CHAPTER IX

                             RISK ASSESSMENT

1.  GENERAL.  This Chapter establishes the requirements for the quantitative
    risk assessment of all onsite operations and offsite transportation for
    credible accidents that could disperse plutonium from a nuclear
    explosive.  Individual members of the public should be provided a level
    of protection from the consequences of these operations such that
    individuals bear no significant additional risk to life and health than
    that to which they are generally exposed.

2.  REQUIREMENTS.  Risk assessments shall be performed for all onsite
    operations, including transportation, and offsite transportation for
    credible accidents that could disperse plutonium from a nuclear
    explosive to identify probabilities of occurrence and levels of
    consequences.  The results of the risk assessment shall be documented
    in a risk assessment report (RAR) and submitted to the Nuclear
    Explosive Safety Study Group (NESSG) for evaluation.  Copies of risk
    assessment reports will be provided to DP-20 by the cognizant
    Operations Office Manager.

3.  RISK ASSESSMENT.  The quantitative risk assessment shall evaluate
    accidents that could disperse plutonium from a nuclear explosive for
    all onsite operations and offsite transportation.  Details of the
    assessment shall be documented in a RAR.  The RAR shall include, as a

    a.  A description of the nuclear explosive/explosives being assessed.

    b.  A description of the applicable operations.

    c.  Identification of potential accidents to include, as a minimum and
        as appropriate, accidents resulting in impact, puncture, crush,
        fire, immersion, chemical hazards, and electrical hazards or
        credible combinations of these environments.

    d.  Identification of potentially credible accidents based on severity
        of an accident and/or probability of accident occurrence and/or
        consequence of the accident.