U.S. Department of Energy                                   ORDER
     Washington, D.C.                                    DOE 5610.14


1.   PURPOSE.  To establish Department of Energy (DOE) policies for and
     implementation of the management and operation of the Transportation
     Safeguards System (TSS) program.

2.   SCOPE.  The provisions of this Order are to be applied to DOE elements
     and covered contractors, and they will apply to the extent implemented
     under a contract or other agreement.  A covered contractor is a seller
     of supplies or services involving TSS program operations awarded a
     management and operating contract.  DOE facilities, projects, and
     programs which are licensed and regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory
     Commission, are not covered by the provisions of this Order.

3.   APPLICABILITY.  This Order applies to all operations of the DOE
     Transportation Safeguards System Program Operations, managed and
     operated by the Albuquerque Operations Office (AL), in the contiguous
     United States.


5.   POLICY.  It is Departmental policy to ensure TSS operations are
     accomplished in a manner commensurate with established practices and
     procedures for cargo safeguards protection, potential risks to national
     security, safety of personnel, the public, the environment, and program
     continuity.  Nuclear explosives, DOE-owned Categories I and II
     quantities of SNM, classified configurations of nuclear weapon systems,
     limited life components, and other forms and quantities of strategic
     materials as approved by AL, shall be provided safeguards protection by


     a.   The Secretary of Energy (S-1) has the ultimate responsibility for
          the TSS program.

     b.   Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs (DP-1), through the Under
          Secretary, is responsible for implementing the Secretary's policy
          and for exercising line management responsibility for the TSS

     c.   Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application (DP-20) is
          responsible for serving as the Headquarters official for all
          matters relating to the offsite transportation of components,
          special assemblies, and weapons program related radioactive
          materials including the following:

          (1)  Assures that line managers are meeting their responsibilities
               for the application of safety and safeguards emphasis to all
               aspects of the TSS program operations, as outlined in this

          (2)  Serves as an advisor to senior DOE management regarding all
               aspects of Nuclear Explosives Weapon Safety, including:

               (a)  Manages policy development and promulgation for all
                    aspects of weapons surety, and

               (b)  Appraises operations offices and their contractors
                    having nuclear explosive responsibilities regarding
                    compliance with DOE nuclear weapon safety Orders.

          (3)  Provides program management, oversight, and direction
               including coordination of the operating and capital budgets
               for TSS operations.

          (4)  Assures that line managers are meeting their responsibilities
               to comply with this Order and relevant transportation
               management laws, regulations, and directives.

          (5)  Coordinates with appropriate Departmental elements in the
               development of policy and standards for operation of TSS.

          (6)  Conducts periodic appraisals of TSS operations, at least once
               in 2 years, to review compliance with this Order and relevant
               management directives.

          (7)  Reviews and concurs in the safeguards and security planning
               documents for TSS.

     d.   Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health (EH-1) is
          responsible for assisting the Assistant Secretary for Defense
          Programs in the specialized environment, safety, and health
          disciplines as requested.

     e.   Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security Evaluation (EH-4) is
          responsible for conducting safeguards and security inspections of
          TSS program operations and making the inspection reports available
          to appropriate Headquarters program elements.

     f.   Director, Office of Intelligence (IN-1), shall develop, define,
          update, and provide threat models/assessments for TSS and provide
          such assessments to DP-20.

     g.   Director, Office of Security Affairs (SA-1), shall:

          (1)  Establish and implement policy for the classification and
               declassification of Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted
               Data, and National Security Information and the control of
               certain sensitive information within DOE's jurisdiction.

          (2)  Set DOE-wide policy in matters associated with the security
               of classified information, work, or materials, and with the
               authority to make arrests and carry firearms for the
               protection of materials, facilities, and installations under
               the cognizance of the Department.

     h.   Director, Office of Safeguards and Security (SA-10), shall:

          (1)  Develop safeguards and security policy, Orders, planning
               documents,and strategies to protect against threats affecting
               the TSS program operations in coordination with DP-20.

          (2)  Assist in providing oversight of safeguards and security
               program requirements for TSS operations.

