Krylov Central Scientific Research Institute
Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute
TsNII imeni akademika A.N. Krylova
Moskovskoye Shosse, 44
196158 St. Petersburg, Russia
Tel: (011-7-812) 291-9606, 291-9665
Telex: 121467 CNEPR SU
Fax: (011-7-812) 127-9595,127-9632
Krylov is the principal shipbuilding research institute in Russia. This maritime research institute, involved in hydrodynamic and testing of ship designs, was formerly subordinated to the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry, and currently to the Shipbuilding Industry Agency. Originally it only did work for the Soviet Navy. Now work is done at Krylov for all disciplines of ship science. The institute is considered very similar in facilities and in organization to the David Taylor Naval Research and Development Center's laboratories in Carderock, Maryland. Krylov is the leading organization in Russia in academic knowledge of ship building and of testing structural components. For many years, the institute oversaw all of the ship building activity in the former Soviet Union.
Established in 1894, total employment was about 10,000 in 1975, and about half that by 1995.
The institute has a very large facility that covers 80 hectares. The institute has a wide range of tow tank facilities, including a 1,400 m long tow tank facility.
It performs testing of full-scale and modelwarship and submarine designs, both model testing and full-scale testing. Facilities include deep water and shallow water towtanks; high speed tow tanks; basins for seakeeping, maneuverability and cavitation tests; ice modelbasin; cavitation basin; wind and cavitation tunnels; acoustic measurement tanks; tensile testingmachines; fatigue and vibration testing machines; hydraulics and propulsion plant testing facilities;equipment and ranges for full scale ship tests.
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