that is required in a notification provided in accordance with paragraph 5 of Section I, and is, in that sense, duplicative with that notification. However, the requirement for providing notifications in accordance with paragraph 6 of Section IV ceases after the period of reductions to the central limits of the Treaty, whereas the requirement for providing notifications in accordance with paragraph 5 of Section I persists for the life of the Treaty.

Paragraph 7 of Section IV is the advance notification of data to be used by the inspecting Party to identify the type of ICBM for mobile launchers within its launch canister prior to the initiation of the elimination of the first canisterized missile of a particular type of ICBM for mobile launchers. Note that, pursuant to paragraph 3 of Section I of the Protocol on Conversion or Elimination, prior to the elimination of a mobile ICBM and its launch canister, inspectors will confirm the type and number of the missile and canister by making the observations and measurements necessary for such confirmation.


bbbbb Section V consists of five paragraphs that set forth the obligation of each Party to provide notifications concerning cooperative measures to enhance the effectiveness of national technical means of verification.

bbbbb Paragraph 1 of Section V is the request for a display in the open of road-mobile launchers of ICBMs located within specified restricted areas, rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs located at specified parking sites, or all heavy bombers located within a specified air base pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article XII of the Treaty. The request must specify the restricted areas, parking sites, or the air base at which the display is requested.

Paragraph 2 of Section V is the notification that some identified heavy bombers cannot be displayed on request for a cooperative display because they are not readily movable due to maintenance or operations. Heavy bombers are the only type of strategic offensive arms that may be exempted from a cooperative display for such a reason.

bbbbb Paragraph 3 of Section V is the notification that the Party from whom a cooperative display had been requested is canceling the display due to circumstances brought about by force majeure, a term which is not defined in this Treaty. force majeure is generally understood to mean forces beyond one's control. The notifying Party must give the reasons for the cancellation of the display and the approximate date when conditions will permit the display.

bbbbb Paragraph 4 of Section V is the notification of the exit of a ballistic missile submarine from a covered facility in which conversion of its SLBM launchers was carried out. Because NTM may not necessarily detect such an exit, the notifying Party must specify the date of exit, the facility where the conversion was carried out, the type of submarine, and the type of SLBM before and after conversion. Note that this notification does not change the type of SLBMs considered to be contained in the SLBM launchers. In accordance with paragraph 7(c) of Article III of the Treaty, accountability changes when the submarine begins sea trials; this is notified in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section I of this Protocol.

bbbbb Paragraph 5 of Section V is the request for a display in the open of one of the two U.S. swimmer delivery vehicle submarines (called a special-purpose submarine in the Treaty) located at a specified port. According to the Thirty-third Agreed Statement, these ports must be specified in Annex I of the MOU, and the Soviet Union may make two such requests per submarine per year. The Thirty-third Agreed Statement also provides for notification if the submarine is absent from the port at which the display was requested; the content of that notification is not specified in the Treaty.


bbbbb Section VI consists of five paragraphs that set forth the obligation of each Party to provide notifications concerning flight tests of ICBMs or SLBMs and notifications concerning telemetric information.

bbbbb Paragraph 1 of Section VI is the notification of any flight test of an ICBM or SLBM, including those used to launch objects into the upper atmosphere or space. This notification is required by the provisions of the Ballistic Missile Launch Notification Agreement. In addition to the requirement under that agreement to provide the proposed launch date, launch area, and reentry vehicle impact area, the notifying Party must also specify the telemetry broadcast frequencies to be used, modulation types, and information as to whether the flight test is to employ encapsulation or encryption. All launchers of START accountable ICBMs and SLBMs, regardless of the purpose or intent of the launch, must be notified in accordance with this paragraph.

bbbbb Paragraph 2 of Section VI is the advance notification of the proposed date and place of the demonstration of tapes, conducted pursuant to paragraph 4(b) of Section I of the Telemetry Protocol. These are the tapes used for recording of telemetric information that is broadcast from the missile (or is recorded on board the missile and later recovered). The purpose of the demonstration is also to demonstrate the appropriate equipment to play back the telemetric information recorded on those tapes.

