CHAPTER VIII

                        EXECUTIVE PROTECTION PROGRAM

1.  PURPOSE.  To establish the policy for the Executive Protection Program
    for the Secretary of Energy and the Deputy Secretary of Energy.

2.  POLICY.  Measures including the use of armed personnel may be provided
    for the protection of the Secretary or Deputy Secretary within or
    outside the United States.  The Secretary shall determine the extent
    and nature of any protection measures to be performed.

3.  Concept of Operations.

    a.   Executive protection will not be provided to the Secretary without
         the knowledge and specific approval of the Secretary.

    b.   Normally, proposed executive protection requirements will be
         submitted in writing to the Executive Protection Program Manager
         at least 10 working days prior to implementation of a service.  On
         those occasions when there is less than 10 working days notice of
         impending travel by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary, executive
         protection requirements will be submitted as soon as possible.
         The proposal shall include:

         (1)  A description of known or potential threats.

         (2)  The nature, extent, and duration of proposed executive
              protection activities to be conducted.

    c.   The Executive Protection Program Manager will forward
         recommendations to the Secretary, or the Secretary's designated
         representative, for approval.

    d.   Executive protection shall be carried out only by personnel
         approved by the Executive Protection Program Manager and trained
         for this activity.

    e.   Only those Departmental personnel who have been deputized as U.S.
         Marshals by the U.S. Marshals Service are Authorized to carry
         firearms in support of an executive protection operation within
         the United States and its possessions.

    f.   Approval for selected executive protection personnel to bear arms
         in a foreign country shall be obtained from the foreign government
         by the Executive Protection Program Manager through the
         appropriate State Department Regional Security Officer.