Zelenodolskoye PKB
SUE "Zelenodolsk Design Marine Bureau"
4ia Lenina Str., Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan,
422540, Russia
Phone: (84371) 2-13-66
Fax: (84371) 2-78-18
E-mail: jahta@komtech.bancorp.ru
State-Owned Enterprise Plant Named After A.M. Gorky
5, Zavodskaya str., Selenodolsk,
Tatarstan 422520 Russia
Phone: +7(84371)228-54
Fax: +7(84371)212-95
The Zelenodolsk Design Bureau was the first to employ gas-turbine engines (Project 159) to power ships. It has developed over 20 projects and modifications of fighting ships, vessels and boats. Over 840 antisubmarine, escort and patrol ships were built by various shipyards under these projects for the Russian Navy, Border Guard Service, and for export. In the early 1990s, the Neustrashimy (Fearless) escort ship (Project 11540), equipped with the most up-to-date missile and antisubmarine weapon systems, became operational in the Russian Navy. The Gepard frigate (project 1166.1) has been designed to perform the following missions: to patrol the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and to fight enemy surface ships, submarines and airctaft.
The Zelenodolsk works named after A.M.Gorky is a highly-developed shipyard able to build the vessels of river-marine type with the displacement of up to 5000 t, hydrofoil passenger motorships and air cushioned vessels. Founded in 1895 on the Volga river, the Zelenodolsk Shipyard has evolved from a state-run ship repair facility into a diversified modern enterprise. The shipyard's production capacities include machine shops and casting yards (steel, titanium and copper), and a unique shipbuilding slipway has been put in place. The shipyard shipbuilding facilities have the capabilities to manufacture frigates, corvettes, commercial river-marine vessels displacing up to 5,000 tons, river hydrofoils and hovercraft, and manufacture of a broad assortment of shipborne equipment (propellers, shaft lines, hydraulic capstans, winches, and other products). As part of the conversion drive launched in 1993 the yard has been the project to build a river-tanker displacing 4,000t based on an order placed by Tatarstan's Government. Concurrently with the tanker project, the shipyard has plans to assemble the Project 16510 (NIZHEGORODETS) dry cargo river-vessel displacing 2,500/3,000t.
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Updated Thursday, August 24, 2000 8:50:22 AM