U.S. Department of Energy                               ORDER
     Washington, D.C.                                  DOE O 452.1A

                                             Issue Date:  1-17-97
                                            Review Date:  1-17-99



     a.   To establish requirements and responsibilities for the Department of Energy's
          (DOE's) Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety (NEWS) Program.

     b.   To maintain a formal, comprehensive, and systematic DOE NEWS Program to
          protect the public and worker health and safety and the environment while
          supporting national defense requirements.

     c.   To establish nuclear explosive surety standards, nuclear weapon design surety
          requirements, and appraisal requirements for the DOE NEWS Program.

     d.   To establish specific requirements for related elements of the DOE NEWS
          Program as provided in the 452- and 5610-series Orders identified in paragraph
          4a.  Responses to unplanned events (e.g., Accident Response Group activities)
          are addressed in the 5530-series Orders and DOE O 151.1, COMPREHENSIVE

     SURETY PROGRAM, dated 04-29-96 is canceled.  Cancellation of the above Order
     does not, by itself, modify or otherwise affect any contractual obligation to comply
     with the Order.  Canceled Orders that are incorporated by reference in a contract shall
     remain in effect until the contract is modified to delete the reference to the
     requirements in the canceled Orders.


     a.   DOE Elements.  This Order applies to DOE Headquarters and field elements
          involved in the DOE NEWS Program.

     b.   Contractors.  This Order applies to all contractors and subcontractors that
          manage, oversee, or conduct the DOE NEWS Program as provided by law
          and/or by contract as implemented by the appropriate contracting officer.
          Responsibilities are delineated for contractors and Federal employees with the
          Orders, referenced Rule, Technical Standards, and Implementation Guide.
          Responsibilities are in sufficient detail such that an additional document, such as
          a Contractor Requirement Document, would not be beneficial and may hamper

     c.   Exclusions.  None.


     a.   Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety Orders.  The DOE NEWS Program shall
          be governed by this Order, relevant Orders from the DOE Safeguards and
          Security Program (470- and 5630-series Orders), and the following DOE

               OPERATIONS, dated 1-17-97, which establishes DOE requirements and
               responsibilities for ensuring the safe conduct of DOE nuclear explosive
               operations.  It addresses both nuclear explosive safety (NES) and
               environment, safety, and health (ES&H).

               ASSOCIATED WITH THE NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVES, dated 7-26-94,
               which establishes policy, objectives, responsibilities and authorities, and
               requirements for the safe packaging and offsite transportation of nuclear
               components and special assemblies associated with the nuclear weapon
               program requiring the use of the Transportation Safeguards System

               AND CONTROL ACTIVITIES, dated 10-10-90, which establishes DOE
               policy, responsibilities and authorities, and requirements for addressing
               joint nuclear weapon and nuclear weapon system safety issues in
               conjunction with the Department of Defense (DoD).  It covers DOE
               participation in DoD Nuclear Weapon System Safety Groups, which
               conduct safety studies of nuclear weapon systems operated by the DoD
               and develop weapon system safety rules governing those operations.

               PROGRAM OPERATIONS, dated 5-12-93, which establishes DOE
               policy, authorities and responsibilities, and requirements for the
               management and operation of the TSS Program which includes
               transportation of nuclear explosives.

     b.   Integrated Safety Management.  The requirements in this Order may be
          implemented using a DOE-approved integrated safety management approach as
          described in DOE Policy P 450.4, SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
          POLICY, dated 10-15-96.  A "graded approach" to the requirements in this
          Order is not permitted unless in the context of an approved integrated safety
          management program.

     c.   Nuclear Explosive Surety Standards.  All DOE nuclear explosive operations
          shall meet the following qualitative surety standards to prevent unintended
          nuclear detonation, fissile material dispersal from the pit, or loss of control.
          There shall be positive measures to:

