Navy Training Plan (NTP)

A. Comments received from LCDR James D. Macy, STRATCOM, of 31 Dec 98.

1. Change page I-6, Section I.G., para 1., last sentence to read For ABNCP missions it carries five officers, nine enlisted aircrewmen, and an eight-person battlestaff.

Status: See B.3.


2. Change page I-7, Section I.H., para 1.b. last sentence to read Maintenance of the systems will be performed by the standard compliment of squadron ground an in-flight technician personnel with the exception of the ALCS which will be maintained by the Air Force through FY 99

Status: Change will be incorporated with the following revision "...ALCS which will be maintained by the Air Force for 18 months after Navy IOC at which time the Navy will be responsible for ALCS maintenance.

B. Comments submitted by STRATCOMMWING ONE ltr Ser N7/750 of 21 Dec 98.

1. Page I-3, Line 5. Does this include FMCS Part Task Trainer and Navigation Systems Trainer updates

Status: Current sentence reads "d. Associated training system inputs to both aircrew and maintenance curricula and devices are in development concurrently with a request for proposal and statement of work." I suspect this sentence needs to be updated but I do not know what the status of this effort is. Tom, you will have to give me the necessary information so I can update this write-up.


2. Page I-6, Line 21. Change CFM-56-2-2A to CFM-56-2A-2.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


3. Page I-6, Line 26. Change last sentence to read: "For ABNCP missions it carries five naval officers, nine naval enlisted aircrewmen, and eight person battle staff as determined by USSTRATCOM J36."

Status: Change has been incorporated.


4. Page I-7, Line 6. Change the sentence to read: "…commitment of resources (alert posture) in the Atlantic and Pacific regions."

Status: Change has been incorporated.


5. Page I-7, Line 24. Change "mileage" to "usage cycles".

Status: Change has been incorporated.


6. Page I-7, Line 38. Change the word an to the number 2. Sentence should read "…2 Aircraft will be flown…"

Status: Change line 38 to line 8. Sentence now reads "As directed by USSTRATCOM two aircraft will be flown to...."


7. Page I-8, Line 7. Delete the words Draft Squadron Manning documents. The sentence should read "3. Manning Concept. Activity Manning documents…"

Status: Paragraph has been revised to reflect the use of Activity Manpower Documents vice draft Squadron Manpower Documents.


8. Page I-8, Line 39. Add the words "to remote locations" between the words deployed and away.The sentence should read "…Aircrews are also responsible for organizational level maintenance while the aircraft is deployed to remote locations away from the parent squadron."

Status: Change has been incorporated


9. Page I-9, Line 11. TACAMO community no longer falls under COMPATWINGSPAC. Should read, COMNAVAIRPAC 3500.67D and COMSTRATCOMMWINGONE 3500.xx (in work), provides a comprehensive Training Readiness Program.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


10. Page I-9, Line 30. Change to 14.6 wks.

Status: This change proposes to increase the course length of E-2B-0401, E-6 Pilot Initial Qualification from 11.4 wks to 14.6 wks. The OPNAV OTEMS data base on 16 Sep 98 listed 11.4 wks as the CNO authorized course length. Attempts to reconfirm this data have been unsuccessful because all my contacts are out of town but I will keep after this. In a phone conversation with CDR/LCDR (?) Murphy N889F3 on 17 Feb 99 it was agreed that the course lengths that would appear in the NTSP would be those that had been approved by CNO and listed in the OTEMS data base.


11. Page I-9, Line 31. Change to 15.4 wks.

Status: This change would increase the E-6 Pilot Training Category I training track from 12.2 wks to 15.4 wks. OTEMS data base has 12.2 wks.


12. Page I-10, Line 21. Change to 10.8 wks.

Status: This change would decrease the E-6 Category Pilot course, E-2B-0405 from 11.0 wks to 10.8 wks. OTEMS data base has 11.0 wks.