          (3)  Conduct safeguards and security research and development
               programs responsive to operations office user needs.

     i.   Deputy Assistant Secretary for Naval Reactors (NE-60), shall, in
          accordance with the responsibilities and authorities assigned by
          Executive Order 12344 (statutorily prescribed by 42 U.S.C. 7158,
          note) and to ensure consistency throughout the joint Navy/DOE
          organization of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, implement
          and oversee all policy and practices pertaining to this Order for
          activities under the cognizance of NE-60.

     j.   Manager, Pittsburgh Naval Reactors Office, shall, through the
          Director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program:

          (1)  Establish and implement special arrangements for shipments of
               Categories I and II quantities of SNM to or from Naval
               Nuclear Propulsion Program cognizant facilities.

          (2)  Coordinate with the Weapon Transportation Safeguards Program
               for appropriate support for shipments of Categories I and II
               quantities of SNM to or from Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program
               cognizant facilities.

     k.   Manager, AL, shall:

          (1)  Manage the day-to-day operations of the TSS program; provide
               for the administration, operation, and resources needed for
               TSS operations.

          (2)  Arrange for, and coordinate federal, State, Tribal, and local
               law enforcement support as may be required for protection of

          (3)  Assure that program protection strategy, level of protection,
               and security procedures are in accordance with all applicable
               Departmental Orders and policy directives.

          (4)  Designate positions that are considered operationally
               sensitive within the program.

          (5)  Plan and conduct annual safety and security self assessments
               of TSS operations.

          (6)  Establish and maintain a transportation emergency management
               plan in accordance with the DOE 5500 series.

          (7)  Report periodically, and at least annually, to DP-20 the

               (a)  Status of the program operations.

               (b)  Findings from inspections, surveys, self assessments,
                    and status of corrective actions of all elements of TSS
                    program operations.

               (c)  Status of technology development and engineering efforts
                    to improve near- and long-term system operations.

          (8)  Assure that procedures are in place for responding to any
               unusual event or emergency that could affect program
               operation, personnel, public safety, and the environment.

          (9)  Document, approve, and implement operations, policies, and
               procedures for TSS through management directives or Standard
               Operating Procedure Manuals.

          (10) Develop and implement a training program, which shall include
               preventive maintenance, technical support, project/contract
               management and administration, operational safety, logistics
               of operation, and general training in equipment maintenance.

          (11) Assure that all procurement request packages related to the
               TSS program, include the following:

               (a)  Identification of this Order,

               (b)  Identification of the specific requirements with which
                    the contractor or other awardee is to comply, or, if
                    this is not practicable, identification of the specific
                    paragraphs or other portions of this Order with which a
                    contractor or other awardee is to comply, and

               (c)  Requirements for the flowdown of provisions of this
                    Order to any subcontract or subaward.  For application
                    to awarded management and operating contracts, the
                    Manager, AL, may set forth this information in a written
                    communication to the Contracting Officer rather than in
                    a procurement request package.

7.   PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS.  See Attachment 2.


                                        LINDA G. SYE
                                        Acting Director of Administration
                                          and Management

