CHAPTER VII


1.  GENERAL.  This Chapter establishes the requirements for the design,
    fabrication, control, calibration, operation, storage, and modification
    of electrical testers/equipment used in nuclear explosive areas.

2.  REQUIREMENTS.  Managers of Operations Offices responsible for operations
    with nuclear explosives shall establish requirements for the control of
    electrical testers/equipment used in nuclear explosive areas.

    a.  Requirements for testers that introduce electrical energy into a
        nuclear explosive shall provide for, as a minimum:

        (1)  The establishment of tester design and fabrication criteria.

        (2)  The preparation of a comprehensive safety analysis and
             evaluation for each electrical tester and the electrical
             tester/nuclear explosive interface.

        (3)  Preparation of instructions for operating and safety checkout,
             acceptance, and calibration procedures for the electrical

        (4)  The establishment of procedures to assure that testers are
             properly controlled, stored, maintained, calibrated, and

        (5)  That each electrical tester and its nuclear explosive
             interface shall be studied by a Nuclear Explosive Safety
             Study Group and approved prior to use on a nuclear explosive.

        (6)  The establishment and maintenance of a DOE record of approved
             electrical testers.

    b.  Prior to the introduction of any electrical energy source, or
        equipment utilizing any electric energy source within a nuclear
        explosive area into a nuclear explosive area, the energy source or
        equipment item will be approved for introduction by a person
        designated in writing by the DOE cognizant official to make such