


Indian Nuclear Weapons Related Technology Bibliography

High Temperature Properties: Opacity, Equation of State and Related Data


BARC-981 Status of Fusion Technology

A. Mohan 1978

RRC-FRG/RPS-215 Current Trends in the Study of Equations of State for Fast Reactor Materials

G. Dharmadurai 1981

BARC-1284 Look at Fusion Reactor Technology

V.K. Rohatgi 1982

REDG/RP-256 Equations of State for Oxides, Carbides and Nitrides of Uranium and Plutonium

B.R. Rao 1984

(See also: An Introduction to Equations of State-Theory and Applications, 1986, A. Gatak, S. Eliezer and H. Hora)

Conference Papers:

Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., 1976, Vol. 19C, p449-51, B.K. Godwal

Opacity Calculations and Saha's Equation for High Z Elements

Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., 1980, Vol. 23C, p104-6, B.K. Godwal

An Interpretation of the Limiting Compression in Single Shocks for SP Metals

Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., 1980,Vol. 23C, p461-3, B.K. Godwal

Volume Variation of Nuclear Grueneisen Parameter for Beryllium and Aluminum

Proc. Nucl. Phys. Solid State Phys. Symp., 1981, Vol. 24C, p21-2, B.K. Godwal

On the Equation of State of Condensed Matter in the "Intermediate" (0.5-10 TPa) Region

Shock Waves in Condensed Matter, 1985, p71-84, S.K. Sikka

Shock Hugoniot Equation of State - Electron Band Theory Approach

Shock Waves in Condensed Matter, 1987, p147-50, J.S. Gyanchandani

On the Valence Transition in Shocked Ytterbium

Shock Compression of Condensed Matter- 1989, 1989, p131-4, J.S. Gyanchandani

On the Shock Discontinuities in Titanium and Zirconium

International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1989, Vol. 2, p553-6, T.S. Shirsat

Characteristics of Specularly Reflected Laser Light from Copper Plasma

Proceedings of the Solid State Physics Symposium, Bombay, 1990, Vol. 33C, p45-, S.C. Gupta

Compressed Gas Gun for Shock Wave Studies

Workshop on Wave-Particle Interactions and Energization in Plasmas, 1993, (published in Physica Scripta, Vol. T50, p109-13,

Laboratory Simulation of Space and Astrophysical Plasmas Using Intense Lasers


Physics Letters A, 1976, Vol. 58A, p409-11, V.P. Singh

Modified Cheveau Model for the Lattice Waves in BBC Metals: An Application to Photon Dispersion and Gruneisen Parameter

Indian Journal of Physics, Part A, 1977, Vol. 51A, p42-9, L.P. Pathak

Debye-Waller Factors of BBC Transition Metals

Pramana, 1977, Vol. 8, 217-22, B.K. Godwal

Saha's Ionization Equation for High Z Elements

Journal of Physics F, 1977, Vol. 7, p761-8, V.P. Singh

Dynamic Study for the Gruneisen Parameters in FCC Metals

Journal of the Chemistry and Physics of Solids, 1977, Vol. 38, p1293-6, Y.K. Vohra

Impurity Effects and Reaction Kinetics of the Pressure-Induced Alpha to Omega Transformation in Titanium

Pramana, 1978, Vol. 11, p47-53, B.K. Godwal

Opacities of High Temperature High Z Plasmas

Physics Letters, 1979, Vol. 71A, p57-60, B.K. Godwal

X-Ray Transport in a Ni Plasma

Journal of Physics F, 1979, Vol.9, p1771-82, Y.K. Vohra

Electronic Structure of Omega Phase of Titanium and Zirconium

Journal of Physics F, 1980, Vol. 10, p377-82, B.K. Godwal

Electronic Thermal Grueneisen Parameters for Elements with High Atomic Numbers

Letters Math. Phys., 1980, Vol. 4, p33-7, S.V. Lawande

Thermodynamic Behavior of a Collective Atomic System Driven by a Classical Field

Physical Review Letters, 1981, Vol. 47, p1169-72, B.K. Godwal

Model for the Equation of State of Condensed Matter in the "Intermediate" Pressure (about 0.5-10 TPa) Region

Journal of Physics F, 1982, Vol. 12, p655-60, B.K. Godwal

Shock Hugoniot Equation of State of Thorium

Pramana, 1982, Vol. 19, p225-9, B.K. Godwal

Volume Variation of Nuclear Grueneisen Parameter for Equation of State Studies

Atomkernergie-Kerntechnik, 1982, Vol. 41, p18-22, D.C. Sahni

Energy Deposition of Fast Alpha Particles in a Fully Ionized Deuterium-Tritium Plasma

Physics Reports, 1983, Vol. 102, p121-97, B.K. Godwal

Equation of State Theories of Condensed Matter Up to About 10 TPa

Atomkernengie-Kerntechnik, 1984, Vol. 44, p196-200, A. Shyam

Investigation of the Feasibility of Conical Target Compression Experiments Using Exploding Foil Driven Hyper-Velocity Liners

Laser and Particle Beams, 1984, Vol. 2, p309-69, A.K. Ghatak

A Review on Equations of State at High Densities Based on Thomas-Fermi and Related Models

(coauthored with S. Eliezer, Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel)

Journal of Physics F, 1984, Vol. 14, pl65-8, V. Vijayakumar

On the High-Pressure Phase Transition in Beryllium Metal

Bulletin of Materials Science, 1984, Vol. 6, p633-41, R. Chidambaram

Shocks and High Velocity Deformation

Current Science, 1984, Vol. 53, p115-27, K.G. Rajan

The Actinides: Prospects of High Pressure Research

Journal of Phys. Chemistry of Solids, 1985, Vol. 46, p17-20, V. Vijayakumar

Investigation of Pressure Induced Electronic Transitions in Lanthanum, Uranium and Thorium

Bulletin of Materials Science, 1985, Vol. 7, p377-86, S.K. Sikka

Band Theory Analysis of Shock Velocity-Particle Velocity Relations for Metals

Pramana, 1985, Vol. 24, p825-35, M. Yousuf

A High Pressure-High Temperature Cell for Electrical Resistivity Studies

Pramana, 1987, Vol. 29, p93-101, B.K. Godwal

Shock Hugoniot Calculations and Melting in Lead

Phase Transitions, 1987, Vol. 9, p61, B.K. Godwal

Shock Hugoniot Calculations and Shock Velocity-Particle Velocity (Us-Up) Relation for Molybdenum

Physical Review B, 1987, Vol. 35, p1446-7, S.K. Sikka

Simple Method to Estimate Pressure of Narrow Full Core Levels

Bulletin of Materials Science, 1988, Vol. 11, p75-85, N. Ramakrishnan

An Equation of State for Porous Materials Under Shock Loading

Physical Review B, 1988, Vol. 38, p8463-4, S.K. Sikka

s-d Transition and the Universal Equation of State

Physical Review B, 1988, Vol. 38, p10926-8, S.K. Sikka

Theoretical Isothermal Equation of State of Rhenium

Pramana, 1989, Vol. 32, p33-8, M.K. Srivastava

Influence of the Laser Field Polarization on the Electron Impact Ionization of Hydrogen

