![]() Table of Contents |
A0 original activity
amu atomic mass unit
atm atmospheres of pressure
Bq becquerel
CBF cerebral blood flow
cGy centiGray
Ci curie
cm centimeter(s)
Co Cobalt
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DTPA diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (pentetic acid)
EBq exabecquerel (1018 Bq)
EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (edetic acid)
EMP electro-magnetic pulse
ER enhanced radiation
ETI early transient incapacitation
ETI-PD early transient incapacitation and performance decrement
Ev electron volt
Gy gray
HOB height-of-burst
HVL half-value layer
KBq thousand Becquerels
KeV thousand electron volts
Km kilometer(s)
kPa kiloPascals
Kt kiloton(s)
Kvp kilovolts (peak)
LD lethal dose
LET linear energy transfer
m meter(s)
MeV million electron volts
mm millimeter(s)
mm³ cubic millimeters
Mt megaton
Na sodium
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
PBq peta-becquerel (1018Bq)
PD performance decrement
Pu plutonium
rad radiation absorbed dose
RBE relative biological effectiveness
REM roentgen equivalent, man
RPL radiophotoluminescent
SD skin dose
sec second(s)
SI systems international
Sv sievert (SI unit of radioactive dose equivalent)
TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter
TNT trinitrotoluene
U uranium
Z/A ratio of atomic number to atomic mass
µ micro (10-6)
µCi micro Curie