Publication Date:  16 February 1996
System Version:  GCCS 2.1/Update 4
Web Page Created:  14 March 1996

Setup.  None.

OBJECTIVE.  From several alternatives, select the best definition regarding the purpose of JOPES running in the GCCS environment.

Note:  The applications are discussed in the order as shown on the JNAV window.

Note:  RFA use is restricted to DISA/Joint Interoperability and Engineering Organization (JIEO)/TEXNCP.

OBJECTIVE.  Given a list, match the GCCS or JOPES definitions with the appropriate terms.

Note:  In general, a database is a collection of data managed by specialized software.  Oracle is the database software primarily in use within GCCS.

Note:  Some applications, like GSORTS or JFAST, maintain a separate database that shares data with the JOPES Core database.

OBJECTIVE.  Given a diagram of GCCS hardware and communications connectivity, identify by name the equipment used within GCCS to support the JOPES applications.

Figure 1-1.  General Configuration (Local LAN)

Note:  Most locations are getting rid of the WIS workstation and have replaced them with one of the following types of workstations.

Figure 1-2.  General Configuration (Remote LAN Added)

Figure 1-3.  General Configuration (Remote Dial-In Added)

Figure 1-4.  General Configuration (DISN/SIPRNET WAN Added)

Figure 1-5.  GCCS/JOPES Sites/Locations

OBJECTIVE.  From a list, match the GCCS or JOPES position title with the associated task.

Note:  Functional Managers are occasionally referred to as Functional Database Managers.