Physics Letters A, 1989, Vol. 135, p129-31, S.K. Sikka

Empirical Equation of State Theories at Ultrahigh Pressures

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1989, Vol. 27, p461-71, K.G. Rajan

Electrical Resistivity: A Valuable Research Tool in High Pressure Studies

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1989, Vol. 27, p472-8, S.K. Sikka

Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction for Materials Research at High Pressures

Physics B, 1989, Vol. 160, p177-82, P.C. Sahu

Electrical Resistivity of Thorium Up to 10 GPa and 1300 K

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1989, Vol. 168, p220-7, M. Joseph

Studies on the Equation of State of Mixed Carbide Fuel

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1990, Vol. 2, p301-5, J.S. Gyanchandani

The Equation of State and Structural Stability of Titanium Obtained Using the Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital Band-Structure Method

High Pressure Research, 1990, Vol. 2, p289-, S.K. Sikka

On the Localization of Electrons in the High Temperature Phases of Early Actinides

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1990, Vol. 2, p6457-9, J.S. Gyanchandani

Structural Stability of Hafnium Under Pressure

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1990, Vol. 2, p7891-5, M. Kumari

An Equation of State Applied to 50 Solids

Journal of Applied Physics, 1991, Vol. 70, p1863-5, M. Kumari

An Equation of State Applied to Plastics, Rubbers, Glasses, and Polymers

Bulletin of Material Science, 1992, Vol. 15, p35-46, S.K. Sikka

Behavior of Materials Under Shock Loading Conditions

Physical Review A, 1992, Vol. 45, p1412-9, B.M. Dey

Thomas-Fermi-Type Method for the Direct Calculation of Electronic Densities and Properties of Atoms and Ions

International Journal of Modern Physics E, 1992, Vol. 1, p405-19, H. Mishra

Hot Nuclear Matter: A Variational Approach

Physics Letters B, 1992, Vol. 289, p217-22, C. Das

Equation of State of Hot Asymmetric Nuclear Matter

Physical Review B, 1992, Vol. 46, p5780-2, R.S. Rao

Thorium: A 5f-Band Metal at Ultrahigh Pressures

Physica Status Solidi B, 1993, Vol. 178, pK71-5, O.P. Sharma

The Melting Laws at High Pressures

Physica B, 1993, Vol. 183, p145-55, P.C. Sahu

Electrical Resistivity and Phase-Transition Behavior of Uranium Under Pressure and Temperature

Current Science, 1993, Vol. 65, p399-406, S.C. Gupta

Predicting the High Pressure Phase Transformation Using Density Functional Approcah

Physical Review C, 1993, Vol. 48, p1056-61, C. Das

Hot and Dense Asymmetric Nuclear Matter

Physical Review C, 1993, Vol. 48, p2093-6, M.M. Majumdar

Role of Nuclear Compressibility on the Fission Path

High Pressure Research, 1994, Vol. 12, p51-70, S.C. Gupta

Symmetry Systematics of Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions

Physica Status Solidi B, 1994, Vol. 184, p113-20, M. Kumar

Equation of State and Thermal Expansivity Under the Effect of High Pressure and High Temperature

Indian Journal of Physics, 1994, Vol. 68A, p397-402, D.P. Singh

Ultrasonic Studies of Tungsten Metal in the Temperature Range of 0 K to 1474 K

Bulletin of Material Science, 1994, Vol. 17, p935-50, M. Joseph

Equation of State of Refractory Materials at very High Temperatures - Theoretical and Experimental Studies

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1994, Vol. 211, p175-6, C. Dharmadurai

New Semi-Empirical Equation of State for Nuclear Materials

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1995, Vol. 223, p49-52, P.C. Sahu

Crystal Structure of UAl2 Above 10 GPa at 300 K

High Temperature Research, 1995, Vol. 13, p295-305, P.C. Sahu

High Pressure X-Ray Diffraction Studies on UAl2, UAl3, and UAl4 Systems

Physica B, 1995, Vol. 212, p391-4, M. Kumar

High Pressure Equation of State for Solids

Indian Journal of Physics, Part A, 1995, Vol. 69A, p517-23, M. Kumar

Equation of State, Thermal Expansivity and Compressibility Under the Effect of High Pressure

Journal of Scientific Instruments, 1995, Vol. 66, p2599-603, P.C. Sahu

Performance of a Diamond-Anvil High-Pressure X-Ray Diffractometer in the Guinier Geometry

Laser Fusion:


BARC-999 Laser Induced Fusion - Theoretical Aspects

S.V. Lawande 1979

LPR-143 Estimation of Suprathermal Fusion and Photon Transport Effects for ICF Pellets

A. Kumar 1986

BARC-1372 Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Inertial Confinement Fusion

N.K. Gupta 1987

Conference Papers:

Theor. Comput. Plasma Phys., Selected Lectures, 1977, p421-40, S.S. Jha

Spherical Implosion Due to Coalesced Weak Shocks in Plasma - Method of Approximate Self-Similar Solution

Canadian Nuclear Society/American Nuclear Society International Conference on Numerical Methods in Nuclear Engineering, 1983, Vol. 2, p1041-56, S.D. Paranjape

Energy Deposition of Fast Alpha-Particles in a Fully Ionized Deuterium-Tritium Plasma

17th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, 1985, A.A. Offenberger

Experimental Results for High Intensity KrF Laser/Plasma Interaction

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1986, P.D. Gupta

High Intensity KrF Laser Ablation Studies in Single and Multilayer Targets

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1986, R. Fedosejevs

Stimulated Brillouin Scattering from a KrF Laser Produced Plasma

4th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, 1986, Madrid, Spain, p341-4, A. Kumar

Estimation of Suprathermal Fusion and Photon Transport Effects for ICF Pellets

Megagauss Technology and Pulsed Power Applications. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, 1986, p263-8, M.V.H.V. Prabhakar

Defocussing Effects of a Gausian Laser Beam on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation in Laser Produced Plasmas

1987 International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1987, Vol. 1, p606-42, M.P. Srivastava

Magnetic Field Generation in Laser Produced Plasmas

X-Rays from Laser Plasmas, 1988, SPIE Vol. 831, p66-72, R. Fedosejevs

Characteristics of X-Ray Production from Krypton Fluoride Laser-Produced Plasma

International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1989, Vol. 2, p509-12, L.J. Dhareshwar

Studies of Laser Produced Plasma Jets from Solid Targets

International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1989, Vol. 2, p513-16, L.J. Dhareshwar

Laser Driven Shock Pressure Scaling in Plexiglass Targets

International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1989, Vol. 2, p533-5, M. Khan

Nonlinear Precessing and Inverse Fraday Effect in Laser Plasma Interaction

International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1989, Vol. 2, p545-8, H.D. Parab

