Index DOD Doctrine

SORT: 5111.05

DOCI: DODD 5111.5

DATE: 19950322

TITL: DODD 5111.5  Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security
Policy (ASD(ISP)), March 22, 1995, DA&M

References:  (a)  Title 10, United States Code
(b)  DoD Directive 5111.5, "Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Nuclear Security and Counterproliferation
(ASD(NS&CP))," July 6, 1993 (hereby canceled)
(c)  DoD Directive 5111.6, "Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Policy and Plans (ASD(P&P))," July 6, 1993 (hereby
(d)  DoD Directive 5105.51, "Defense Technology Security
Administration," May 10, 1985
(e)  DoD 5025.1-M, "DoD Directives System Procedures,"
December 1990, authorized by DoD Directive 5025.1,
June 24, 1994
(f)  DoD Directive 8910.1, "Management and Control of
Information Requirements," June 11, 1993


Under the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense by Sections 113
and 138 of reference (a), this Directive reissues reference (b) to update
the responsibilities, functions, relationships, and authorities of the
ASD(ISP), as prescribed herein, and replaces reference (c).


This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense
(OSD), the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General
of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field
Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD Components").


The Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy
is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Under Secretary of
Defense for Policy (USD(P)) and the Secretary of Defense on reducing and
countering nuclear, biological, chemical, and missile threats to the
United States and its forces and allies; arms control negotiations,
implementation, and verification policy; denuclearization, threat
reduction, and nuclear safety, security, and dismantlement in the states
of the former Soviet Union; counterproliferation; policy and strategy for
U.S. nuclear weapons, and selected advanced conventional weapons; and
technology transfer.  In addition, the ASD(ISP) formulates and coordinates
security strategy and policy and political-military policy on issues of
DoD interest that relate to foreign governments and their defense
establishments in Russia, Ukraine, and the other states of the former
Soviet Union (not including the Baltic States).  In this capacity, the
ASD(ISP) shall:

1.  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of:

a.  Policy related to arms control negotiations, implementations, and
verification, including cooperative threat reduction and safety, security,
and dismantlement, in the states of the former Soviet Union.

b.  Policy for denuclearization in the states of the former Soviet

c.  Policy related to nuclear forces and strategy.

d.  Policy related to U.S. Government counterproliferation activities.

e.  Policy related to U.S. nuclear offensive and defensive forces,
including the structure, requirements, and posture of strategic forces,
strategic reserve forces, theater nuclear forces, and warning systems;
surety, reliability, safety, and security of nuclear forces; and strategic
and theater missile defense.

2.  Provide policy guidance to the Director of the Ballistic Missile
Defense Organization.

3.  Develop DoD policy positions and recommendations regarding
nonproliferation and arms control policy for nuclear, chemical,
biological, missile, advanced conventional weapons, and international
technology transfers.  Additionally, develop DoD policy positions and
recommendations regarding arms control and disarmament negotiations, to
include multilateral negotiations within these areas.

4.  Provide policy guidance for strategic development of new defense
technology through the stage of technology demonstration.

5.  Provide policy guidance to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence concerning intelligence
tasking, collection, and analysis in areas of assigned responsibility.
Integrate proliferation intelligence information, proliferation threat
assessments, and proliferation-related information received from other
sources into the USD(P) policy formulation process.

6.  Manage and provide policy guidance to the Defense Technology
Security Administration; and develop, coordinate, and oversee the
implementation of DoD policy for international technology transfers.

7.  Promote coordination, cooperation, and Joint planning on nuclear
armaments and strategy with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
allies, including responsibilities regarding the NATO Nuclear Planning
Group and the High Level Group.

8.  Participate in those planning, programming, and budgeting
activities that relate to assigned areas of responsibility.

9.  Represent the USD(P) and the Secretary of Defense in interagency
deliberations and international negotiations dealing with assigned areas
of responsibility.

10.  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of a
comprehensive strategy toward Russia, Ukraine, and other newly independent
states of Eurasia; develop and oversee DoD security policy and military
relations with the former Soviet republics (other than the Baltic States);
develop DoD positions and recommendations, and coordinate policy matters
concerning security assistance, defense conversion, and
military-to-military contacts pertaining to these states; and oversee DoD
activities to that end.  Develop plans and policy intended to help these
states consolidate democracy, reform their economic systems, and establish
smaller, defensively oriented, democratically accountable armed forces.

11.  Perform such other functions as the USD(P) or the Secretary of
Defense may prescribe.


1.  In the performance of assigned functions and responsibilities, the
ASD(ISP) shall serve under the authority, direction, and control of the
USD(P), and shall:

a.  Report directly to the USD(P).

b.  Exercise authority, direction, and control over the Director,
Defense Technology Security Administration, established by DoD Directive
5105.51 (reference (d)).

c.  Coordinate and exchange information with OSD officials, heads of
the DoD Components, and Federal officials having collateral or related

d.  Use existing facilities and services of the Department of Defense
and other Federal Agencies, when practicable, to avoid duplication and to
achieve maximum efficiency and economy.

2.  Other OSD officials and heads of the DoD Components shall
coordinate with the ASD(ISP) on all matters related to the
responsibilities and functions cited in section C., above.


The ASD(ISP) is hereby delegated authority to:

1.  Issue DoD Instructions, DoD Publications, and one-time
directive-type memoranda, consistent with DoD 5025.1-M (deference (e)),
that implement policy approved by the Secretary of Defense in assigned
fields of responsibility.  Instructions to the Military Departments shall
be issued through the Secretaries of those Departments.  Instructions to
Unified Combatant Commands shall be communicated through the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

2.  Obtain reports, information, advice, and assistance, consistent
with DoD Directive 8910.1 (reference (f)), as necessary to carry out
assigned functions.

3.  Communicate directly with the heads of the DoD Components.
Communications to the Commanders of Unified Combatant Commands shall be
transmitted through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

4.  Communicate with other Government officials, representatives of
the legislative branch, members of the public, and representatives of
foreign governments, as appropriate, in carrying out assigned functions.


This Directive