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I would like to thank those at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, who facilitated my detail to the National Defense Univeristy, especially Director John Holum; Dr. Amy Sands, former Assistant Director of ACDA for Intelligence, Verification, and Information; Dr. O.J. Sheaks, Acting Assistant Director for IVI; and Dr. Vic Alessi; and Patricia Caul and Regina Greene, who kept me operational. My guilt at leaving responsibilities behind was assuaged by the knowledge that Jerry Taylor and Dave Kwan would be looking after the process in my absence.

This study was conducted with the support of the Director of the National Defense University's Center for Counterproliferation Research, Ambassador Robert Joseph, who allowed me to conduct this research during my detail from the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Ambassador Joseph, along with my NDU colleagues, willingly reviewed many drafts, and numerous others graciously lent assistance and support. Particularly important for this study were the War College faculty, especially Dr. Thomas Keaney and Dr. Bard O'Neill; the ever helpful and patient NDU Library staff; and Mary Sommerville and George Maerz of NDU Press.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) material was invaluable to my researach. I especially appreciate the access provided by Norman Buder of FBIS, who responded generously to my request for assistance in utilizing FBIS resources. G. T. Richardson, while detailed to the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, went well beyond the call of duty in conducting research and analysis of certain classified subjects to provide a sanity check on certain portions of this study. Others in the intelligence community were helpful sounding boards for the initial conclusions I reached.

My husband, Dr. R. Joseph DeSutter, provided invaluable assistance as a good listener and through his thorough review and meticulous and thoughtful comments on the paper. His support and encouragement, along with that of my mother, Peti Adamo, were critical. Perhaps it was through my eight year-old daughter, Rachel, and my five-year-old son, Paul-Joseph, however, that I grasped just how hard it is to deter.

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