Lianxiwang - 407 Brigade
30°09'N 117°38'E
As of 1998, 10 of the 16 launch garrisons at the Lianxiwang Launch Complex, opposite Taiwan, operated the liquid-fuel DF-3 missiles. At least two garrisons were converted to the newer DF-21 in 1997. Since no US bases remain in the Philippines, and the shorter-range DF-21 ballistic missiles which can strike Taiwan are deployed with the 52 Army [located in Eastern China], the need for the DF-3 has significantly diminished. The Air Force estimates the DF-3 force at Lianxiwang will decline to about eight launchers until the system is retired sometime after 2000.
The facility is headquarters for one of the three launch brigades, each with up to three launch battalions, subordinated to the Second Artillery Corps 80302 Unit, a Division headquartered in the Jiangxi provincial city of Huangshan.
Photographic Evaluation Report
High resolution imagery is available from two sources, including declassified CORONA imagery. The Corona imagery was aquired on 30 April 1972. As of 01 May 2000 Russian 2-meter resolution KVR-1000 imagery coverage was not available via the SPIN-2 service on TerraServer. As of 01 May 2000 archival Space Imaging IKONOS 1-meter imagery available on the CARTERRA™ Archive included 2 scenes, acquired on 17 January 2000 and 26 January 2000. Both scenes have 77% cloud cover, well in excess of the standard 20% threshold.
Anqing Airbase
30°35'N 117°02'E
In addition, the Anqing airfield which is located to the north of the town of Anqing, is probably a military airbase that among other activities supports the Lianxiwang missile facility.
Photographic Evaluation Report
High resolution imagery is available from two sources, including declassified CORONA imagery. The Corona imagery was aquired on 30 April 1972. As of 01 May 2000 Russian 2-meter resolution KVR-1000 imagery coverage was not available via the SPIN-2 service on TerraServer. As of 01 May 2000 archival Space Imaging IKONOS 1-meter imagery available on the CARTERRA™ Archive included 1 scenes, acquired on 24 March 2000 that included [barely] Anqing Airbase.

IKONOS 24 March 2000
Sources and Resources
Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Friday, May 12, 2000 12:00:01 AM