REFERENCES 1. DOE 5000.3B, OCCURRENCE REPORTING AND PROCESSING OF OPERATIONS INFORMATION, of 1-19-93, which establishes a system for reporting of operations information related to DOE-owned or operated facilities and processing of that information to provide for appropriate corrective action. 2. DOE 5400.5, RADIATION PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC AND THE ENVIRONMENT, of 2-8-90, which establishes DOE standards and requirements for operations with respect to the public and the environment against undue risk from radiation. 3. DOE 5480.11, RADIATION PROTECTION FOR OCCUPATIONAL WORKERS, of 12-21-88, which establishes DOE standards and requirements for operations with respect to workers against undue risk from radiation. 4. DOE 5480.16, FIREARMS SAFETY, of 1-12-88, which provides standards and procedures for the safe use of firearms by DOE and contractor personnel involved in carrying out Departmental activities in DOE installations. 5. DOE 5500.1B, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, of 4-30-91, which describes DOE policy for planning, preparedness, and readiness assurance for response to emergencies involving DOE or requiring DOE assistance. 6. DOE 5500.2B, EMERGENCY CATEGORIES, CLASSES, AND NOTIFICATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS, of 4-30-91, which describes the DOE emergency notification and reporting system and establishes response levels. 7. DOE 5500.4A, PUBLIC AFFAIRS POLICY AND PLANNING REQUIREMENTS FOR EMERGENCIES, of 6-8-92, which establishes requirements for public affairs actions for emergency situations. 8. DOE 5610.10, NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE AND WEAPON SAFETY PROGRAM, of 10-10-90, which establishes the DOE policy, objectives, standards and criteria, authorities, and responsibilities for its Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Safety program. 9. DOE 5610.1, PACKAGING AND TRANSPORTING OF NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVES, NUCLEAR COMPONENTS, AND SPECIAL ASSEMBLIES, of 9-11-79, which establishes DOE policy and responsibilities and authorities for the packaging and transporting of nuclear explosives, nuclear components and special assemblies. 10. DOE 5610.11, NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE SAFETY, of 10-10-90, which establishes the DOE policy, procedures, authorities, and responsibilities for assuring the safe conduct of nuclear explosive activities under the Department's Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Safety program. 11. DOE 5610.13, JOINT DOE/DOD NUCLEAR WEAPON SYSTEM SAFETY, SECURITY, AND CONTROL ACTIVITIES, of 10-10-90, which establishes the DOE policy, procedures, authorities, and responsibilities for addressing joint nuclear weapon and nuclear weapon system safety, security, and control activities in conjunction with the Department of Defense. 12. DOE 5631.6A, PERSONNEL SECURITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM, of 9-15-92, which defines the policies, objectives, and responsibilities for the DOE Personnel Security Assurance Program (PSAP). 13. DOE 5632.1B, PROTECTION PROGRAM OPERATIONS, of 2-8-92, which establishes DOE policy for the physical protection of security interests and baseline physical protection standards. 14. DOE 5632.2A, PHYSICAL PROTECTION OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL AND VITAL EQUIPMENT, of 2-9-88, which prescribes the DOE policy for physical protection of SNM and vital equipment. 15. DOE 5632.5, PHYSICAL PROTECTION OF CLASSIFIED MATTER, of 2-3-88, which establishes baseline protection requirements and standards for classified matter in use and in-transit. 16. DOE 5632.7, PROTECTIVE FORCES, of 2-9-88, which is the policy foundation for protective forces elements. 17. DOE 5632.8, PROTECTION PROGRAM OPERATIONS: SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TESTS, of 2-4-88, which addresses requirements for the evaluation of protection systems capabilities through system performance tests. 18. DOE 5632.9A, ISSUANCE AND CONTROL OF SECURITY BADGES, CREDENTIALS, AND SHIELDS, of 9-23-92, which establishes and prescribes DOE policies and procedures for the issuance, control, and use of badges, passes, and credentials. 19. DOE 5633.3A, CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, of 2-12-93, which prescribes DOE minimum requirements and procedures for control and accountability of nuclear materials. 20. DOE 5639.7, OPERATIONS SECURITY, of 4-30-92, which establishes the DOE operations security program. 21. DOE 5639.6, CLASSIFIED COMPUTER SECURITY PROGRAM, of 9-15-92, which establishes uniform policies for the development and implementation of a classified computer security program to ensure security of classified information in automatic data processing systems. 22. DOE 5700.6C, QUALITY ASSURANCE, of 8-21-91, which establishes DOE policy, sets forth requirements, and assigns responsibilities for establishing, implementing, and maintaining plans and actions to assure quality achievement in DOE programs. 23. Title 10 CFR Part 71, Packaging and Handling of Radioactive Material. 24. Title 10 CFR Part 710, Criteria and Procedures for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Matter or Significant Quantities of SNM, which is used in those cases in which there are questions of eligibility for DOE access. 