bbbbb Paragraph 3 of Section VI is the request for acquiring the playback equipment necessary for playing back the information recorded on the other Party's data tapes pursuant to paragraph 4(c) of Section I of the Telemetry Protocol.

bbbbb Paragraph 4 of Section VI is the notification of the determination by the Party that has received data tapes, of the inability of that Party to recover from those tapes the telemetric information recorded on the tapes to allow for processing of such information pursuant to paragraph 3 of Section I of the Telemetry Protocol. The tapes must be identified by the type of missile, the date of flight test, and the tape number, and the notifying Party must specify the time periods during which incomplete or low-quality recordings of telemetric information were received and give a description of the difficulties that were encountered during the processing of the data tapes.

bbbbb Paragraph 5 of Section VI is the advance notification of the first flight test after entry info force of an ICBM or SLBM of one existing type on which encryption of telemetric information will be carried out pursuant to paragraph 2(a) of Section III of the Telemetry Protocol. Since this paragraph allows only one existing type to be used for encryption at any one time, a subsequent notification pursuant to paragraph 5 of Section VI can be given only when the type initially notified has been retired.


bbbbbSection VII consists of sixteen paragraphs that set forth the obligation of each Party to provide notifications concerning strategic offensive arms of new types and new kinds.

bbbbb Paragraph 1 of Section VII is the advance notification of the planned departure from a production facility of the first prototype ICBM or prototype SLBM. Considerable information must be provided in the notification to assist the other Party in differentiating the prototype from existing missiles and to prepare to observe the prototype when it exits the production facility.

bbbbb Paragraph 2 of Section VII is the basing-mode notification for prototypes. A Party must make such a basing-mode declaration after the first flight test from a mobile launcher or after the eighth flight test from a fixed launcher or after the exit of the twentieth prototype from a production facility, whichever is earliest. If the prototype is declared to be a mobile ICBM, data on its technical characteristics according to the categories of data in Annex F to the MOU must be provided. This notification is important because if a prototype is declared to be a mobile ICBM, the Treaty provisions dealing with mobile ICBMs, such as those relating to continuous monitoring, non-deployed missile limits, and unique identifiers, come into effect.

bbbbb Paragraph 3 of Section VII is the notification of a decision to forego deployment of a new type of ICBM as a mobile ICBM if that ICBM had been declared to be a mobile ICBM in a notification provided in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Section, but it had not been flight-tested from a mobile launcher of ICBMs. This notification also states that such an ICBM is no longer to be subject to the provisions for mobile ICBMs. While this notification refers only to not having been flight-tested from a mobile launcher of ICBMs, as a practical matter, one could not provide such a notification for any missile of a type that had been contained in a mobile launcher, since paragraph 4 of Article V of the Treaty provides that a new type of ICBM for mobile launchers of ICBMs may cease to be considered to be a type of ICBM for mobile launchers of ICBMs if no ICBM of that type has been contained on, or flight-tested from, a mobile launcher of ICBMs. It follows that only if the new type of mobile ICBM has neither been contained on nor tested from a mobile launcher could this notification be given. Types of ICBMs declared not to be mobile ICBMs cannot later be declared to be mobile.

bbbbb Paragraph 4 of Section VII is the notification that a prototype ICBM or SLBM has reached a critical stage in its development (that is, after the 20th flight test) and shall be considered a new type and accountable for the purposes of warhead and throw-weight attribution. The notifying Party must then provide a considerable amount of information about the new type of missile, including, if the first stage length or launch weight used as a basis for declaring a missile to be a new type, a statement whether the ICBM or SLBM of the new type differs from an ICBM or SLBM, respectively, of each existing and previously declared new type in terms of the length of the first stage or in terms of launch weight. In addition, the location and date for the exhibitions conducted pursuant to paragraph 11 of Article XI of the Treaty must be provided.

