Publication Date:  16 February 1996
System Version:  GCCS 2.1/Update 4
Web Page Created:  15 March 1996

Setup.  To accomplish this lesson, you need GCCS connectivity and access to the JOPES database and applications (Session Manager, System Services, IMS, RFM, and FTPtool).  USERIDs should have Plan Creator (CRT), Update (UPD), Site Functional Manager (SFM), and Network Functional Manager (NFM) permissions.  USERID (user account) must be a member of the UNIX groups (site specific - it's GCCS and JADMIN for the JTO server) to execute the Journalling subsystem, the TP/TDS Management subsystems and the Local OPLAN Database Cleanup (DBA function).  You will also need access to an XTerm and run remote window.  For the audit section of this lesson, the instructor must add ULN 9BLCK (Service = F) to OPLAN 9096M and ensure auditing is active.  The instructor can use RDA or the Merge a TPFDD of SS to accomplish the action.  It must be done early enough (prior to the audit portion of this lesson) so that the Journalling subsystem performs at least an Auto Journal operation prior to teaching audit.  The user's account must also have Telnet system permissions.  One blank 8mm cassette for the class and a formatted DOS 3.5" floppy disk for each student must be available to archive plans/TPFDDs.  A GCCS IBM compatible PC with PC-NFS will be used to transfer files to a floppy.  Master training OPLANs must be available in the site's JOPES database.

OBJECTIVE.  From a list of possible definitions, select the one that best describes the way that updates to the JOPES database are processed.

Figure 4-1.  Local Database Transaction Processing

Type Definition
DESCDT Adds/Deletes description records to FMID field.
INDXDT Adds/Deletes ULNs, PINs, CINs, and index pointers for FMID for specified plan.
TITLDT Adds title line narrative for FMID and deletes index pointers for ULNs, PINs, and CINs for specified FMID.
DLFMDT Deletes FM from specified plan without deleting requirements.
JJDSDT Accepts data from TPFDD sources that add FM title, description, ULN, PIN, and CIN for specified plan.
STRYDT Deletes FM from specified plan.  Includes associated unit and nonunit requirements, and cargo and carrier manifest records.
CNTRDT Puts record counts (number of ULNs, PINs, and CINs in FMID) in the FM table(s).
DATEBT Modifies all dates in entire OPLAN.
ULNUBT Creates, modifies, and deletes force requirement records for a given plan.
NRNUBT Updates nonunit related cargo and personnel records in requirements table(s).
NSCGBT Updates nonstandard cargo information for a given requirement.
SCHDET Adds, deletes, and changes a carrier or its itinerary in the S&M table(s).
SCHPET Adds a new carrier or changes existing carrier data.
MANIET Adds/deletes/modifies the manifest of a leg of a carrier itinerary.
MANPET Adds/modifies allocation to manifest data relating to square feet and POL for a carrier.
DICHET Modifies a carrier manifest in the S&M table(s) and adds remarks records for changed or diverted carrier.
INITHT Initializes OPLAN; adds/deletes UID, distributes OPLAN, and changes OPLAN type.
CDAYHT Changes OPLAN C-Day and L-Hour for an existing plan.
RESTHT Resets requirement, carrier, and C-Day for an OPLAN.  Deletes specified OPLAN.
PLNUAT Updates general plan information such as security classification, concept of operations, assumptions, etc.
SYNCHT Modifies OPLAN, deletes OPLAN and related permissions, sends ULN and carrier counts for a given OPLAN.
PFMUAT Plan build.
IRMRHT Collects all S&M data associated with offloaded OPLAN.
USERHT Adds/deletes/modifies site specific information for user, UID, OPLAN series access, functional permissions, and OPLAN permissions.

Table 4-1.  Types of Transactions

OBJECTIVE.  From a list of capabilities, select those which are an accurate portrayal of the JOPES Transaction Processor monitoring capabilities.

OBJECTIVE.  Given a GCCS environment, display the JOPES Receive Queue activities.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 From the SYSTEM SERVICES window, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES title bar. The GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES pulldown (similar to Fig. 2-4) displays.
2 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the dotted line in the GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES cascade window header. Cascade changes to a tear-off menu. 
3 <POINT, CLICK, DRAG, AND RELEASE (left)> the header line of the GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES tear-off to an open area of the screen. The GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES tear-off is repositioned on the screen. 
4 On the GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Monitors. The Monitors cascade displays. 
5 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the dotted line in the Monitors cascade window header. Cascade changes to a tear-off menu. 
6 <POINT, CLICK, DRAG, AND RELEASE (left)> the header line of the Monitors tear-off to an open area of the screen. The Monitors tear-off is repositioned on the screen. 
7 On the Monitors tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Receive Queue Detail. The RECEIVE QUEUE DETAIL MONITOR window (Fig. 4-2) displays.

Figure 4-2.  Receive Queue Detail Monitor Window

Note:  Ten rows of transactions appear on the window.  More transaction types may be available as indicated in the second part of the Row field.  Enter a number other than one in the first part of the Row field and transmit to display the desired information in the first row on the window.