25. Title 10 CFR Part 871, Air Transportation of Plutonium. 26. Title 10 CFR Part 1047, Limited Arrest Authority and Use of Force by Protective Force Officers. 27. Title 49 CFR Part 100-180, Hazardous Materials Regulation, Part 173.7(b), See Exemptions. 28. Title 49 CFR Part 390-397, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation. 29. Research and Development Standard RDTBF-11T: Fuel shipping container tie-down for truck transport, January 1975, U.S. Research and Development Administration (ERDA), and Technical Manual, DOE-DNA TP 45-51 series, Transportation of Nuclear Weapon Materiel (U). 30. DOE 1540.1A, MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, of 7-8-92, which provides the Departmental policies and procedures for the management of materials transportation activities. 31. DOE 1540.2, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PACKAGING FOR TRANSPORT - ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, of 9-30-86, which establishes administrative procedures for the certification and use of radioactive and other hazardous materials packaging by DOE. 32. DOE N 5480.6, RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL, of 6-17-92, which provides the Department's radiological control policy and establishes practices for the conduct of radiological control activities. DEFINITIONS 1. IN-TRANSIT. Movement of assigned cargo between facilities, including fuel and subsistence stops but excludes rest-over-night (RON). 2. LAYOVER FACILITY/SAFE HAVEN. A DOE, DOE contractor, or Department of Defense (DOD) facility that provides proper security for shipment vehicles, material, and equipment while personnel are in RON status. 3. NUCLEAR MATERIAL COURIERS (NMCs). Armed "Q" cleared TSS Federal Officers who have been authorized under Section 161k of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or other appropriate statutory authority, to carry firearms, make arrests without warrant, and are authorized to use deadly force in accordance with 10 CFR 1047.4 (Limited Arrest and Use of Force by Protective Force Officers). The NMCs are charged with the responsibility for the safe secure movement of nuclear weapons, weapons components, and other identified cargo/ matter/materials requiring in-transit physical protection. NMCs possess a Commercial Drivers License with the Hazardous Materials endorsement and receive related biannual training in transportation of hazardous material. 4. NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFEGUARDS CATEGORIES. Refer to Figure I-2, DOE 5633.3A CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL, of 2-12-93. 5. OVERSIGHT. Those activities involving validation, verification, survey, and inspection of any aspect of a program to ensure adequacy of and compliance with existing Orders, guidance, policies, standard operating procedures, or program goals. 6. PROTECTIVE PERSONNEL. Guards, security inspectors, couriers, authorized escorts, and personnel assigned to protective duties involving the security interests of the DOE. 7. REST-OVER-NIGHT (RON). A scheduled overnight rest stop for TSS personnel. 8. SAFE SECURE TRAILER (SST). A specially designed semi-trailer, pulled by an armored tractor, which is used for the safe, secure transportation of cargo. 9. SAFEGUARDS. An integrated system of physical protection, material accounting, and material control measures designed to deter, prevent detect, and respond to unauthorized access, possession, use, or sabotage of nuclear materials. 10. SECURITY. An integrated system of activities, systems, programs, facilities, and policies for the protection of Restricted Data and other classified information or matter, nuclear materials, nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons components, and/or Departmental contractor facilities, property, and equipment. 11. SECURITY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (SECOM). A communications system operated by AL, to communicate with and monitor TSS shipments in-transit. 12. TRANSPORTATION ESCORT (TE). An armed "Q" cleared TSS Federal Officer who has been authorized under Section 161k of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or other appropriate statutory authority, to carry firearms, make arrests without warrant and who are charged with the responsibility of safely and securely transporting and/or escorting Non-Special Nuclear Material (SNM) and identified classified material, or matter assigned to the TSS program. 13. TRANSPORTATION SAFEGUARDS DIVISION (TSD). A DOE organizational element of AL, responsible for the administration of the TSS program operation. 14. TRANSPORTATION SAFEGUARDS SYSTEM (TSS). A DOE system, managed and operated by the Manager, AL, administered by the TSD, under the programmatic direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application, used for the safe and secure movement of nuclear weapons, nuclear components, special assemblies, SNM, and other cargos deemed appropriate by responsible program elements and approved by AL, within the contiguous United States. 15. STRATEGIC MATERIAL. "Category I quantities of Special Nuclear Material (2 or more kilograms of uranium 233 or plutonium, 5 or more kilograms of uranium 235 enriched to 20 percent or greater)." Also referred to as `target' or `goal' quantities. (Reference: DOE 5633.3A) 16. SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL (SNM). "As defined in Section 11 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, is material not subject to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission license." For the purpose of this Order, SNM in one shipment is divided into the two Categories I and II. (Reference: DOE 5633.3A)