Effects of Lateral Energy Transport on Laser Induced Ablation Parameters

International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1989, Vol. 2, p553-6, T.S. Shirsat

Characteristics of Specularly Reflected Laser Light From a Copper Plasma

International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1989, Vol. 2, p557-60, T.S. Shirsat

Hydrodynamic Studies of Laser Irradiated Thin Foil Targets

International Conference on Plasma Physics, 1989, Vol. 2, p569-72, M.K. Srivastava

Diagnostics of Laser-Produced Two-Temperature Plasma

10th National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Srinagar, 1989, H.D. Parab

Numerical Solution of Hollow Shell Implosion

VI National Seminar on Advances in Glasses and Ceramics, Indore, 1989, R.L. Verma

Fabrication of Glass Microballoons for Laser Plasma

Proceedings of the First International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, 1989, Nagoya, Japan, 1989, p179-82, M.P. Srivastava

Motion of Charged Particle in Helical Systems

Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1992, Vol. 3, p165-72, L. J. Dhareshwar

Study of Ablation Profile Smoothing and Stability of Laser Driven High Z Doped Plastic Foil Targets

International Conference on Laser-Plasma Interactions, 1992, SPIE Vol. 1928, p71-9, G.P. Gupta

Threshold and Amplification of Convective Two-Plasmon Decay Instability in a Collisional Laser Plasma


Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1968, Vol. 6, p588-91, M.P. Srivastava

Transport Properties of Plasma Using Shielded Lande Potential

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1972, Vol. 3, p384-95, P.L. Bhatnagar

Stability of Plasma in Helical Field

Pramana, 1973, Vol. 1, p88-97, S.S. Jha

Stimulated Emission of X-Rays from Plasma Generated by Short-Pulse Laser Heating of Solid Targets

Beitraege aus der Plasma Physik, 1974, Vol. 14, p79-92, S.S. Jha

Transport Properties for a Collisionless Plasma From Finite-Larmor-Radius Equations in General Magnetic Fields

Physica Status Solidi B, 1974, Vol. 62, p481-9, S. Shah

Ionized-Beam Energy Loss to Electron Gas

Physical Review B, 1974, Vol. 9, p2000-3, B.S. Shastry

New Self-Consistent Quasistatic Approximation for Screening and Plasma Dispersion in the Electron Gas

Physical Review A, 1975, Vol. 11, p378-80, S.S. Jha

Temporal Growth of a Three-Wave Parametric Instability in a Finite Plasma

Indian Journal of Physics, 1976, Vol. 50, p179-98, S.S. Jha

Laser Plasma Interactions and Thermonuclear Fusion

Indian Journal of Physics, 1976, Vol. 50, p340-2, M.R. Gunye

Numerical Simulation of Laser Produced Spherically Symmetric Plasma

Physics Letters A, 1977, Vol. 63, p316-8, L.K. Chavda

Two Theorems on Compression and Self Similar Motion of Coalesced Shock in a Spherical Implosion

Physical Review A, 1977, Vol. 15, p1289-96, S.S. Jha

Approximate Solution for Spherical Implosion of Coalesced Weak Shocks in a Plasma

Journal of Optics, 1978, Vol. 7, p86-9, P.D. Gupta

Optical Systems for Diagnostics of Laser Produced Plasmas

Pramana, 1978, Vol. 10, p429-46, L.K. Chavda

Self-Similar Solutions for Implosion and Reflection of Coalesced Shocks in a Plasma: Spherical and Cylindrical Geometries

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1978, Vol 16, p689-91, H.C. Pant

Specular Reflection of Light From Laser-Produced Plasmas

Pramana, 1979, Vol. 12, p86-9, R. Bhatnagar

Output Characteristics of a 400 MW Nd:Glass Laser System

Review of Scientific Instruments, 1979, Vol. 50, p1156-7, S.K. Goel

Estimation of Temperature and Fraction of Suprathermal Electrons in Laser-Produced Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1979, Vol. 50, p5513-14 S.K. Goel

Comment on "The Significance of the Distribution of Hot Spots on the Interpretation of Laser-Produced Plasma Experiments"

Physics Letters A, 1980, Vol. 78A, p259-62, D.C. Khandekar

Energy Deposition of Fast Alpha Particles in a Fully Ionized Deuterium-Tritium Plasma

Optics Communications, 1980, Vol. 32, p51-3, R.K. Thareja

An Interferometer for Use With Highly Refracting Laser Created Plasmas

Applied Physics, 1980, Vol. 23, pp183-7, H.C. Pant

Optical Energy Balance in Laser-Produced Plasma

Pramana, 1980, Vol. 14, p271-87, S.V. Lawande

Imploding Shocks in Laser-Driven Fusion

Journal of Applied Physics, 1980, Vol. 51, p1435-8, R.K. Thareja

Interferometric Measurement of Asymmetric Electron Density Profiles of Laser-Created Plasmas From Composite Plane Targets

Journal of Applied Physics, 1980, Vol. 51, p1443-8, B.K. Sinha

X-Ray Diagnostics of a High-Z Plasma Produced by a Laser: Experimental

Physics of Fluids, 1980, Vol. 23, p1464-8, D.C. Khandekar

Energy Deposition of Fast Alpha Particles in a Fully Ionized Deuterium-Tritium Plasma

Physical Review A, 1980, Vol. 44, p1669-72, M.H. Key

Time-Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy of Laser-Produced Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1980, Vol. 51, p1873-5, P.D. Gupta

Determination of a Soft X-Ray Spectrum by Photoelectron Analysis

Physical Review A, 1980, Vol. 21, p2180-3, S.V.G. Menon

Approximate Analytical Solutions for Imploding Shocks in a Plasma

Journal of Applied Physics, 1980, Vol. 51, p3422-3, P.D. Gupta

Isotopic Enhancement in Laser-Produced Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1980, Vol. 51, p6030-2, H.C. Pant

Effect of Laser Spot Size on Energy Balance in Laser Induced Plasmas

Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik, 1981, Vol. 37, p127-33, M.R. Gunye

Convergent Sequence of Spherical Shocks for Laser-Induced Fusion

Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, Part A, 1982, Vol. 48, p141-9, R.K. Thareja

Measurements of Spontaneous Magnetic Fields Generated by Target Composition Discontinuities in Laser Produced Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1982, Vol. 53, p223-5, S.K. Goel

Effect of Radiation Losses on Scaling Laws in Laser Produced Plasmas

Optics Communications, 1982, Vol. 40, p430-2, S.S. Wagal

About the Blue Satellites to the Resonance Lines in Laser Produced Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1982, Vol. 53, p2956-8, P.D. Gupta

Estimation of Ablation Thickness by Ion Expansion Analysis in Laser-Produced Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1982, Vol. 53, p6090-5, P.D. Gupta

Scaling of Ion Expansion Energy with Laser Flux in Moderate-Z Plasmas Produced by Lasers