13. Page I-10, Line 22. Change to 11.6 wks.

Status: This change would decrease the E-6 Pilot Training Category II training track from 11.8 wks to 11.6 wks. OTEMS data base has 11.8 wks.


14. Page I-11, Line 8. Note: Curriculum will change within one year to 6.2 wks with the addition of the FMCS Part Task Trainer and the Navigation Systems Trainer.

Status: The following note will be added to the E-6 NFO Training Category I training track regarding E-2D-0401, E-6 NFO Initial Qualification, course length 4.2wks. "NOTE. The course length for E-2D-0401 may be adjusted to reflect the addition of the Flight Management Computer System Trainer and the Navigation Systems Trainer.


15. Page I-11, Line 15. Change prerequisite schools to "VT-10 and Naval Air Training Unit at Randolph AFB.

Status: The change will be incorporated.


16. Page I-11, Line 23. Delete item d.

Status: The change will be incorporated.


17. Page I-11, Line 24. Change item e. to read "P-7C-0039, Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)

Status: The change will be incorporated as d. vice e.


18. Page I-11, Line 30. Delete sentence "Additional time to train may be…". This training is no longer required.

Status: The change will be incorporated.


19. Page I-11, Line 42. Change to 6.0 wks. Note: Curriculum will change within one year to 6.0 wks with the addition of the FMCS Part Task Trainer and the Navigation Systems Trainer.

Status: See No. 14


20. Page I-15, Line 10. Change course title to "E-6B Communication Operator Tactics". Change to 4.8 wks.

Status: Course title will be changed as requested. Course length will remain at 4.4 wks which agrees with the OTEMS data base.


21. Page I-15, Line 12. Change to 2.2 wks.

Status: Course length will remain at 2.6 wks which agrees with the OTEMS data base.


22. Page I-17, Line 9. Change to 1.8 wks.

Status: Course length will remain at 2.0 wks which agrees with the OTEMS data base.


23. Page I-17, Line 10. Change to 2.2 wks

Status: See 21 above.


24. Page I-17, Line 11. Change to 9.6 wks.

Status: Training track length will remain at 10.2 wks.


25. Page I-19, Line 17. Add C-102-4514, E-6B Communications Operator 12.2 wks to courses.

Status: Course will not be added to training track until it is approved by CNO and added to the OTEMS data base.


26. Page I-19, Line 26. Change to 2.2 wks.

Status: See 21 above.


27. Page I-19, Line 27. Change course title to "E-6B Communications Operator Tactics". Change to 4.8 wks.

Status: Course title will be change. Course length will remain at 4.4 wks.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28. Page I-19, Line 31. Change to 47.4 wks.

Status: Total track length will not be changed from 35.2 wks to 47.4 wks.


29. Page I-25, Line 7. The current E-6B Avionics Organizational Maintenance NEC is 6703. There is no status on the request letter to establish career/initial NEC.

Status: No action required at this end. The originator of the request should be taking the necessary follow-up to determine the status of the request.


30. Page II-1. Change VQ-3 Det Offutt/TBD to VQ-3 /Det Offutt/55677.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


31. Page II-2. Change VQ-3 Det Offutt/TBD to VQ-3 /Det Offutt/55677.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


32. Page II-6. Recalculate numbers of billets required utilizing authorized Activity Manpower Documents for VQ-3 and VQ-4.

Status: Requested change does not make any sense. Page II-6, NTSP element II.A.2.c. Total Billets to be Deleted in Operational and Fleet Support Activities, the figures for this element come from the last approved NTP for this program.


33. Page II-19. Element II.B.1, E-2B-0407, E-6 Pilot Training Category I, Change course length to 15.4 wks.

Status: See previous comments regarding training track/training course lengths.


34. Element II.B.1, E-2D-0407 and E-2D-0404, E-6 NFO Category I and II, Note: Contractor schedules courses for 24 total NFO’s per year.

Status: Change will be incorporated.