          (1)  minimize the possibility of accidents, inadvertent acts, or authorized
               activities that could lead to fire, high-explosive deflagration, or
               unintended high-explosive detonation;

          (2)  minimize the possibility of fire, high-explosive deflagration, or
               high-explosive detonation, given accidents or inadvertent acts;

          (3)  minimize the possibility of deliberate unauthorized acts that could lead to
               high-explosive deflagration or high-explosive detonation;

          (4)  ensure adequate security of nuclear explosives; and

          (5)  minimize the possibility of or delay unauthorized nuclear detonation.

     d.   Nuclear Explosive Safety.  Safety Standards, paragraphs 4c(1), (2), and (3),
          above, shall be met for all nuclear explosive operations conducted by the
          Department and/or its contractors to ensure adequate nuclear explosive safety.
          The adequacy of positive measures to meet these standards shall be evaluated by
          the Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Group (NESSG).  Additional requirements
          are specified in DOE O 452.2A, SAFETY OF NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE
          OPERATIONS, dated 1-17-97.

     e.   Nuclear Explosive Security.  The Security Standard, paragraph 4c(4), above,
          shall be met to ensure adequate nuclear explosive security for all nuclear
          explosive operations conducted by the Department and/or its contractors.
          Nuclear explosives shall be secured in accordance with the requirements in the
          5630-series Orders.  These safeguards and security measures shall be
          documented in the Site Safeguards and Security Plan.  The adequacy of these
          safeguards and security measures shall be assessed and documented in
          Operations Office site security surveys and Office of Security Evaluations (EH-
          21) inspections and evaluations.  The NESSG shall include security operations
          in its evaluation for potential adverse impact on nuclear explosive safety.

     f.   Nuclear Explosive Use Control.  Use Control Standards, paragraphs 4c(3) and
          (5), above, shall be met for all nuclear explosive operations conducted by the
          Department and/or its contractors.  Use control measures shall be evaluated by
          the NESSG for potential adverse impact on nuclear explosive safety.  The
          Operations Office manager shall implement the use control policy as described
          in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, Executive Order 2, National
          Security Decision Directives 281 and 309, "An Agreement Between the AEC
          and the DoD for the Development, Production, and Standardization of Atomic
          Weapons," and "Memorandum of Understanding Between the DoD and the
          DOE on Objectives and Responsibilities for Joint Nuclear Weapon Activities,"
          and evaluate the effectiveness of use control measures.

     g.   Nuclear Test Detonation Safety.  There shall be positive measures to minimize
          the possibility for the initiation of the nuclear explosive test device detonator(s)
          until detonation is authorized.

     h.   Nuclear Weapon Design Surety.

          (1)  Surety shall be an integral part of design and development of new
               weapons and the modification of existing weapons.  Explicit
               consideration of surety shall begin at the concept definition phase and
               continue throughout development and engineering.

          (2)  New nuclear weapon designs shall incorporate current surety features
               unless there are overriding reasons for not doing so and explicitly
               documented agreements to this effect are reached between the Secretaries
               of Energy and Defense.  The following shall be implemented in the
               design of new nuclear weapons.

               (a)  Nuclear Detonation Safety.  Nuclear weapons shall incorporate
                    design features that minimize the possibility of accidental and/or
                    inadvertent nuclear detonation.  The following are design goals
                    for nuclear weapons delivered to the DoD.

                    1    Normal Environment.  Prior to receipt of the enabling
                         stimuli and the arming signal, the probability of a
                         premature nuclear detonation shall not exceed one in a
                         billion (1E-09) per nuclear weapon lifetime.