Journal of Applied Physics, 1983, Vol. 54, p4666-7, S. Sharma

Dependence of Lateral Energy Transport on Laser Irradiance in Laser-Induced Plasmas

Applied Physics Letters, 1983, Vol. 43, p754-6, P.D. Gupta

Ablation and Lateral Energy Transport in High-Z Plasmas Produced by Lasers

Journal of Applied Physics, 1984, Vol. 55, p120-4, P.D. Gupta

Spectroscopic Determination of Mass Ablation Rate in Laser Produced Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1984, Vol. 56, p785-9, P.D. Gupta

Effect of Lateral Energy Transport on the Momentum Transfer to Targets in Laser Produced Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1984, Vol. 56, p1371-3, P.D. Gupta

Dependence of X-Ray Intensity Scaling on Target Number in Laser Produced Plasmas

Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik, 1985, Vol. 47, p191-3, N.K. Gupta

Pellet Fusion Gain Calculations for Spin-Polarized Nuclei

Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, Part A, 1985, Vol. 51, p649-54, L.N. Jha

Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation in Laser Produced Plasmas

Physical Review A, 1985, Vol. 32, p3832-4, S.V.G. Menon

Derivation of the Diffusion Equation and Radiation Boundary Condition from the Fokker-Planck Equation

Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik, 1986, Vol. 48, p45-9, M.K. Srivastava

The Rarefaction Effect During Coalescence of Converging Shocks in a Laser-Driven Fusion

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1986, Vol. 28, p267-78, N.K. Gupta

Effects of Density Gradients on Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in an Ablatively Accelerated Inertial Confinement Fusion Target

Beitraege aus der Plasma Physik, 1986, Vol. 26, p283-8, L.N. Jha

Two-Dimensional Megagauss Magnetic Field Variation Along Axial and Radial Direction of Laser Axis for a Plasma Produced Due to Laser Interaction on the Surface of a Wire Target

Beitraege aus der Plasma Physik, 1986, Vol. 26, p289-96, R. Paikaray

Theoretical Studies of the Laser Induced Plasma Profile Near the Critical Density Region for an Adiabatic Plasma Model

Pramana, 1986, Vol. 27, p435-41, L.J. Dhareshwar

Enhancement of Ablation Smoothing in Laser-Irradiated, High Z Coated Thin Foil Films

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1986, Vol. 28, p925-41, N. K. Gupta

Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Multi-Structured Spherical Targets

Physical Review A, 1986, Vol. 33, p2813-16, N.K. Gupta

Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Spherical Geometry

Physical Review A, 1986, Vol. 33, p3531-4, P.D. Gupta

Ion Expansion Characteristics from a KrF-Laser-Produced-Plasma

Physical Review A, 1986, Vol. 34, p4103-9, P.D. Gupta

Experimental Study of KrF-Laser-High-Z-Plasma Interaction Dominated by Radiation Transport

Kerntechnik, 1987, Vol. 50, p58-64, D.C. Sahni

Semianalytical Solution to the Fokker-Planck Equation for Energy Deposition of Fast Alpha Particles Slowing Down in a D-T Plasma

Beitraege aus der Plasma Physik, 1987, Vol. 27, p139-44, M.P. Srivastava

Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation in Laser Produced Plasmas Due to Self-Focusing of the Laser Beam

Optics Communications, 1987, Vol. 63, p165-70, P.D. Gupta

Energy Transport in Gold Coated Plastic Targets Irradiated by a KrF Laser

Physics of Fluids, 1987, Vol. 30, p179-85, P.D. Gupta

Ablation Parameters in KrF Laser/Plasma Interaction: An Experimental Study

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1987, Vol. 29, p367-79, S.D. Paranjape

The Effect of the Angular Dispersion Term on Energy Deposition of Fast Alpha-Particles Slowing Down in a D-T Plasma

Physical Review A, 1987, Vol. 36, p413, N.K. Gupta

Reply to "Comment on" Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Spherical Geometry

Beitraege aus der Plasma Physik, 1987, Vol. 27, p491-9, S.S. Tyagi

General Formulation for the Ponderomotive Force in a Warm Two Fluid Magnetized Plasma

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1987, Vol. 29, p1037-44, B.K. Sinha

Temperature and Turbulence Diagnostics of Laser Produced Plasmas From the Wavelength Shifts of 3/2 Omega Emission

Physical Review A, 1987, Vol. 35, p3874-82, R. Popil

Measurement of KrF Laser-Plasma X-Ray Radiation from Targets with Various Atomic Numbers

Physical Review A, 1987, Vol. 36, p4859-69, B.K. Sinha

Profiles of (3/2) Omega Emissions From Laser-Produced Plasmas

Journal of Physics D, 1987, Vol. 20, p1259-63, R. Fodosejevs

Foil Calorimeter Measurements of Soft X-Ray Energy Emission from KrF-Laser-Produced Plasmas

Contributions to Plasma Physics, 1988, Vol. 28, p201-6, M.P. Srivastava

Nonlinear Effects of a Gaussian Laser Beam on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation in Laser Produced Plasma

Physics of Fluids, 1988, Vol. 31, p394-409, M.K. Srivastava

Ion Front and Ablation in a Freely Expanding Two-Ion, Two-Temperature, Noncollisional Plasma

IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1988, Vol. 24, p864-71, B.K. Sinha

Relative Strength of Second Harmonic and 3/2 Omega Emissions From Long-Scale-Length Laser Produced Plasmas

Review of Scientific Instruments, 1988, Vol. 59, p1076-80, P.A. Naik

X-Ray Luminosity Time-of-Flight Spectrometer for Laser-Produced Plasmas

Physics of Fluids, 1988, Vol. 31, p3155-7, B.K. Sinha

Spectral Energy Content of Parametrically Excited Second Harmonic Emissions From Laser Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, Vol. 64, p4889-95, T.C. Kaushik

Numerical Study of the Impedance Mismatch Effect in Laser-Irradiated Layered Targets

Physical Review A, 1988, Vol. 38, p6442-5, P.A. Naik

Anomalous Behavior of the Intensity Ratio of Resonance and Intercombination Lines from He-Like Ions in Laser-Produced Plasmas

Laser and Particle Beams, 1989, Vol. 7, p27-54, N.K. Gupta

Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Multi-Structured Inertial Confinement Fusion Targets

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1989, Vol. 101, p153-65, D.C. Sahni

A Semianalytical Method to Solve the Linear Fokker-Planck Equation Characterizing Charged-Particle Transport in Spherical Plasmas

Journal of Physics E, 1989, Vol. 22, p189-90, R.L. Verma

A Simple Source of Uniform Sized Droplets

Optics Communications, 1989, Vol. 70, p202-6, B.K. Sinha

Effect of Collisional and Landau Damping on the Saturation of (3/2) Omega Emissions From Laser-Produced Plasmas

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1989, Vol. 27, p523-32, D.D. Bhawalkar

High Peak Power Nd:Glass Lasers for Fusion Research

Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1989, Vol. 16, p782-5, D.D. Bhawalkar

