Combat Ciders
The Combat Ciders system [an AUTOVON segment also knonwn as "Wideband"}
is a full-duplex FDM multi-channel Air Force One communications link, via
nuclear hardened antenna's at many of the Autovon switching centers. The
system also connects via relay aircraft and the various emergency command
post aircraft, such as Lookinglass. The system has provisions for secure
voice, teletype and FAX, as well as fully automatic AUTOVON voice trunks
with standard AUTOVON signalling and control. Trunks are located on 12,
16, 20 and 24 kHz SSB channels, 0-4 kHz is used for an order wire to ground
station. The system uses various frequencies in the 225-400 mhz military
UHF band, 390.55 and 392.55 have been used as transmit from Air Force One
in past. EIRP is (or was) very high, one published description of system
said it was 1 Kw to counter absorption effects near nuclear fireballs.
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Updated Tuesday, December 01, 1998 5:52:29 AM