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PHYSICAL PROTECTION 1 a. Transportation Vehicles 1 b. In-Transit Protection 1 c. Layover Protection 1 2. COMMUNICATIONS 1 a. System Redundancy 1 b. Intra-Convoy 1 c. Extra-Convoy 1 d. Emergency Notification 1 3. PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1 a. Armament 1 b. Escort Vehicles 1 4. TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION 2 a. Nuclear Material Couriers and Transportation Escort Personnel 2 b. Security Communications System Personnel Training 2 c. Nuclear Material Couriers, Transportation Escort, and Other Appropriate Transportation Safeguards System Operation Related Personnel 2 5. READINESS AND MODERNIZATION 2 a. Readiness 2 b. Modernization 2 6. PERFORMANCE TESTING AND VALIDATION 2 a. Performance Testing 2 b. Validation 2 7. HUMAN RELIABILITY PROGRAMS 2 a. Evaluation 2 b. Certification 3 8. TRANSPORTATION SAFETY 3 a. Safety Reviews 3 b. Shipping Containers 3 c. Safety Requirements 4 9. THREAT GUIDANCE 4 a. Design 4 b. Planning 4 c. Spectrum 4 d. Threat Assessment and Response 4 10. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE 5 11. QUALITY ASSURANCE 5 a. Maintenance 5 b. Audits 5 12. MAINTENANCE 5 1. PHYSICAL PROTECTION. a. Transportation Vehicles. Highway movements of materials requiring protection shall be accomplished using specially designed armored tractors and SSTs, which offer penetration resistance and delay mechanisms to prevent unauthorized cargo removal. Alternate equipment, such as DOE-owned or leased vehicles or aircraft, may be required to support mission goals. b. In-Transit Protection. All highway SNM shipments which require protection shall be protected by NMCs. As a minimum, a sufficient number of NMCs shall be assigned to the protection of each shipment to assure the material remains in the custody of the U.S. Government. Non-SNM materials, as approved by AL, shall be escorted by TEs. c. Layover Protection. All shipments in RON status shall be provided an equivalent level of protection as those in-transit either by protective force personnel assigned to the layover facility or equally qualified TSS program personnel. 2. COMMUNICATIONS. a. System Redundancy. Independent and redundant communication systems shall be provided to assure communications between vehicles in convoy with one another and SECOM. The SECOM shall be used to provide shipment tracking and communications capability. b. Intra-Convoy. Two-way communications shall be provided between all vehicles and personnel assigned to each shipment while in-transit. c. Extra-Convoy. Two-way communications shall be provided between each vehicle and the in-transit convoy and SECOM Control Center. d. Emergency Notification. A system for reporting and processing of operations information shall be maintained to ensure effective and appropriate action is taken to mitigate circumstances. 3. PROTECTION EQUIPMENT. a. Armament. All personnel assigned to the protection of in-transit cargo shall be provided with weapons sufficient to protect shipment. b. Escort Vehicles. Each highway shipment shall be accompanied by an approved number of escort vehicles sufficient to protect shipment. 4. TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION. a. Nuclear Material Couriers and Transportation Escort Personnel shall be qualified for in-transit assignment through a comprehensive, well-documented training and medical examination program administered and certified by AL. NMC and TE personnel shall meet periodic requalification requirements as established by AL. b. Security Communications System Personnel Training shall also include, preventive maintenance, technical support, project/ contract management and administration, and general training in equipment maintenance. c. Nuclear Material Couriers, Transportation Escort, and Other Appropriate Transportation Safeguards System Operation Related Personnel shall be trained and certified as hazardous materials employees in accordance with 49 CFR 172.700-704. 5. READINESS AND MODERNIZATION. a. Readiness. All transportation vehicles, communications and personal protection equipment shall be maintained in a high state of readiness to assure availability for all normal and emergency duties through an approved and documented preventive maintenance program. b. Modernization. An active and effective research and development program shall be maintained to support TSS operation. 6. PERFORMANCE TESTING AND VALIDATION. a. Performance Testing. Performance testing of the security system shall be conducted during NMC and TE training to achieve and maintain high individual and group competency levels. Joint training exercises will be conducted annually, as a minimum, to exercise and evaluate the tactical, command, control, and communications and should include, to the extent feasible, Federal, State, Tribal, and local law enforcement agencies. b. Validation. Validation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the NMC and TE force and associated security system shall be approved by AL and will be subject to review by Headquarters Elements. 