K, L, and M Spectra of a Laser Plasma Suitable for Active X-Ray Diagnostics

Laser and Particle Beams, 1989, Vol. 7, p795-805, T.S. Shirsat

Effect of Target Atomic Number on Laser Induced Ablation Pressure Scaling

Physical Review A, 1989, Vol. 40, p3265-71, P.A. Naik

Measurements of the Separation Between the Ablation Surface and the Absorption Region from X-Ray Spectroscopic Observations in Laser-Heated Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1989, Vol. 65, p4608-11, B.K. Godwal

Laser-Induced Ablation Pressure in Thin Gold Foils

Contributions to Plasma Physics, 1990, Vol. 30, p. 799-807, P. Vyas

Study of Dynamics of Plasma Produced Due to Self-Focused Laser Beam on a Cylindrical Target

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1990, Vol. 32, p1349-59, P.K. Shukla

Radiative Thermal Condensation Instabilities in the Presence of Laser Light

Physica Scripta, 1990, Vol T30, p95-106, S. Sharma

Generation of Density Cavitons in Laser Produced Plasmas

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1990, Vol. 32, p359-76, M.K. Srivastava

Rarefaction Shocks and Diagnostics of a Two-Temperature Plasma

Contributions to Plasma Physics, 1990, Vol. 30, p799-807, P. Vyas

Study of Dynamics of Plasma Produced Due to Self-Focused Laser Beam on a Cylindrical Target

Physical Review A, 1990, Vol. 42, p970-7, M.K. Srivastava

Ion-Ion Two-Streaming Instability in a Two-Temperature Expanding Plasma

Physical Review A, 1990, Vol. 41, p3294-306, B.K. Sinha

Experimental Investigation of Saturation and Connection of Two-Plasmon-Decay Instability in Laser-Produced Plasma

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1991, Vol. 33, ,p231-40, G.P. Gupta

Effect of Collisional Damping on the Threshold and Growth Rate of Absolute Two-Plasmon Decay Instability in Laser-Produced Plasmas

Review of Scientific Instruments, 1991, Vol. 62, p369-75, L.J. Dhareshwar

A Plasma Shutter to Generate a Synchronized Subnanosecond Pulse for Optical Probing of Laser-Produced Plasmas

Physical Review A, 1991, Vol. 43, p3570-7, M.K. Srivastava

Inclusion of Theta12 Dependence in the Coulomb-Dipole Theory of the Ionization Threshold

Physical Review A, 1991, Vol. 43, p4540-3, P.A. Naik

Enhanced X-Ray Line Emission in Laser-Produced Plasmas Expanding in a Background Gas

Physical Review A, 1991, Vol. 43, p6959-63, B.K. Sinha

Electron-Ion Equilibration Time and Threshold for Parametric Decay Instability in Laser-Produced Plasmas

Optics and Laser Technology, 1992, Vol. 24, p51-3, R.C. Bapna

Interferometric Inspection of Glass Shell Laser Targets

Laser and Particle Beams, 1992, Vol. 10, p201-11, L.J. Dhareshwar

Study of Laser-Driven Shock Wave Propagation in Plexiglass Targets

Indian Journal of Physics, 1992, Vol. 66B, p. 523-35, M.P. Srivastava

Dynamics of Laser Produced Plasma Near Critical Density Surface

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1992, Vol. 34, p569-77, B.K. Sinha

Saturation of Second-Harmonic Emission in Laser Plasmas

Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, Vol. 72, p1197-9, R. Tambay

Studies on Recombining Al-Plasma using 1.06, 0.532, 0.355, and 0.266 mu m Laser Radiation

Physics of Fluids B, 1992, Vol. 4, p1635-42, L.J. Dhareshwar

Radiative Cooling Instabilities in the Low Dense Plasma Corona of Laser-Irradiated Solid Targets

Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, Vol. 72, p. 2144-8, M. Khan

Faraday Rotation of Spontaneous Magnetization in a Laser-Produced Plasma from Solid Target

Physics of Fluids B, 1992, Vol. 4, p4086-93, M.K. Srivastava

Axial Magnetic Field Generation by Ponderomotive Force in a Laser-Produced Plasma

Journal of Physics D, 1993, Vol. 26, p35-41, G. Padmaja

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Laser Induced Plasma from a Polymer Sample

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1993, Vol. 35, p281-90, B.K. Sinha

Threshold and Amplification of Convective Two-Plasmon Decay Instability in a Collisional Laser Plasma

Measurement Science and Technology, 1993, Vol. 4, p787-9, R.C. Bapna

Generation of Subnanosecond Laser Pulses by Periodic Q-Switching Technique Using a Simple Electrically Triggered Spark Gap

Physica Scripta Volume T, 1994, Vol. T50, p109-13, H.C. Pant

Laboratory Simulation of Space and Astrophysical Plasmas Using Intense Lasers

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 1994, Vol. 22, p53-7, P.A. Naik

Spectral Distribution of X-Ray Yield of the M-Shell Emission From Laser Produced Gold Plasma

Optics Communications, 1995, Vol. 113, p407-12, J. Lahiri

Resonant Optical Phase Conjugation in Laser Plasmas

Physics of Plasmas, 1995, Vol. 2, p2835-38, P. Vyas

Density Profile Steepening Due to Self-Generated Magnetic Fields in Plasmas Produced by Laser Irradiation of Spherical Targets

Shock Waves and Related Studies


IS:4991 Criteria for Blast-Resistant Design of Structures for Explosions Above Ground

Bureau of Indian Standards 1968

Report No. 265/87 Blast Resistant Design of an Aircraft Pen Structure

N. Lakshmanan 1987

Conference Papers:

Shock Waves in Condensed Matter, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1983, S.C. Gupta

Reponse of Ytterbium Foils Oriented Parallel and Perpendicular to the Shock Front

Shock Waves in Condensed Matter, Spokane, Washington, 1985, S.C. Gupta

Piezoresistance Response of Manganin Foils: Experiments and Analysis

Shock Waves in Condensed Matter, Monterey, California, 1987, J.S. Gyanchandani

On the Valence Transition in Shocked Ytterbium

Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Albuquerue, New Mexico, 1989, M.P. Ranga Rao

Study of Shock Propagation Due to Impact


Indian Journal of Physics, 1969, Vol. 43, p53-8, V.P. Singh

Propagation of Shock Waves in the Earth's Atmosphere

Journal of Science and Industrial Research, 1969, Vol. 28, p157-65, S. Singh

Study of Fast Events

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1970, Vol. 8, p169-71, H.S. Yadav

Plane Wave Shapers by Metal-Explosive Combination

Indian Journal of Physics, 1970, Vol. 44, p554-60, V.P. Singh

Propagation of Oblique Shock Waves in the Troposphere

Indian Journal of Physics, 1972, Vol. 46, p128-35, V.P. Singh

Shock Waves in the Rotating Atmosphere

Indian Journal of Physics, 1972, Vol. 46, p547-55, V.P. Singh

Spherical Shock Waves in Water

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1976, Vol. 7, p147-50, V.P. Singh