35. Element II.B.1, E-2B-0406, E-6 Pilot Training Category II, change course length to 11.6 wks. Note: Contractor schedules courses for 8 category II pilots per year.

Status: See previous comments regarding training track/training course lengths. Note will be incorporated into the NTSP.


36. Element II.B.1, E-050-0410, Fleet Replacement Aircrew (Flight Engineer) Category I. Note: Contractor schedules courses for 20 Category I Flight Engineers per year.

Status: Change will be incorporated.


37. Element II.B.1, E-050-0411, E-6 Fleet Replacement Aircrew (Flight Engineer) Category II. Note: Contractor schedules courses for 5 Category II Flight Engineers per year.

Status: Change will be incorporated.


36 Element II.B.1, E-050-0412, E-6B Reel Operator, Category I. Change course length to 9.6 wks.

Status: See previous comments regarding training track/training course lengths.


37. Element II.B.1, E-050-0414, E-6B Inflight Technician Category I. Change course length to 47.4 wks.

Status: See previous comments regarding training track/training course lengths.


38. A-12. Replace Draft Squadron Manpower Document for VQ-3 Shore activity (UIC 09923) with Activity Manpower Document dated 11/10/98.

Status: Change will be incorporated using AMD dated 2/4/99.


39. A-19. Replace Draft Squadron Manpower Document for VQ-3 Sea Duty Component (UIC 55154) with Activity Manpower Document dated 11/10/98.

Status: Change will be incorporated using AMD dated 2/4/99


40. A-35. Replace Draft Squadron Manpower Document for VQ-3 Detachment Travis (UIC 47294) with Activity Manpower Document dated 11/10/98.

Status: Change will be incorporated using AMD dated 2/4/99


41. A-42. Replace Draft Squadron Manpower Document for VQ-3 Detachment Offutt (UIC 55677) with Activity Manpower Document dated 11/10/98.

Status: Change will be incorporated when I have received the new AMD.


42. B-1. Replace Draft Squadron Manpower Document for VQ-4 Shore activity (UIC 09962) with Activity Manpower Document dated 11/10/98.

Status: Change will be incorporated using AMD dated 2/4/99


43. B-12. Replace Draft Squadron Manpower Document for VQ-4 Sea Duty Component (UIC 42065) with Activity Manpower Document dated 11/1/98.

Status: Change will be incorporated using AMD dated 2/4/99


44. B-31. Replace Draft Squadron Manpower Document for VQ-4 Detachment Patuxent River (UIC 49403) with Activity Manpower Document dated 11/10/98/

Status: Change will be incorporated using AMD dated 2/4/99


C. Comments submitted by the OinC NAMTRAGRUDET 1080 in a memo to CSW-1 Training Officer dated 9 Dec 98

1. Summary. Para-3. The word "reclama" is not defined in Webster’s.

Status: No action taken.


2. I-8. Line 35. Change "in" to read "‘to".

Status: Change is on line 43 vice line 35. Change will be incorporated. Sentence will now read "The NAMTRAGRUDET maintenance training curricula will be analyzed in the 4th quarter FY 98 to support conversion of the paper based training material in Computer Based Training (CBT) curricula where appropriate."


3. I-8. Line 40. Incomplete sentence/thought.

Status: Sentence is on page I-9 line 3. Sentence has been changed to read "A prototype CBT lesson will be developed upon completion of the analysis." Actually I think this entire paragraph needs to be rewritten. I do no have access to the information required to rewrite.


4. I-8. Line 41. Hyphen required for "Follow-on".

Status: Item is on page I-9 Line 4. Change has been incorporated.


5 I-9. Line 41. Spacing between "1500.12" and "Modify".

Status: Item is on page I-10 Line 5. Change has been incorporated.


6. I-9 – I-27. Delete all MTRR Action Items. Unnecessary in this context.

Status: Do not agree. The following is quoted from page 2-8 of the Navy Training Requirements Documentation Manual.

