Title: "China's Adherence to Missile Control Guidelines." In a statement issued by the Office of the Assistant Secretary/ Spokesman in Washington, DC on February 21, 1992,
certain sanctions were lifted from China on receipt of a letter from PRC Foreign Minister Qian Qinchen stating they will abide by the MTCR guidelines. (920309)
Date: 19920309
VOLUME 3, NUMBER 10, MARCH 9, 1992
China's Adherence to Missile Control Guidelines
Statement issued by the Office of the Assistant Secretary/Spokesman, Washington, DC, February 21, 1992.
The US Administration intends to lift specific sanctions imposed on China last June because of transactions by two Chinese companies involving missile technology covered by the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Guidelines. As a result, we expect China to announce its adherence to the guidelines and parameters of the MTCR. Our action comes following receipt of a letter on February 1 from PRC Foreign Minister Qian Qichen in response to a letter from Secretary Baker. This letter confirmed that China will abide by the MTCR guidelines and parameters, as agreed in Beijing last November during the Secretary's trip. China's written commitment to abide by the MTCR guidelines and parameters is an important step forward in securing Chinese support for ballistic missile non-proliferation. The MTCR guidelines are the key multi-national effort to limit ballistic missile proliferation. This in no way means we will slacken our efforts to monitor either missile transfers worldwide, or Chinese missile and missile technology export practices. Transfers of missile technology covered by the MTCR guidelines will continue to be subject to sanction in accordance with US law. (###)