Modification of Energy Hypothesis for the Case of Explosive Charge

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1976, Vol. 7, p983-7, V.P. Singh

A Note on Spherical Shock Waves in Water

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1976, Vol. 7, p1261-7, P.L. Sachdev

On the Theory of Weak Spherical Shocks

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1976, Vol. 7, p1405-10, V.P. Singh

A Note on Explosive Shock in Homogenous Water

Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 1978, Vol. 42, p381-6, V.P. Singh

Converging Detonation Waves

Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 1980, Vol. 14, p19-29, M.P. Ranga Rao

Some Approximate Analytical Solutions for Blast Waves in Solids

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1980, Vol. 11, p1085-94, H.S. Yadav

Attenuation of Non-Uniform Shock Wave

Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, Part A, 1981, Vol. 47, p435-8, V.P. Singh

Converging Shocks with Heat Addition

Pramana, 1982, Vol. 18, p331-8, H.S. Yadav

Converging Shock Waves in Metals

Defense Science Journal, 1982, Vol. 32, p327-32, V.P. Singh

On Underwater Explosions - Comparative Study

Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, 1983, Vol. 92, p19-27, M.P. Ranga Rao

Approximate Analytical Solutions for Strong Shocks with Variable Energy

Defense Science Journal, 1983, Vol. 33, p53-8, V.P. Singh

Folding Detonation Waves

Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 1983, Vol. 17, p387-96, G. Narasimhulu Naidu

Approximate Solutions for a Strong Spherical Detonation

Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 1983, Vol. 27, p411-17, A. Ramu

Converging Spherical and Cylindrical Shock Waves

Pramana, 1983, Vol. 20, p477-89, H.S. Yadav

Jet Produced by the Collapse of Conical Free Surface of a Metal By Plane Shock Wave

Pramana, 1985, Vol. 24, p527-35, V.P. Singh

Effect of Thermal Pressure in Converging Detonation Waves

International Journal of Impact Engineering, 1985, Vol. 3, p217-32, H.S. Yadav

Study of Collapse of a Free Surface Conical Cavity Due to a Plane or Spherical Shock Wave

Journal of Applied Physics, 1985, Vol. 57, p2464-73, S.C. Gupta

Piezoresistance Response of Longitudinally and Laterally Oriented Ytterbium Foils Subjected to Impact and Quasi-Static Loading

Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1987, Vol. 113, p101-15, V.P. Singh

On the Dynamic Response of Buried Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells

Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1987, Vol. 119, p339-45, V.P. Singh

A Comparison of Thick and Thin Shell Theory for Buried Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells

Journal of Applied Physics, 1987, Vol. 61, p489-98, Y.M. Gupta

Incorporation of Strain Hardening in Piezoresistance Analysis: Application to Ytterbium Foils in a PMMA Matrix

Journal of Applied Physics, 1987, Vol. 62, p2603-9, S.C. Gupta

Experimental Measurements and Analysis of the Loading and Unloading Response of Longitudinal and Lateral Manganin Gauges Shocked to 90 kbar

Defence Sceince Journal, 1988, Vol. 38, p69-76, J.P. Vishwakarma

On the Propagation of Shock Waves Produced by Explosion of a Spherical Charge in Deep Sea

International Journal of Impact Engineering, 1988, Vol. 7, p71-83, H.S. Yadav

Flyer Plate Motion and its Deformation During Flight

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 1988, Vol. 30, p397-406, V.P. Singh

On the Dynamic Response of Buried Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Under Moving Load

Pramana, 1989, Vol. 32, p39-45, V.P. Singh

Simulation of Pressure-Space-Time History in Underwater Explosions

Composite Structures, 1989, Vol. 13, p209-16, P.V.M. Rao

Axisymetric Stresses in Buried Thin Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Due to P-Wave Loading

Computers and Structures, 1990, Vol. 37, p71-80, J. Singh

Dynamic Response of Buried Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells to an Inclined Axisymetric Moving Load

Computers and Structures, 1990, Vol. 37, p379-86, A.K. Jain

Elastic Response Spectra for Nuclear Blast Loading

Computers and Structures, 1990, Vol. 37, p891-9, M.V. Dharaneepathy

Optimal Stifening of Sqaure Plates Subjected to Air-Blast Loading

International Journal of Impact Engineering, 1991, Vol. 11, p. 527-37, M. Singh

Collapse of Conical Cavities in Aluminum Metal under Shock Wave Impact

Defence Science Journal, 1992, Vol. 42, p103-5, S.K. Singh

Note on the New Theory of Shock Dynamics

Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 1993, Vol. 27, p411-7, A. Ramu

Converging Spherical and Cylindrical Shock Waves

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1993, Vol. 31, p645-50, A.K. Sharma

Experimental Determination of Energy of Explosion with the Help of Underwater Shock Wave and Bubble Energy Pressure Pulses

Defence Science Journal, 1995, Vol. 45, p35-41, K. Ramamurthi

Prediction of Overpressure From Finite-Volume Explosions

Tritium Related Studies:


BARC-1056 Laser Separation of Isotopes of Hydrogen

S.M. Dave 1980

BARC-1168 Tritium Separation Factors in Distillation and Chemical Exchange Processes

S.M. Dave 1982

LPR-Report Feasibility Studies on the Estimation of Tritium Breeding in Lithium Fusion Blankets Adopting SSNTD Techniques

D.V.S. Ramakrishna 1986

Conference Papers:

Proc. Nucl. Chem. Radiochem. Symp., 1981, S. Malhotra

Tritium Gas Standards in Deuterium

4th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, 1986, Madrid, Spain, p223-6, A. Kumar

Progress Report on the "Lotus" Fusion Blanket Experimental Program

Tritium Fractionation Accompanying Water Sorption by Ion Exchange Resins, D. Nandan, Paper CA-14

Pilot Plant on Detritiations of Moderator Heavy Water and Subsequent Enrichment of Tritium, H.K. Sadhukhan, Paper PD-5

Proceedings of the Symposium on Post Irradiation Examination in Nuclear Programme, BARC, 1989, Vol. 2, p239-249, No Author

Post Irradiation Examination of Aluminum-Lithium Alloy Pencils Irradiated in CIRUS

Symposium on Tritium - Measurements and Applications, Bombay, 1990, A.K. Nayak

Removal of Tritium from Tritium Contaminated Light and Heavy Water by Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation

International Conference on Reactor Physics and Reactor Computations, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1994, p723-33, O.P. Joneja

On-Line Tritium Production and Heat Deposition Rate Measurements at the Lotus Facility


Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 1970, Vol. 8, p108, M.K. Saxena

Angular Distribution of Neutrons from Deutron-Bombarded Lithium

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 1987, Vol. 14, p159-60, A.N. Verma

Elastic Scattering of Thermal Neutrons from Li7

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 1987, Vol. 14, p643-51, M. Malik