"D. Training Pipelines. Provide a graphic illustration of new training pipelines or tracks. Include existing training tracks and indicate necessary changes." MTRR/ATRR action items document CNO directed changes to the training tracks.


7. I-11. Line 21. Change "Completion" to lower case.

Status: Cannot find an upper case "Completion" anywhere on I-11.


8. I-13. Line 10. Change semi-colon after command to colon.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


9. I-15. Line 14. Delete period and lower case "so".

Status: Change is located at line 29 vice line 14. Change has been incorporated.


10. I-15. Line 27-30. Closing quotation mark required.

Status: Change is located at line 44. Closing quotation mark has been added after (E-050-0413),"


11. I-17. Line 11. Delete period and lower case "to".

Status: Change is located at line 29. Change has been incorporated.


12. I-17. Line 21. Delete period and lower case "because".

Status: Change is located at line 39. Change has been incorporated.


13. I-17. Line 23-25. Include quotation marks for standardization and correct spacing.

Status: Change starts on line 41 with Personnel may earn...and ends on line 43 with E-050-0412. Change has been incorporated.


14. I-19. Line 8. Correct "total" placement.

Status: Change is located at line 31. The placement of 35.2 wks total has been adjusted.


15. I-19. Line 31-33. Closing quotation mark required.

Status: Change is located on page I-20, line 11. Quotation mark has been added after (E-050-0414),"


16. I-19. Line 36-38. Closing quotation mark required.

Status: Change is located on page I-20, line 17. Quotation mark has been added after aircraft/mission avionics systems."


17. I-28. Line 42. Approval date missing.

Status: Change is located on page I-29, line 30. Jun 94 is the correct approval date.


18. I-28. Line 46. Reformat to next page for ease of reading.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


19. I-29. Line 28. Capitalize "Manual".

Status: Change is located on page I-30, line 17. Change has been incorporated.


20. V-18. Line 3. Include acronym in title since it’s used later stand alone.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


IV-19. Line 9. Add period after "MOMI".

Status: Change has been incorporated.


IV-23. Line 3. Define "HPTS" used in title.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


IV-24. Line 3. Define "HPTS" used in title.

Status: Change has been incorporated.


Appendix A. Reformat to correct numerous formatting errors.

Status: Appendix A (draft PSQMD) is being replaced by an AMD. Comment is no longer applicable.


A-5. Last line. Change to read "billets on AMDs".

Status: Pages A-1 through A-11 was intended to be included only in the draft NTSP. This information is not required and it was provided as a convenience to personnel who were tasked to review the draft NTSP. This section will be eliminated when the NTSP is updated.


Student control reviewed the training track data with the following comments:

I have no comments regarding the above.


The following comments were submitted by Commanding Officer, Navy Manpower Analysis Center letter 3502 Ser 30/0608 of 15 Dec 1998.

The "required billets listed on Page II-2 are correct per the current Squadron Manpower Document (SQMD) for VQ-4. Change VQ-3 billet requirements as follows:

VQ-3 Shore Component/09923 00 035

VQ-3 Sea Component /55154 77 371

VQ-3 Det Travis/47294 01 063

VQ-3 Det Offutt/TBD 01 078

Total VQ-3 79 547

Status: The above manpower figures will be used in the NTSP update.


The "Billets to be deleted", listed on page II-5. Indicate a large reduction in manpower associated with the transition from E-6A to E-6B aircraft. Based on the current ROC/POE, NAVMAC is unable to substantiate these numbers. Recommend page II-5 be reevaluated.

Status: The manpower figures listed in this element (II.!.2.b. Billets to be Deleted in Operational and Fleet Support Activities) are from the "C" version of the NTSP and reflect the approved manpower when the squadrons were operating the E-6A pre-ABNCP. These billets are not being deleted (see Note 3. On the page) they are being used as compensation for the manpower required to operate the E-6B post-ABNCP.