bbbbb Paragraph 5 of Section VII is the notification of the cessation of development of a new type of missile and of the intention not to deploy such missiles. The information that must be provided includes the inventory of the prototypes of the new type of missile and where they will be eliminated if they are prototypes of mobile ICBMs.

bbbbb Paragraph 6 of Section VII is the advance notification of the departure of a mobile launcher of prototype ICBMs from its production facility. The developing Party has an obligation to exhibit mobile launchers of new types of ICBMs pursuant to paragraph 11 of Article XI of the Treaty. Paragraph 2 of Section XIV of the Inspection Protocol specifies that such an exhibition be conducted in conjunction with the exhibition of the new mobile ICBM as notified in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Section.

bbbbb Paragraph 7 of Section VII is the notification of the exit of the first heavy bomber of a new type from the building where it was assembled. The notification must identify the type and category of the heavy bomber and provide the name and location of the production facility and the date of exit. The exit of other heavy bombers of the type must also be notified under paragraph 3 of Section I of this Protocol.

bbbbb Paragraph 8 of Section VII is the notification of the arrival of the first heavy bomber of a new type, new category, or new variant at the first air base at which any such heavy bomber has begun to be based. This notification is intended mainly for providing the technical data for such heavy bombers for Annex G to the MOU and for announcing the location and date for the distinguishability exhibition pursuant to paragraph 12 of Article XI of the Treaty. If long-range nuclear ALCMs have not been flight-tested from the type, no exhibition is required under paragraph 12 of Article XI.

bbbbb Paragraph 9 of Section VII is the notification to be given, at the choice of the notifying Party, either not later than five days after the exit of the first long-range nuclear air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) of a new type from the production facility or at least six months in advance of the arrival (i.e., deployment) of the first such ALCM at the first air base for heavy bombers at which it is to be located. This notification is intended to alert the other Party to the fact that a new long-range nuclear ALCM will appear on the territory of the notifying Party. Note that the identity of the air base is not required.

bbbbb Paragraph 10 of Section VII is the notification that the first flight test of a long-range nuclear ALCM has taken place from a bomber type from which a long-range nuclear ALCM has not previously been flight-tested. With this notification, the notifying Party must announce the date and location for the exhibition of the now long-range nuclear ALCM-capable heavy bomber pursuant to paragraph 12 of Article XI of the Treaty, and provide relevant MOU data. The fact of this flight test makes this airplane type a heavy bomber under the definition thereof, and also requires the establishment of distinguishing features for any airplane of the type declared not to be equipped for long-range nuclear ALCMs.

bbbbb Paragraph 11 of Section VII is the notification of the arrival of the first long-range nuclear ALCM of a new type at the first air base for heavy bombers. With this notification, the notifying Party must provide the technical data for a long-range nuclear ALCM of the new type provided for in Annex H to the MOU, and the date and location for the exhibition of such an ALCM. Note that the identity of the air base is not required.

bbbbbParagraphs 12 through 15 concern long-range non-nuclear ALCMs. The underlying principle is that long-range non-nuclear ALCMs must be distinguishable in order not to be considered to be long-range nuclear ALCMs, and that once exhibited to be distinguishable, they are no longer subject to exhibition. The only Treaty provision that applies to an exhibited type of long-range non-nuclear ALCM is the notification in paragraph 11 above.

bbbbb Paragraph 12 of Section VII is the notification, at the choice of the notifying Party, either not later than five days after the exit of the first long-range non-nuclear ALCM of a new type from the production facility or not later than six months in advance of the arrival (i.e., deployment) of the first long-range non-nuclear ALCM of the new type at the first air base for heavy bombers, which need not be identified, at which it is to be located. If the long-range non-nuclear ALCM has been previously exhibited under paragraph 13, 14, or 15 below, the notification six months before deployment is considered to have been made and no additional notification is required. With this notification, the notifying Party must identify the features that make such an ALCM distinguishable from long-range nuclear ALCMs. Within 18 hours after this notification, the developing Party must provide one photograph of such an ALCM through diplomatic channels.