                    2    Abnormal Environment.  Prior to receipt of the enabling
                         stimuli, the probability of a premature nuclear detonation
                         shall not exceed one in a million (1E-06) per credible
                         nuclear weapon accident or exposure to abnormal

                    3    One-Point Safety.  The probability of achieving a nuclear
                         yield greater than four pounds of trinitrotoluene (TNT)
                         equivalent in the event of a one-point initiation of the
                         weapon's high explosive shall not exceed one in a million

                    4    Multi-Point Safety.  Multi-point initiation in abnormal
                         environments shall be evaluated as part of the design

               (b)  Fissile Material Dispersal Safety.  Design features for reducing
                    the possibility of fissile material dispersal from the pit under
                    credible abnormal environments shall be incorporated for each
                    new nuclear weapon unless the responsible military service
                    requests and properly justifies an exception.

               (c)  Use Control.  Use control features shall include design features
                    that allow timely authorized use of a nuclear weapon while
                    precluding or delaying unauthorized use.

               (d)  Inadvertent Criticality.  The criticality safety of a nuclear weapon
                    shall be evaluated by the design agency to document the intrinsic
                    safety of the design in both normal and abnormal environments.

     i.   Nuclear Weapons Surveillance Program.  The surveillance program contributes
          to assessing the surety of weapons and components in the stockpile.  The DOE
          stockpile surveillance program involves routine periodic examination,
          evaluation, and testing of stockpile weapons and weapon components to ensure
          that they conform to performance specifications. It also identifies and evaluates
          the effect of unexpected or age-related changes.  While primarily a reliability
          program, the stockpile surveillance program may identify safety related issues
          of special concern to the DOE NEWS Program.  The knowledge gained shall be
          used as appropriate to improve nuclear weapon surety.

     j.   Authorization for a Nuclear Explosive Operation.

          (1)  Before a nuclear explosive operation can begin, the following
               documentation shall be completed and approved.

               (a)  Facility Safety Analysis Report, approved by EH-1.

               (b)  Operation Hazard Analysis Report, approved by the responsible
                    Operations Office manager.

               (c)  Any required Technical Safety Requirements, approved by EH-1;
                    Operational Safety Controls, approved by the responsible
                    Operations Office manager; or Nuclear Explosive Safety Rules,
                    approved by DP-20.

               (d)  Nuclear explosive operation readiness review, approved by the
                    responsible Operations Office manager.

               (e)  Required facility readiness reviews, approved by the responsible
                    Operations Office manager.

               (f)  Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Report, approved by DP-20.

               (g)  Certification that all nuclear explosive surety standards are met
                    by the responsible Operations Office manager.

          (2)  Operations Office managers may issue letters authorizing nuclear
               explosive operations.  This authorization must document either the
               satisfactory completion of each of the seven approvals identified in
               paragraph 4j(1).  Nuclear explosive operations may be undertaken only
               when all such conditions are met.

     k.   Appraisals.  Organizations that have DOE NEWS Program responsibilities shall
          be periodically appraised as follows.

          (1)  The Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs (DP-1) shall schedule and
               conduct appraisals of DOE Headquarters.

          (2)  The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application and Stockpile
               Management (DP-20) shall schedule and conduct appraisals of the
               Operations Offices.

          (3)  Operations Offices shall schedule and conduct appraisals of the Area
               Offices, laboratories, and contractors to determine compliance with
               requirements in the 452- and 5610-series Orders and associated field
               directives.  Appraisals shall be conducted in accordance with a schedule
               promulgated by the cognizant Operations Office manager and approved
               by DP-20.  The Albuquerque Operations Office shall appraise the
               Transportation Safeguards Division.  The appraisal team may include
               Headquarters observer(s).

          (4)  Operations Office appraisals of the safety of nuclear explosive operations
               and associated activities and facilities (DOE O 452.2A) shall include
               both nuclear explosive surety and ES&H elements, although not
               necessarily in the same appraisal.  The field organizations'
               responsibilities in DOE G 414.1-1, IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE FOR
               PART 830.120 QUALITY ASSURANCE, dated 10-11-96, and the
               requirements of DOE 5700.6C, QUALITY ASSURANCE, dated 8-21-
               91, shall apply to ES&H appraisals with the following modifications.

