Publication Date:  17 February 1996
System Version:  GCCS 2.1/Update 4
Web Page Created:  20 March 1996

Setup.  To accomplish this lesson, you need GCCS connectivity and access to the JOPES database and applications (Session Manager and System Services).  USERID requires NFM functional permissions.  The USERID (user account) must be a member of the UNIX group, JADMIN with execute permissions for the TP/TDS Management subsystems and with execute permissions for Local OPLAN Database Cleanup (DBA function).

OBJECTIVE.  Without references, explain the JOPES database save/archive process.

Note:  You will receive screen advisories if the save must be split between several tapes.

OBJECTIVE.  Without references, explain the process used to recover the JOPES database at a failed site.

Note:  The user account group name for the Database Administrators is site specific.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 On the Plan Management tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Local Oplan Recovery Cleanup. The LOCAL PLAN DATABASE RECOVERY CLEAN UP window (Fig. 6-1) displays.

Figure 6-1.  Local Plan Database Cleanup Window

2 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10-Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.

OBJECTIVE.  Given access to a GCCS environment, access the JOPES Transaction Processor and JOPES Transaction Distribution Services windows and explain their function.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 On the GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on System Services Utilities. The System Services Utilities cascade displays.
2 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the dotted line in the System Services Utilities cascade window header. Cascade changes to a tear-off menu.
3 <POINT, DRAG, AND RELEASE (left)> the header line of the System Services Utilities tear-off to an open area of the screen. The System Services utilities tear-off is repositioned on the screen.
4 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Transaction Processing Management. The TRANSACTION PROCESSOR MANAGEMENT window (Fig. 6-2) displays.

Figure 6-2.  Transaction Processor Management Window

Note:  The full title for the Error Log referred to on the window is General Error Log.  The General Error Log should not be confused with the Error Log.  The Error Log stores transaction based errors and is accessible through the Audit Subsystem.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10- Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.
2 On the System Services Utilities tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Transaction Distribution Management. The TRANSACTION DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT window (Fig. 6-3) displays.

Figure 6-3.  Transaction Distribution Management Window

Note:  The Transaction Distribution Enable and Disable buttons are very similar to master switches.

3 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10-Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.

OBJECTIVE.  Given a GCCS environment, explain the purpose of the JOPES TDS Network Management window.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 On the System Services Utilities tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on TDS Network Management. The TDS NETWORK MANAGEMENT window (Fig. 6-4) displays.

Figure 6-4.  TDS Network Management Window

Note:  The Network Type field will display the type of network to which this computer is connected.

Note:  This database server is only deleted from the TDS network in the sense that other database servers no longer recognize this one as existing for the purposes of distributing JOPES OPLAN transactions.  Physically, it is still connected to the communications network.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 To exit SS, Press <F12> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F12-Exit on any SS window. Confirmation Pop-up displays.
2 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Yes. All System Services windows close.