bbbbb Only if the long-range non-nuclear ALCM type has not already been exhibited, paragraph 13 of Section VII requires the advance notification of the arrival of the first long-range non-nuclear ALCM of the new type at the first air base for heavy bombers, which need not be identified, at which it is to be located. In order that such an ALCM not be counted as a long-range nuclear ALCM, an exhibition of features that make it distinguishable from long-range nuclear ALCMs must be conducted. The notification must announce the date and location for the exhibition.

bbbbb Only if the long-range non-nuclear ALCM type has not already been exhibited, paragraph 14 of Section VII requires the advance notification of the first flight test of a new type of long-range non-nuclear ALCM from an airplane of a type from which no long-range nuclear ALCM has been previously flight tested. The purpose of the notification is to avoid ambiguity over whether the airplane should be considered to be a heavy bomber. Note that this notification applies to tests from any airplane, not just heavy bombers. The type of airplane must be identified only if it is a heavy bomber. The notification must identify the features that make such an ALCM distinguishable from long-range nuclear ALCMs and must announce the date and location for the exhibition of an ALCM of the new type to demonstrate such features. Within 48 hours after this notification, the developing Party must provide one photograph of such an ALCM through diplomatic channels.

bbbbb Only if the long-range non-nuclear ALCM has not already been exhibited, paragraph 15 of Section VII requires the advance notification of the first flight test of a long-range non-nuclear ALCM of a new type armed with two or more weapons. This notification is related to the Treaty prohibition on long-range nuclear ALCMs armed with two or more nuclear weapons; the Parties will want to pay particular attention to tests of long-range non-nuclear ALCMs with multiple weapons. The date of the flight test must be notified, the notifying Party must identify the features that make such an ALCM of the new type distinguishable from long-range nuclear ALCMs and announce the date and location for the exhibition of an ALCM of the new type to demonstrate such features. Within 48 hours after this notification, the developing Party must provide one photograph of such an ALCM through diplomatic channels.

bbbbb Paragraph 16 of Section VII is the only notification of the development of a new kind of strategic offensive arm and must be provided no later than 30 days after the first flight test of such an arm, unless issues concerning such an arm have been raised earlier within the framework of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission, as indicated in the Second Agreed Statement. If provided, the notification must merely include a description of the new kind of strategic offensive arm and the date of its first flight test. Proof of concept" or proof of principle" tests do not fall within this notification requirement. The negotiating record makes it clear that first flight test" means first test as a weapon delivery vehicle; testing prior to this point does not require notification.


bbbbb Section VIII consists of only two paragraphs plus a statement providing the formula for determining the expiration date of the remaining advance notifications in the Protocol not covered by these two paragraphs. The two paragraphs set forth the obligation of each Party to provide notifications concerning changes in the content of information provided in other notifications, including the rescheduling of activities.

bbbbb Paragraph 1 is the notification to be provided in advance of the scheduled date of the initiation of a routine movement, relocation, or departure of a rail-mobile test launcher from a test range, if information that was provided in the initial notification has changed. This new notification must provide the changed information referenced to the original notification. If the change in the scheduled date is more than four days, an entirely new notification of the movement is required.

bbbbb Paragraph 2 is the notification to be provided in advance of the scheduled date of the initiation of a conversion or elimination process of any change in the information specified in the original notification. If the change in the scheduled date is more than five days, an entirely new notification shall be provided.

bbbbb The remaining text in Section VIII states that if there is a delay in an activity specified in any other advance notification of the Protocol besides those covered by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Section (and besides notifications of flight tests provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section VI), and if that delay exceeds the specified amount of time (twice the length of the specified advance), an additional notification is required.