               (a)  NES concerns, as described in DOE O 452.2A, shall be
                    integrated into the process used to assess the adequacy of the
                    implementation of ES&H requirements.

               (b)  NES personnel shall evaluate all corrective action plans on
                    nuclear explosive operations and associated activities and
                    facilities to ensure that proposed actions do not adversely affect
                    nuclear explosive safety.

          (5)  Nuclear explosive surety appraisals shall evaluate compliance with
               applicable directives and requirements and assess the overall
               effectiveness of the DOE NEWS Program.  Nuclear explosive surety
               appraisals shall be planned and conducted in accordance with ASME
               NQA-1-1994, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility
               Applications, "Basic Requirement 18, Audits," and "Supplement 18S-1,
               Supplementary Requirements for Audits."  Additional guidance is
               provided in ASME NQA-1 Appendix 18A-1, "Nonmandatory Guidance
               on Audits."

          (6)  The organization responsible for conducting appraisals shall develop a
               training and qualification program for appraisal personnel.

     l.   Implementation Requirements.  Within 12 months after this Order is issued,
          Operations Offices shall develop an implementation plan to describe how the
          requirements of this Order will be implemented.  The implementation plan shall
          be submitted to DP-20 for approval and shall include the following.

          (1)  Identify the programs, plans, practices, procedures, and other actions to
               be used in complying with the requirements.

          (2)  Establish a schedule for actions necessary to achieve compliance.

          (3)  Identify needed resources.

          (4)  Identify those compensatory measures deemed necessary to provide for
               adequate protection during the period of noncompliance.


     a.   Secretary of Energy (S-1).

          (1)  Is responsible for the surety of all nuclear explosive operations
               conducted by the Department and/or its contractors.

          (2)  Exercises dual-agency responsibility with DoD for the surety of nuclear
               weapons in DoD custody.

          (3)  Designates the DOE member to the Nuclear Weapons Council.

     b.   Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs (DP-1).

          (1)  Implements DOE policy for the DOE NEWS Program, including those
               aspects of the program related to public and worker health and safety and
               protection of the environment.

          (2)  Reviews and concurs or does not concur on DoD-proposed nuclear
               weapon system safety rules.

          (3)  Coordinates with the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and
               Health (EH-1) to ensure that appropriate ES&H requirements are
               integrated with NEWS requirements and that divergence does not occur.

          (4)  Conducts appraisals of the DOE Headquarters Weapon Surety Program
               to evaluate management of the DOE NEWS Program.

     c.   Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health (EH-1).

          (1)  Provides assistance to DP-1 for ES&H disciplines.

          (2)  Coordinates with DP-1 on ES&H requirements to ensure that divergence
               between ES&H and DOE NEWS programs does not occur.

          (3)  Provides safeguards and security inspection reports related to the DOE
               NEWS Program through the Office of Security Evaluations (EH-21) to
               DP-20, Office of Security Affairs, and the cognizant Operations Offices.

     d.   Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application and Stockpile Management

          (1)  Serves as the focal point for the Department's dual-agency responsibility
               with the DoD for nuclear weapon surety.

          (2)  Develops DOE NEWS Program directives.

          (3)  Provides overall DOE NEWS Program management and direction
               including implementing surety policy and developing surety directives.

          (4)  Ensures that there is an active and continuous review of the nuclear
               stockpile to identify surety concerns and a program to provide for
               stockpile improvements or positive measures to address identified

          (5)  Ensures that all surety actions related to nuclear weapons requiring a
               DOE concurrence to the DoD are thoroughly analyzed from a surety
               viewpoint by qualified experts.

          (6)  Conducts appraisals of Operations Offices to evaluate their
               implementation of the DOE NEWS Program.

          (7)  Coordinates nuclear explosive safety, security, and use control policies
               to ensure balance and consistency with the nuclear explosive surety

          (8)  Develops, implements, and maintains a DP-20 quality assurance (QA)
               program and approves Operations Office QA program and
               implementation plans that shall include nuclear explosive operations in
               accordance with DOE 5700.6C.

     e.   Director, Office of Security Affairs (NN-50).