Note:  The sum of the Total Queued and Total Failed fields is the total number of transactions currently in the Receive Queue.

Note:  The standard Message Line is below the transaction details list.  This field displays responses to the operator from the system concerning operator input.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10- Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.
2 On the Monitors tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Receive Queue Summary. The RECEIVE QUEUE SUMMARY MONITOR window (Fig. 4-3) displays.

Figure 4-3.  Receive Queue Summary Monitor Window

OBJECTIVE.  Given a GCCS environment, investigate the local JOPES Database Server's processing performance and status.

3 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10-Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.

OBJECTIVE.  Given a GCCS environment, monitor the JOPES Send Queue activities.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 On the Monitors tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Send Queue Detail. The SEND QUEUE DETAIL MONITOR window (Fig. 4-4) displays.

Figure 4-4.  Send Queue Detail Monitor Window

Note:  The term "sent" refers to the condition that a transaction has been sent to all other systems.  The sum of the Total Queued and the Total Sent fields is the total number of transactions currently in the Send Queue.

2 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10-Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 On the Monitors tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Server Monitor. The SERVER MONITOR SCREEN window (Fig. 4-5) displays.

Figure 4-5.  Server Monitor Screen Window

Note:  The information on the screen will be periodically refreshed.  The Transmit key can be pressed to immediately query the system and display the current status.  The query and response takes approximately five seconds per server if they are accessible and operating, and 10 to 15 seconds per server if a negative response is encountered.

2 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10-Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.

OBJECTIVE.  Given a GCCS environment, monitor the synchronization of a distributed OPLAN on the JOPES database and explain how to rectify an out-of-synchronization condition.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 On the GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Plan Management. The Plan Management tear-off menu displays.
2 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Plan Network Status. A blank Plan Network Status window (similar to Fig. 4-6) displays.
3 In the PLAN ID field, type "9096m" and press <TAB>.  See note. The completed Plan Network Status window (Fig. 4-6) displays.
Note:  You may either press the <TAB> key or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Transmit button to execute this function.

Figure 4-6.  Plan Network Status Window

Note:  This could generate a significant number of transactions throughout the network.

4 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10-Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.
5 To close the Monitors tear-off, <POINT AND DOUBLE CLICK (left)> on the Window Menu button  in the upper left corner of the tear-off. The Monitors tear-off closes.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 On the Plan Management tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Selective Site Data Recovery option. The SELECTIVE SITE DATA RECOVERY window (Fig. 4-7) displays.

Figure 4-7.  Selective Site Data Recovery Window

2 In the PLAN ID field, type "9096m". Plan ID posts.
3 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the ULN/CIN/PIN toggle. The SELECTIVE SITE RECOVERY window (similar to Fig. 4-8) displays with just the REQUIREMENT TYPE toggles shown on the window.

Figure 4-8.  Selective Site Recovery (Values) Window

4 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the ULN toggle. The SELECTIVE SITE RECOVERY window (similar to Fig. 4-8) displays with the ENTRY METHOD toggles added to the window.

5 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the ENTER VALUES toggle. The SELECTIVE SITE RECOVERY window (Fig. 4-8) displays with the REQMT VALUES panel added to the window.

6 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Transmit. The SELECTIVE SITE RECOVERY window (similar to Fig. 4-9) displays with the DES- TINATION toggles added to the window.
7 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Specific Sites toggle. The SELECTIVE SITE RECOVERY window (Fig. 4-9) displays with the ENTER SITE IDENTIFIERS OF SITE TO RECOVER added to the window.

Figure 4-9.  Selective Site Recovery (Specific Sites) Window

8 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10-Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.

OBJECTIVE.  From a list of possible answers, select the sequence of events for journalization and the conducting of audits for his/her site's JOPES server.

Note:  These procedural issues are addressed during the generation of an audit report later in this lesson.

OBJECTIVE.  Given a GCCS environment, access the window which controls the JOPES journalizing function and explain the options available.

Note:  This is the real system!  Selected functions are carried out when you select "Transmit."  Do not "Transmit" any information on the Journalling subsystem window unless you are the designated individual responsible for accomplishing the Journalization function.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 On the GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Journalling. The JOURNALLING SUBSYSTEM window (Fig. 4-10) displays.

Figure 4-10.  Journalling Subsystem Window

Note:  The three journal disk files containing the information obtained from the Receive and Send Queues should periodically be archived to tape in order to conserve disk space.  The System Administrator or Database Administrator can access these files from system level to check/verify their size.

Note:  The tape drive used by the Journalling subsystem is a default tape drive identified by the System Administrator (SA) during initial installation.  The default tape drive can be modified by the SA.

Note:  As of this writing, there is no tape management system/procedures promulgated.  If you save something to a tape, you should make arrangements to put the tape in the tape drive, keep track of what is on that tape, and store it or know where it is stored.

Note:  These three files are not the contents of the Receive and Send Queues.  They contain information concerning the proper operation and the care and feeding to the Journalling subsystem.