7. HUMAN RELIABILITY PROGRAMS. a. Evaluation. AL will provide for a continuous evaluation which identifies those individuals whose position meet the eligibility criteria for designation in DOE 5631.6A, PERSONNEL SECURITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM. Identified positions will be processed accordingly. b. Certification. AL will certify nuclear explosive duty positions for the Personnel Assurance Program (PAP), in accordance with DOE 5610.11, NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE SAFETY. 8. TRANSPORTATION SAFETY. a. Safety Reviews. The safety program shall consist of a safety review process consistent with this and all other applicable DOE 5610 series. In addition, the following program elements shall be included: (1) Personnel shall be qualified and trained in radiation protection that provides for both normal and emergency protection of workers and personnel, the public, and the environment. (2) Route planning shall consider safety, security, and shipment accident consequences to minimize public risk. (3) Tie-down configurations to prevent movement and shifting of cargo during transport shall be approved and periodically validated by AL. Tie-downs will be in accordance with TP-45-51 series and RDTBF-11T requirements, and approved official guidance. (See reference 29.) (4) Shipper shall provide shipping request information to TSD, pursuant to 49 CFR. (5) AL shall plan and conduct self assessments of all safety and health protection elements of TSS operation at least annually, and provide to DP-20 for review and comment. Such appraisals shall be conducted by independent reviewers having no operational responsibility for TSS. (6) The TSS program shall be in compliance with firearms and range safety Occupational Safety and Health Act requirements. b. Shipping Containers. All users of the shipping containers shall have an approved DOE Offsite Transportation Certificate/ Authorization or Nuclear Regulatory Commission Certificate for the specific mode of transportation used for the shipment. (1) Hazardous materials shall be packaged, marked, labeled, and documented and transported in accordance with applicable DOE 5610 series, applicable Department of Transportation Regulations 49 CFR 100-180, and 10 CfR 71, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, unless specifically exempted. (2) The transportation container system hardware shall have an approved safety analysis report or equivalent process to document the safety of operations and equipment. c. Safety Requirements for the containers and transport vehicles shall be followed, audited, improved when required, and remain a matter of the highest priority. Requirements for the transport of nuclear explosives, weapons, components, special assemblies, and radioactive material associated with the nuclear weapons program shall be based on applicable requirements in the DOE 5610 series. 9. THREAT GUIDANCE. a. Design. Threats shall be considered in the design of safeguards and security systems to protect against acts of sabotage and other adversary actions which might cause unacceptable impact on national security or health and public safety. b. Planning. Levels of protection shall be identified in the safeguards and security planning documents. Identified levels shall be the basis for designing and implementing a balanced, graded, and cost-effective safeguards and security program. c. Spectrum. In addressing the threat spectrum, emphasis must be placed on providing an effective system capability to detect, identify, and inhibit unauthorized access to material in-transit. d. Threat Assessment and Response. (1) Near-Term. AL shall provide for a constant assessment of the threats that could impact near-term operations. AL shall maintain close liaison with IN-10 in coordination with DP-20, and take such actions as may be required to assure the continued safety and security of TSS operations. (2) Long-Term. AL shall provide for a long-term evaluation of the threat guidance and recommend changes in operational practices and/or equipment. AL shall notify appropriate Headquarters elements of any permanent change in adversary threat or TSS mission, and initiate actions to revise the general threat guidance. 10. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE (CI). The DOE CI program is designed to provide timely foreign intelligence information to DOE personnel to assist in protecting weapon shipments in-transit. DOE AL personnel must immediately notify DOE's Office of Counterintelligence (IN-20) or the nearest DOE CI Operations Office Manager when threat data, regardless of how nebulous, is received. 11. QUALITY ASSURANCE. The TSS operations shall be conducted with a documented quality assurance program, in compliance with Headquarters guidance, and DOE 5700. 6C, QUALITY ASSURANCE. a. Maintenance. A quality assurance program shall be maintained for all elements of TSS operations including the contractor operated activities. b. Audits. TSD shall conduct annual audits of the contractor operated activities within its purview, to determine compliance with the DOE 5700 series. 12. MAINTENANCE. A comprehensive and documented preventive maintenance program shall be maintained on all equipment and software systems to ensure their continued reliability.