Study of Space-Dependent Fast-Neutron Spectra and Tritium Breeding Ratio in Different Assemblies of Li7, Li6, and Natural Li

Annuals of Nuclear Energy, 1989, Vol. 16, p109-17, M. Malik

A Pulsed-Neutron Study of 14-MeV in Li7, Li6, and Natural Li Assemblies

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 1990, Vol. 17, p549-54, M. Goswami

Elastic Coherent and Incoherent Scattering of Thermal Neutrons in Natural Lithium and its Two Isotopes

Nuclear Fallout:


AEET/AM/11 Measurements on the Ground Deposition of Fission Products from Nuclear Tests Explosions

K.G. Vohra 1959

AEET/AM/12 Airborne Fallout Measurements in India

K.G. Vohra 1959

AEET/AM/14 Evaluation of Future Levels of Radioactive Fallout

K.G. Vohra 1960

AEET/AM/19 A Study of Washout of Radioactive Fallout and Particulate Matter in Individual Rain Showers

V.V. Shirvaikar 1960

AEET/AM/20 Gamma-Ray Analysis of Fallout Samples Collected in India During October 1958 to March 1960

K.G. Vohra 1960

AEET/AM/26 Measurements on the Environmental Radioactivity in India from Nuclear Weapon Tests. Data Collected During 1956-61

No Author 1962

AEET/AM/27 Estimates of Biospheric Contamination and Radiation Dose from Nuclear Explosions Up to April 1962

K.G. Vohra 1962

AEET/AM/30 Levels of Cerium-141 and Cerium-144 in Surface Fallout Samples Collected at Bombay During the Monsoon Months of 1962

K.G. Vohra 1963

AEET/AM/31 Estimation of Zirconium-95 Deposited by Fallout During September 1961 to February 1962

R.N. Khandekar 1963

AEET/AM/34 Active Particles in Fallout from Nuclear Weapon Tests

K.G. Vohra 1963

AEET/AM/35 Deposition of Iodine-131 from the Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Pacific during 1962

S.J.S. Anand 1963

AEET/AM/36 Airborne Cerium-141 and Cerium-144 at Bombay during November 1961 - February 1963

L.U. Joshi 1963

AEET/AM/39 Measurements on the Environmental Radioactivity in India from Nuclear Weapons Tests Data Collected during 1962-63

K.G. Vohra 1963

AEET-208 Measurements of Airborne Radioactive Fallout in India

C. Rangarajan 1965

AEET-209 Fission Products Data and Its Application in Studying Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests

C. Rangarajan 1965

AEET-215 Measurements of Radioactive Fallout in Individual Rain Showers at Bombay

V.S. Bhatnagar 1965

AEET-240 Some Aspects of Fallout from the First and Second Chinese Tests

K.G. Vohra 1965

AEET-247 Measurements on Airborne and Surface Fallout Radioactivity in India from Nuclear Weapons Test Results Up to June 1965

K.G. Vohra 1967

BARC-549 Fallout Studies on the Chinese and French Nuclear Tests During 1964-69

K.G. Vohra 1971

BARC-808 Fission and Activation Product Data Relevant to the Studies on Radioactive Fallout from Atmospheric Nuclear Explosions

U.C. Mishra 1975

EML-395 Measurements of Fission Product Concentrations in Surface Air at Bombay, India during the period 1975-1981

C.D. Eapen 1981

Conference Papers:

Symposium on Numerical Weather Prediction, 1973, C. Rangarajan

Studies on the Movement of Radioactive Debris Across the Equator


Annales de Geophysique, 1966, Vol. 22, p609-13, S.N. Ghosh

Enhancement of Li I Line (6708 A) in the Twilight Airglow due to Thermonuclear Explosion

Annales de Geophysique, 1967, Vol. 23, p1-11, K.M. Kotadia

Ionospheric Effects of Nuclear Explosions - I

Annales de Geophysique, 1968, Vol. 24, p91-100, K.M. Kotadia

Ionospheric Effects of Nuclear Explosions - II

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1970, Vol. 75, p1753-, C.S. Rangarajan

Interhemispheric Mixing of Fallout Debris in the Monsoon Regions

Current Science, 1971, Vol. 40, p121-3, S.B. Hingorani

Determination of Ruthenium in Fallout Samples

Annales de Geophysique, 1971, Vol. 27, p499-505, V. Mitra

Artificial Production of Beryllium-7 Isotope in the Atmosphere

Indian Journal of Metrology, Hydrology and Geophysics, 1975, Vol. 26, p391-8, C. Rangarajan

Studies on the Movement of Radioactive Debris Across the Equator

Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1974, Vol. 33, p216-21, U.C. Mishra

Studies on Short-Lived Fallout Radioisotopes from Chinese and French Nuclear Weapon Tests Since 1964

Annales de Geophysique, 1974, Vol. 30, p497-502, V. Mitra

Deposition of Twilight Lithium by a High Altitude Thermonuclear Explosion

Indian Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology & Geophysics, 1975, Vol. 26, p391-8, C. Rangarajan

Studies on the Movement of Radioactive Debris Across the Equator

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1975, Vol. 80, p5045-49, U.C. Mishra

Some Observations Based on the Measurements of Fresh Fallout From the Recent Chinese and French Nuclear Explosions

Radiochemical Radioanalytical Letters, 1976, Vol. 25, p77-86, R.N. Khandekar

Determination of Transuranium Elements in Nuclear Weapons Debris

Talanta, 1976, Vol. 23, p313-6, S.B. Hingorani

Determination of Short-Lived Radionuclides in Fresh Fallout Debris for Identification of Nuclear Weapon Tests

Atomkernenergie, 1977, Vol. 29, p49-55, U.C. Mishra

Analysis of Fission Product Mixtures in Fresh Fallout from Chinese Nuclear Explosion of January 23, 1976 by Ge(Li) Gamma-Ray Spectrometry

Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik, 1979, Vol. 33, p295-97, U.C. Mishra

Analysis of Fresh Fallout from Chinese Tests by Beta Counting Technique

Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik, 1979, Vol. 34, p288-90, U.C. Mishra

Observations on Fresh Fallout from the Chinese Low Yield Tests of 1978

Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1980, Vol. 89, p133-6, P. Sagar

Cosmogenic and Bomb-Produced 7Be in Stratospheric Air

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1982, Vol. 87, p7343-5, S. Sadasivan

Studies of Fallout Debris from the Recent Chinese Test

Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1984, Vol. 93, p135-40, N. Bhandari

Isotopic and Related Studies of Antartic Ice Samples

Mausam, 1985, Vol. 36, p39-42, U.C. Mishra

Global Movement of Radioactive Debris from Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear Tests

Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1987, Vol. 38, p114-7, G. Lal

Compraison of Environmental Radioactivities at Chandigarh and Tokyo

Peaceful Nuclear Explosions:


BARC/BIB-2 Bibliography on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Explosions