Note:  If you select the Reset Journalling Subsystem toggle and <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Transmit, then the Journal Log file is emptied and the Journal List file is updated to the current contents of the Journal directory.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on F10- Back to go back to the previous menu. Previous menu displays.
2 On the GCCS SYSTEM SERVICES tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Audit Reports. The LOAD SELECTION window (Fig. 4-11) displays.

Figure 4-11.  Load Selection Window

OBJECTIVE.  Given a GCCS environment, conduct a JOPES audit.

Requirement.  For your information, OPLAN 9096M contains (and should only contain) Army records.  However, there is now an Air Force record in your JOPES database.  The ULN is 9BLCK.  Your task is to discover who and when that record was added to your OPLAN.

Note:  If a transaction has recently occurred and journalization has not yet happened, then auditing of that transaction cannot occur.

Note:  If transactions must be loaded from a tape, then you must coordinate with the individual who has access to those tapes to insert the "appropriate" tape into the "default" tape drive.  The "appropriate" tape can be identified by the dates written on the tape label when archiving was accomplished.  The "default" tape drive is identified by the System Administrator.  In many cases, it will probably be the same one as the one used by the Journalling subsystem.

3 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the From field.  Type {yesterday's date} at 0001Z in the format {MMDDYY000100}. Date and time post.
4 In the To field.  Type the {date last journalled} from the field above. Date and time last journalled post.
5 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Load Files:  Incoming (Receive Queue) toggle and the Load Files:  Outgoing (Send Queue) toggle. Both toggles are depressed.
6 Press <F9> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the F9- Load button. Load sequence initiates and loading successful message appears.

Note:  If this window is exited and subsequently re-entered, then all previously loaded information is dumped.

7 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Transmit Button. The REPORT SELECTION window (Fig. 4-12) displays.

Figure 4-12.  Report Selection Window

Note:  The detailed reports can be restricted to specific types of information such as Plan Status, ULN, or carrier.  You cannot limit the non-detailed reports to specific types of transactions.  You cannot request both detailed and non-detailed reports at the same time.  You can, however, select any combination of detailed reports or any combination of non-detailed reports.  The choice of detailed or non- detailed reports determines the windows that are subsequently displayed.

Note:  A separate report is generated for each option (report) selected.

8 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Save Reports After Printing toggle. Depresses the Save Reports After Printing toggle.
9 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Detailed ULN Report Incoming and Outgoing toggles. Depresses the Detailed ULN Report toggle.
10 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Transmit. The DATABASE/USER ID SELECTION window (Fig. 4-13) displays.

Figure 4-13.  Database/USERID Selection Window

11 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Exercise toggle. Depresses the Exercise toggle.
12 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Transmit. The REQUIREMENT/CARRIER SELECTION window (Fig. 4-14) displays.

Figure 4-14.  Requirement/Carrier Selection Window

13 Type "9096m" in the Oplan field. 9096M displays in the OPLAN field.
14 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the first ULN field and type "9blck" in the field. 9BLCK displays in the ULN field.
15 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Transmit. The REPORT SELECTION window (Fig. 4-12) redisplays.
16 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the F10- Back button to return to the previous window. The previous window displays.

Note:  The report will print on the default printer for your workstation as previously configured by the System Administrator.

17 Walk, run, or drive to your default printer and review your report.  
18 Determine who, when, and how ULN 9BLCK was added to your JOPES database.  
19 Press <F10> or <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the F10- Back button to return to the previous window. The previous window displays.

Figure 4-15.  GCCS File Transfers

OBJECTIVE.  Without references, identify, in specific terms, the method(s) used to export and/or import JOPES OPLANs/TPFDDs.

Step Activity Anticipated Result
1 From the GCCS SYSTEMS tear-off, <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Create TPFDD File. The DATA LIMITATION SELECTION window (Fig. 4-16) displays.

Figure 4-16.  Data Limitation Selection (First Window) Window

Requirement.  Extract all Marine force and nonunit records from the 900XT OPLAN and store the records on a disk file in your user account's User_Storage directory.

Note:  The "X" in 900XT is a placeholder.  Your instructor should provide you with the appropriate number or letter to use to replace the "X".  For example, for 900XT the "X" is usually the last digit of the current fiscal year.

2 In the Plan field, type "900xt". Plan ID posts.
3 Confirm the Store to:  Disk toggle is depressed. Toggle is depressed.
4 <POINT AND DOUBLE CLICK (left)> on the Path field and type "/h/USERS/{userid}/User_Storage"; insert your user account's USERID in place of the {USERID} variable.  See note. Disk directory path posts to the field.
Note:  The directory names are case sensitive (upper/lower) and must be entered as shown.  User_Storage is a symbolic link directory that takes the place of a directory string titled Scripts/User_Storage.
5 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Filename field and type "900xt_marines". Filename posts.

6 <POINT AND CLICK (left)> on the Both Force and Non-unit records toggle.

<POINT AND CLICK (left)> on Transmit.

Toggle is depressed and the DATA LIMITATION SELECTION window (Fig. 4-17) displays.

Figure 4-17.  Data Limitation Selection (Second Window) Window