
(Provisional Translation)

Outline of the Forth Meeting of the Technology Study Group for the Destruction of Abandoned Chemical Weapons

1. Date and Time
29th September 1998 (Thursday) 14.15 - 16.45

2. Venue
Conference room( 3rd floor), Prime Minister's Office

3. Attendance
Chairperson : Seigi HINATA( Director-General of the Abandoned Chemical Weapons Coordination Division, Councillor's Office on External Division, Cabinet Secretariat) Members : Tomie AMARI, Yuji ENOMOTO, Shigeji KOSHI, Hiroaki SHIRAISHI, Masaru TANAKA, Mitsugu TANAKA, Shoji NAKAHARA, Shuzo FUJIWARA, Kouichi MIZUNO, Masatoshi MORITA

4. Agenda( Main Subject)
(1)Study on proposed technologies for the destruction of abandoned chemical weapons
(2)Interim report (draft)
(3)Technical requirements (the Second Screening)

5. Contents
The Group studied each proposed technology and discussed the Interim Report. It was decided to continue the discussion on the report.
The Technical Requirements (the Second Screening) were discussed following the discussion in the 3rd meeting.

6. Next meeting
6th November 1998 (Tuesday)