          (1)  Establishes safeguards and security directives for nuclear explosives,
               nuclear components, and special nuclear assemblies.

          (2)  Advises DP-1 as to the adequacy of DOE and DOE contractor
               safeguards and security programs.

     f.   Managers of Operations Offices are responsible to DP-20 to perform the

          (1)  Implement the provisions of this and related Orders.

          (2)  Ensure that DOE NEWS Program responsibilities, as appropriate, are
               assigned to Operations Office organizations, laboratories, contractors,
               and subcontractors.

          (3)  Ensure that management and staff have full access and free
               communication with the Operations Office manager on NEWS matters.

          (4)  Develop and publish field directives to implement this and related

          (5)  Conduct operational aspects of the DOE NEWS Program for onsite
               transportation activities.

          (6)  Ensure surety of nuclear explosives during nuclear explosive operations.

          (7)  Develop, implement, and maintain an Operations Office QA program in
               accordance with DOE 5700.6C, and approve contractor QA program
               and implementation plans that shall include nuclear explosive operations
               in accordance with the requirements of DOE O 452.2A.

          (8)  Conduct appraisals of Area Offices and contractors to evaluate
               implementation of the DOE NEWS Program.

          (9)  Certify that all nuclear explosive surety standards are met.

     g.   Manager, Albuquerque Operations Office, in addition to the responsibilities in
          paragraph 5f, above, is responsible to DP-20 to perform the following.

          (1)  Conduct operational aspects of the DOE NEWS Program for offsite
               transportation activities.

          (2)  Administer DOE's participation in the DoD nuclear weapon system
               safety program and assist in the processing of DoD safety rules in
               accordance with DOE 5610.13.

          (3)  Conduct NEWS appraisals of the Transportation Safeguards Division.

     h.   Manager, Nevada Operations Office, in addition to the responsibilities in
          paragraph 5f, above, is responsible to DP-20 for conducting operational aspects
          of the DOE NEWS Program and for the authorized detonation of test nuclear

     i.   Design Laboratories and Production Agencies provide support to the DOE
          NEWS Program.  This includes providing qualified personnel to support the
          NESSG and similar activities.


          SYSTEM, dated 9-25-95.


     c.   DOE O 470.1, SAFEGUARDS AND SECURITY PROGRAM, dated 9-28-95.

          WITH THE NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVES, dated 7-26-94.

          CONTROL ACTIVITIES, dated 10-10-90.

          OPERATIONS, dated 5-12-93.

          ASSESSMENT PROGRAM, dated 6-23-92.

     h.   DOE 5700.6C, QUALITY ASSURANCE, dated 8-21-91.

     i.   DOE P 450.4, SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY, dated 10-15-96.

     j.   ASME NQA-1-1994, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility
          Applications, dated 1994.

     k.   Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

     l.   Executive Order 2.

     m.   National Security Decision Directive 281.

     n.   National Security Decision Directive 309, Safety, Security and Control.

     o.   "An Agreement Between the AEC and the DoD for the Development,
          Production, and Standardization of Atomic Weapons," dated 3-21-53.

     p.   "Memorandum of Understanding Between the DoD and the DOE on Objectives
          and Responsibilities for Joint Nuclear Weapon Activities," dated 1-17-83.

7.   CONTACT.  DP-20, Office of Weapons Surety (DP-21), 301-903-3463.


This attachment provides definitions pertinent to DOE O 452.1A.

1.   Abnormal Environment.  In DOE operations, abnormal environment means an
     environment that is not expected to occur during nuclear explosive operations and
     associated activities.

     In DoD operations, abnormal environments are defined in a weapon's
     stockpile-to-target-sequence and military characteristics as those environments in which
     the weapon is not expected to retain full operational reliability.

