Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAP)
Ulan-Ude Aviation Enterprise
Ulan-Ude Aviation Industrial Assotiation
Ulan-Ude Aircraft Production Plant JS
Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant Joint Stock Company
1 Khorinskaya street
Ulan-Ude, Buryat Republic 670009, Russia
Tel: (7 3012) 253-031
Fax: (7 3012) 252-147
Telex: 288110 AVIA

The Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, founded in 1939, used to be the leading industrial enterprise in Buryatia. Since its foundation Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant has been one of the most famous series production plants in Russia. Mi-8T, Mi-8AMT, Mi-17 Hip (promoted as the Mi-171) combat/utilityhelicopters and Su-25 aircraft modifications such as Su-25 UB combat-training aircraft, Su-25UTG trainer in both ground and carrier-based versions are produced here. Recently yhr plant started series productions of Mi-8 AMTSh helicopter and Su-39 aircraft that meet all requirements for modern close-air support aviation. The new-generation Mi-8AMTSh combat transport helicopter was developed from the Mi-17-1V. It boasts "a new Western navigation system", improved TV3 117BM engines uprated to 1,397kW (1,874 shp) and a Shturm-V or Igla-V missile system capable of firing both Shturm and Ataka air-to-ground and air-to-air guided missiles. The helicopter can also be configured for medevac, paratroopers and SAR roles. Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAP) also builds boats and consumer goods. The company seeks foreign partners for joint marketing of its renowned helicopters.
The stock company Ulan-Ude Aviation Manufacturing Plant (S/C uuAP), created in the course of the Russian privatization reform, is an heir to the fifty-year-old Ulan-Ude Aviation Industrial Association and is a major aircraft manufacturer in East Siberia. It also produces other articles for production purposes and a wide range of consumer goods, washing machines and furniture sets. The uuAP stock company comprises several plants and production associations, having various legal and economic status, and a large engineering complex ensuring the present-day level of solving design-and-echnology problems in all kinds of production.
The Republic of Buryatia, which is located in the Asian part of Russia not far from Lake Baikal, is a rarely visited Russian territory west of the Russian Far East. Abundant in natural resources but remote and dependent on federal subsidies, Buryatia is undergoing a difficult economic and social transition. Buryatia is one of the so-called “red” Republics. The government is garden-variety authoritarian, seeking to control leading industries. The 135,000 square kilometer Republic of Buryatia (Buryatia) is in southeastern Siberia --- east of Lake Baikal, north of Mongolia, and south of the Sakha Republic. Buryatia and its eastern neighbor Chita make up the Transbaikal Region. Buryatia is a mountainous territory covered with coniferous forests. Its Barguzin valley has favorable conditions for growing crops. Ulan-Ude, the capital of the Republic, was founded in 1666 and has a population of 380,000. The city has little crime and fairly good municipal infrastructure.
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Updated Thursday, August 24, 2000 8:50:22 AM