Title: Military Modernization in the People's Republic of China--Implications for the United States and the Region
Subject: An examination of the economic growth taking place in the PRC and the resulting modernization in military production/technological capabilities. What are the implications for the U.S. and nations of the region as a result of the modernization?
Author(s): David B. Mathews; James M. Norris (Faculty Advisor)
China is experiencing extremely rapid changes in every element of
its national power--economic, political, and military. Its economy is
booming, producing double-digit gains each year since the mid-1980's.
This explosive growth raises the prospect of China emerging as a major
global power. To help protect this potential new status, Beijing decided
to modernize its military to "gain respect" in the world community and
become militarily competitive with other global powers. This resulted in
a nation possessing one of the fastest growing economies in the world
combined with one of the largest military machines -- that is slowly
gaining an offensive force-projection capability. These factors may
upset the balance of power in the Asian region, in addition to posing a
threat to U.S. interests.
This paper examines the implications for U.S. and regional security
posed by the economic reforms and the military modernization taking
place in China, focusing on Chinese acquisition and indigenous
production of high-technology weapons to produce an offensive
force-projection capability. After surveying the lack of resources
available to the Chinese defense industries, it analyzes China's military
equipment modernization program and impediments to that program. By
assessing the impact of the impediments, it concludes that the economic
reform in the People's Republic of China (PRC) has actually slowed
military modernization efforts and hindered indigenous defense
production. This has reduced the military's possibilities of developing
limited or sustained force projection for 15 to 25 years. Thus the U.S.
and regional nations have an opportunity to engage China and bring it
fully into the world community before it becomes a regional threat.