ANALYTICAL STUDIES FORMAT

1.  TITLE.  A descriptive study title used for referencing and filing the

2.  SUMMARY.  A concise statement of the study, scope, and results.

3.  OBJECTIVE.  A statement of the problem(s) studied and the objectives

4.  CONCLUSIONS.  This section reports the results and the conclusions
    reached.  It should clearly identify the issues and the recommendations,
    and if appropriate, the preferred alternative and resultant actions.

5.  DISCUSSION.  This section should include, but not be limited to those
    items listed below.  Some studies will contain more details than others,
    but these items should be common to all studies:

    a.   Assumptions.  List assumptions used in the study.

    b.   Technique.  Specify the quantitative technique/methodology used.

    c.   Alternatives.  Provide a list and evaluation of the alternatives.

    d.   Costs.  Identify the projected costs for each alternative.

    e.   Advantages/Disadvantages.  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
         of the alternatives.

    f.   Data.  Provide data supporting the conclusions and, where
         appropriate, identify the source of the data.

    g.   References.  Cite prior studies, where relevant.