Section IX restates the obligation of each Party to provide notifications concerning inspections and continuous monitoring activities provided for in Section III of the Inspection Protocol. It adds no new obligations, and is included for completeness.


Section X consists of seven paragraphs that set forth the obligation of each Party to provide notifications concerning operational dispersals. Such dispersals are regulated by Article XIV of the Treaty.

bbbbb Paragraph 1 of Section X is the notification of the beginning of the operational dispersal, and must specify the date and time of the beginning of the operational dispersal and the reasons for the operational dispersal. Because certain rights and obligations are suspended during an operational dispersal pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article XIV of the Treaty, the date and time provided in this notification are important for determining when these rights and obligations are suspended and the time from which notifications held in abeyance must be provided in accordance with subparagraph 5(b) of this Section.

bbbbb Paragraph 2 of Section X is the notification of the completion of the operational dispersal and must specify the date and time of the completion of the operational dispersal, which are important for the same reason as inparagraph 1 of this Section. In accordance with paragraph 1(b) of Article XIV of the Treaty, when to declare a dispersal complete is entirely at the discretion of the dispersing Party, but a Party must ensure, pursuant toparagraph 4 of Article XIV, that it is in compliance with its Treaty obligations when it declares its dispersal ended.

bbbbb Paragraph 3 of Section X is the notification of the suspension, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article XIV of the Treaty, of the obligation to provide notifications, to carry out cooperative measures, and to allow inspections during the operational dispersal. As paragraph 2 of Article XIV specifies, these obligations may be suspended individually or collectively.

bbbbb Paragraph 4 of Section X is the notification that a Party will resume its obligation to provide notifications, to carry out cooperative measures, and to allow inspections that had been suspended in accordance withparagraph 3 of this Section. This notification would be provided only if a Party chose to resume its obligation before the completion of the operational dispersal, because the obligation resumes automatically after completion of the dispersal.

bbbbb Paragraph 5 of Section X is the notification by a Party that has suspended notifications during the operational dispersal, providing information that assists the other Party in assessing the status of all of the notifying Party's strategic offensive arms. This is accomplished by the notifying Party providing either:

(a) that Party's data updated for each category of data contained in the Memorandum of Understanding and the notifications of incomplete movements that would have been provided pursuant to the provisions of this Protocol but for the temporary suspension of the obligation to provide such notifications; or

(b) all the notifications that should have been provided but for the temporary suspension of the obligation to provide such notifications.

bbbbbParagraph 6 of Section X recognizes that even if a net update of the Memorandum of Understanding is elected in accordance with subparagraph 5(a) of this Section, all the notifications that would have been provided in accordance with Sections III, VI, and VII of this Protocol but for the temporary suspension of notifications must nevertheless be provided. Notifications provided in accordance with these Sections contain information related to throw-weight, flight tests, and new types of strategic offensive arms. Such information is required only once in connection with these notifications.

bbbbb Paragraph 7 of Section X is the notification of the location of all heavy bombers that were not located at their air bases as of the completion of the operational dispersal. The location is provided either as the name of the airfield within national territory or as the general location outside national territory. Airfield" includes both START facilities listed in the Memorandum of Understanding and other military or civilian airfields. Notifications within national territory are for informational purposes; there are no restrictions on bomber locations. Notification that bombers remain outside national territory trigger the requirement of paragraph 4(c) of Article XIV of the Treaty to initiate diplomatic consultations.

bbbbb A final provision, like those in the other Protocols, provides that pursuant to subparagraph (b) of Article XV of the Treaty, additional measures can be agreed upon by the Parties with respect to this Protocol to improve the viability and effectiveness of the Treaty. The Parties agree that, if changes need to be made in the Protocol that do not affect substantive rights or obligations under the Treaty, then such changes as are agreed upon shall be made within the framework of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission (JCIC), without resorting to the amendment procedures set forth in Article XVIII of the Treaty.

bbbbbPursuant to Article XVII of the Treaty, the Protocol is deemed to be an integral part of the Treaty.