No author 1970

IAEA-TC-1-4/19 Some Studies on India's Peaceful Nuclear Explosion

R. Chidambaram 1976


Energia Nucleare, 1970, Vol. 17, p125-9, V. Mitra

Thermonuclear Explosion Under Optimum Conditions

Energia Nucleare, 1971, Vol. 18, p473-7, V. Mitra

Fractional Burnup in a Thermonuclear Explosion

Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development, 1974, Vol. 24, p195-200, K.T. Thomas

Peaceful Applications of Underground Nuclear Explosions

Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1976, Vol. 35, p497-501, A. Ahmad

Scientists and Science Policy Formulation: Indian Scientists' View of the Indian Nuclear Explosion

Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 1978, Vol. 87A, p13-21, M.P. Ranga Rao

Cavity Radius Estimation for Contained Peaceful Nuclear Explosions - An Analytic Approach

Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1980, Vol. 89, p357-8, S.C. Gupta

A Semi-Analytical Non-Self Similar Technique for Shock Waves from Underground Peaceful Nuclear Explosions

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 1982, Vol. 43, p635-7, A. Kumar

Assessment of the Biological Effects of the ERW

Atomkernenergie-Kerntecnik, 1984, Vol. 45, p117-21, A. Kumar

The Effects of the Spectrum Softening Within the Enhanced Radiation Warhead (ERW) on the Biological Dose

Pramana, 1985, Vol. 24, p245-58, R. Chidambaram

Phenomenology of the Pokaran PNE Experiment

Computers and Structures, 1990, Vol. 36, p379-86, A.K. Jain

Elastic Response Spectra for Nuclear Blast Loading

Radiation Effects


LRDE Study Report, LRDE-R---- , Effect of EMP From Surface Nuclear Burst

No Author No Date

LRDE Study Report, LRDE-R-2604, (Parts I-VI) EMP Studies

D.C. Pande 1989

LRDE Study Report, LRDE-R-2831, Electromagnetic Shielding Evaluation Report on Integrated Field Shelter

D.C. Pande 1995

BARC Technical Report, BARC----, Dot Field Sensors for NEMP Measurements Away From the Source Region

R.K. Rajawat 1995

BARC Technical Report, BARC----, An In-House Bounded Wave Transmission Line Type NEMP Simulator

R.K. Rajawat 1995

Conference Papers:

All India Seminar on Electromagnetic Interference Control Methodology, 1983, Bangalore, India, p529-72, G.K. Deb

A Critical Study of EMP Generation Characteristics, Coupling and Simulations

Electromagnetic Compatibility 1985, Zurich, Switzerland, 1985, p387-9, A. Mallik

EMP Response of Aircraft Structures Using Transmission-Line Modelling

Proceedings of INCEMIC-89, Bangalore, India, 1989, p147-154, B. Chakravarti

Transient Electromagnetic Field Coupling Analysis of Co-Axial Cables

Second National Seminar of Physics and Technology of Particle Accelerators and Their Applications, Calcutta, India, 1990, A. Sinha

Simulation of Radiation Damage in Fusion Reactor First Wall Material by an Accelerator Based Neutron Source

Seventh International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Dresden, Germany, 1991, Vol. 5, p25-8, M.J. Thomas

Fast Transient Pulse Generator for EMP Simulation

Proceedings of the Asian Pacific Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Madras, India, 1992, p132-135, R.S. Kalghatgi

Shielding Studies on Nested Electromagnetic Box Shields

1995 International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (INCEMIC), Madras, India, 1995, p48, D.C. Pande

Experimental Studies on the Effect of Microwave Energy in Some Digital Circuits

1995 International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (INCEMIC), Madras, India, 1995, p96-99, R. Shukla

EMI Sources, Transients Related to Lightning and EMP

1995 International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (INCEMIC), Madras, India, 1995, p100-107, D.C. Pande

Transient Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Underground Shelters

1995 International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (INCEMIC), Madras, India, 1995, p153-160, R.K. Rajawat

Measurement and Analysis of Transient Electromagnetic Shielding Efectiveness for Nested Shield Configurations

1995 International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (INCEMIC), Madras, India, 1995, p161-165, V. Venkateswarlu

Shielding Efficiency Measurements Under Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields

1995 International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (INCEMIC), Madras, India, 1995, p184-189, V. Venkateswarlu

Modelling of an Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator and Evaluation of Its Radiated Field


Electro-Technology, 1986, Vol. 30, p41-57, G.K. Deb

EMP Coupling and its Effects on Electro-Explosive Devices

Electro-Technology, 1986, Vol. 30, p58-82, G.K. Deb

EMP Coupling and Interaction Analysis

Electro-Technology, 1986, Vol. 30, p83-106, G.K. Deb

EMP Coupling to Cables Housed Inside Aircraft

IETE Technical Review, 1986, Vol. 3, p205-10, H.B. Singh

Nuclear Hardened Radio Communication to Submarine: A Review

IETE Technical Review, 1987, Vol. 4, p9-19, G.K. Deb

Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (NEMP) - A Threat to Electronics

Telematics India, 1988, Vol. 2, p3-5, G.K. Deb

NEMP Hardening: Protecting Communications Systems

Telematics India, 1989, Vol. 2, p63-66, G.K. Deb

NEMP Protection

Electro-Technology, 1990, Vol. 34, p26-40, D.C. Pande

NEMP Hardening Considerations in a Comunications Facility

Journal of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, 1990, Vol. 36, p198-202, R. Lal

Comparison of Defect Generation by Irradiation and High Field Stressing in MOS Structures

EMC Journal, Oct 91-Apr 92, Vol. 4 & 5, p20-31, D.C. Pande

Nuclear Electro-Magnetic Pulse Coupling Analysis in Overhead Power Lines and Telephone Lines

IEEE Electron Devices Letters, 1991, Vol. 12, p658-60, K. Ramesh

Role of Electron Traps in the Radiation Hardness of Thermally Nitrided Silicon Dioxide

Journal of Applied Physics, 1991, Vol. 70, p4490-5, V. Vasudevan

A Numerical Simulation of Hole and Electron Trapping Due to Radiation in Silicon Dioxide

Journal of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers, 1992, 38, p26-38, D.C. Pande

Nuclear Electromagnetic Interaction and Coupling Analysis in Buried Cables

IETE Technical Review, 1992, Vol. 9, p414-8, G.K. Deb

Study of RF Coupling Behavior of Digital Logic Devices

Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, Vol. 71, p1029-31, V. Ramgopal Rao

Radiation-Induced Interface-State Generation in Reoxidized Nitrided SiO2

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1992, Vol. 39, p2230-5, N. Bhat

Interface-State Generation Under Radiation and High-Field Stressing in Reoxidized Nitrided Oxide MOS Capacitors

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1993, Vol. 40, p1380-7, A. Mallik

Electron Trapping During Irradiation in Reoxidized Nitrided Oxide

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 1994, Vol. 41, p383-90, V. Vasudevan

A Two-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Oxide Charge Buildup in MOS Transistors Due to Radiation