2.   Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H).  The application of risk reduction measures
     to control or mitigate the possibility of exposing the public, workers, and environment
     to hazardous materials or hazardous energy.  This includes, for example, environmental
     protection, nuclear safety, criticality safety, occupational safety, fire protection,
     industrial hygiene, health physics, occupational medicine, industrial safety, and
     radioactive and hazardous waste management.

3.   Fissile Material Dispersal.  The aerosolization and transport of fissile material by a
     driving force, such as fire, high-explosive deflagration, or high-explosive detonation.

4.   High-Explosive Deflagration.  A rapid chemical reaction in which the output of heat is
     sufficient for the reaction to proceed and accelerate without input of heat from another
     source.  Deflagration is a surface phenomenon, with the reaction products flowing
     away from the unreacted material along the surface at subsonic velocity.

5.   High-Explosive Detonation.  A violent chemical reaction within a chemical compound
     or mechanical mixture evolving heat and pressure.  A detonation is a reaction that
     proceeds through the reacted material toward the unreacted material at a supersonic

6.   Normal Environment.  In DOE operations, normal environment means the environment
     in which nuclear explosive operations and associated activities are expected to be
     In DoD operations, normal environment means the expected logistical and operational
     environments as defined in a weapon's stockpile-to-target- sequence and military
     characteristics that the weapon is required to survive without degradation in operational

7.   Nuclear Detonation.  An energy release through a nuclear process, during a period of
     time on the order of one microsecond, in an amount equivalent to the energy released
     by detonating four or more pounds of trinitrotoluene (TNT).

8.   Nuclear Explosive.  An assembly containing fissionable and/or fusionable materials and
     main charge high-explosive parts or propellants capable of producing a nuclear
     detonation (e.g., a nuclear weapon or test device).

9.   Nuclear Explosive Area.  An area that contains a nuclear explosive or collocated pit
     and main charge high-explosive parts.

10.  Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety (NEWS) Program.  The DOE NEWS Program
     was established to ensure adequate safety, security, and control of nuclear explosives
     and nuclear weapons.

11   Nuclear Explosive Operation.  Any activity involving a nuclear explosive, including
     activities in which main charge high-explosive parts and pit are collocated.

12   Nuclear Explosive Operation-Associated Activities.  Activities directly associated with
     a specific nuclear explosive operation, such as work on a bomb nose or tail
     subassembly, even when physically separated from the bomb's nuclear explosive

13   Nuclear Explosive Safety (NES).  The application of positive measures to control or
     mitigate the possibility of unintended or unauthorized nuclear detonation,
     high-explosive detonation or deflagration, or fire in a nuclear explosive area.

14   Nuclear Explosive Safety Study.  A formal evaluation of the adequacy of  positive
     measures to meet the DOE nuclear explosive Safety Standards.

15   Nuclear Weapon.  A nuclear explosive configured for DoD use.

16   Nuclear Yield.  The nuclear energy released in the detonation of a nuclear explosive,
     measured in terms of the weight of TNT required to produce the same amount of
     energy release.

17.  Pit (Live).  A fissile component, or set of fissile components, designed to fit in the
     central cavity of an implosion system and which if placed therein will create a nuclear

18   Positive Measures.  Design features, safety rules, procedures, or other controls used
     individually or collectively to provide nuclear explosive surety.  Positive measures are
     intended to ensure a safe response in applicable operations and be controllable.  Some
     examples of positive measures are strong-link switches; other safety devices;
     administrative procedures and controls; general and specific nuclear explosive safety
     rules; design control of electrical equipment and mechanical tooling; and physical,
     electrical, and mechanical restraints incorporated in facilities and transport equipment.

19   Surety.  Safety, security, and use control of nuclear explosives.

20.  Use Control.  The application of systems, devices, or procedures that allow timely
     authorized use of a nuclear explosive while precluding or delaying unauthorized use
     (nuclear detonation).