*Note: Titles in this table have been shortened slightly. Only the titles as they appear in the actual Treaty text are official.
Geneva, Switzerland
December 19, 1991
The Parties note that subparagraph 1(b) of Article XII of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, refers to designations for parking sites that are provided for in Annex A to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Data Base Relating to the Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Memorandum of Understanding. The Parties agree that, in the first data update of the Memorandum of Understanding after entry into force of the Treaty, the format for the category of data for parking sites at ICBM bases for rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs in Annex A to the Memorandum of Understanding shall be changed by introducing the designation for each parking site.
Official Translation
Soviet Component
of the Joint Compliance
and Inspection Commission
The Parties note that subparagraph 1(b) of Article XII of the Treaty Between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, refers to designations for parking sites that are provided for in Annex A to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Data Base Relating to the Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Memorandum of Understanding. The Parties agree that, in the first data update of the Memorandum of Understanding after entry into force of the Treaty, the format for the category of data for parking sites at ICBM bases for rail-mobile launchers of ICBMs in Annex to the Memorandum of Understanding shall be changed by introducing the designation of each parking site.
The Parties understand the provisions of subparagraph 6(c) of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission, as set forth in Article One of Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Agreement Number l, concerning the consent of a Party that did not sign an agreement to be bound by that agreement, to mean that, in the circumstances existing at the time of signature of that agreement, the practical activities provided for by that agreement need not be performed by that Party and that Party shall not be held responsible for any failure by Parties that signed the agreement, to fulfill the obligations under that agreement.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Andrey Sannikov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kasymzhomart Tokayev
(The Russian Federation)___ Gennadiy Shabannikov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
Geneva, Switzerland
October 23, 1992
The Parties note that, in having agreed that silo training launchers may be shown on site diagrams within the boundaries of the inspection site, and in having agreed that silo training launchers nonetheless shall not be subject to inspection, they have done so as one of the few exceptions to the general rule that everything within the boundary shown on a site diagram is inspectable, as provided for in the Inspection Protocol.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Andrey Sannikov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kasymzhomart Tokayev
(The Russian Federation)___ Gennadiy Shabannikov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
The Parties note that, pursuant to paragraph 3 of Annex 7 to the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, hereinafter referred to as the Inspection Protocol, cargoes consisting of equipment and supplies listed in the inventory provided in accordance with paragraph l of Annex 7 to the Inspection Protocol may, at the choice of the inspected Party, be examined at the point of entry, at the airport associated with the facility subject to continuous monitoring or monitored facility, or directly at such a facility.
The Parties understand that the normal practice of the Parties will be to examine such cargoes at the facility subject to continuous monitoring or monitored facility.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Andrey Sannikov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kasymzhomart Tokayev
(The Russian Federation)___ Gennadiy Shabannikov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
The Parties to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, namely, the United States of America, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine, agree that the form of Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission agreements that are not signed by all Parties to the Treaty shall follow the form of Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Agreement Number 6 and shall include the following:
"The Governments of the Parties to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty,"
"Acting in accordance with the Treaty,"
"Have agreed as follows:"
"This Agreement shall enter into force on the date when the United States of America, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine have consented to be bound by this Agreement, and shall remain in force as long as the Treaty remains in force."
"Signature of this Agreement for the Government of a Party shall express the consent of that Party to be bound by this Agreement. The consent of _____ and _____ (the non-signatories) to be bound by this Agreement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty."
In addition, such agreements shall include signature blocks only for those Parties that sign the agreement.
The Parties further agree that, for Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission joint statements that record agreements, the initialing of such a joint statement for the Government of a Party shall express the consent of that Party to be bound by the joint statement. In the event that the joint statement is not initialed by all the Parties to the Treaty, the following paragraph shall be included in the joint statement: "The consent of _____ and _____ (Parties not initialing) to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex l to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty."
The Parties may agree to use other forms of documents for recording agreements, as provided for in Section V of the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the JCIC Protocol.
The consent of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the JCIC Protocol.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Russian Federation)___ Gennadiy Shabannikov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
The Parties understand that, when, pursuant to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, certain rights and obligations under the Treaty begin to apply a specific number of days after an event, those rights and obligations shall begin to apply at 00:00 hours, Greenwich Mean Time, after the expiration of the specific number of days specified in the Treaty. Such specific number of days shall be counted from the day following the day of the event specified in the Treaty.
The consent of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Russian Federation)___ Gennadiy Shabannikov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
The Parties understand that information about ICBM emplacement equipment that is specified for an inspection site, but that is absent from the inspection site at the time of the arrival of the inspection team at the inspection site, shall be provided during the pre-inspection briefing, along with the reason for its absence, pursuant to subparagraph 8(d) of Section VII of the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991.
The Parties further understand that, pursuant to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty:
(b) ICBM emplacement equipment that is specified for an inspection site, but that is absent from the inspection site at the time of the arrival of the inspection team at the inspection site, is not required to return to the inspection site during the period of inspection; and
(c) ICBM emplacement equipment is not subject to inspection while it is located outside the inspection site.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Russian Federation)___ Gennadiy Shabannikov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
Geneva, Switzerland
April 14, 1993
The Parties understand that training models of missiles differ from ICBMs or SLBMs of corresponding types on the basis of the following declared external and functional differences that are visible during inspections conducted pursuant to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty:
(b) for training models of Minuteman II and Minuteman III types of missiles, a triangular notch, no less than ten centimeters in height, as measured from the edge of the nozzle, in one of the nozzles of the first stage rocket motor;
(c) for training models of SS-24 and SS-25 types of missiles, two holes, each no less than 15 millimeters in diameter, drilled through the launch canister, in the region of the first stage rocket motor; and, coaxial with one of these two holes, one hole, no less than ten millimeters in diameter, drilled through the casing of the first stage rocket motor and into the inert propellant;
(d) for training models of SS-11 and SS-19 types of missiles, one hole, no less than ten millimeters in diameter, drilled through each nozzle of the first stage rocket motor, near the edge of the nozzle;
(e) for training models of SS-17 and SS-18 types of missiles, one hole in the launch canister, no less than 15 millimeters in diameter, and one hole, no less than ten millimeters in diameter, drilled through the first stage propellant section through the hole in the launch canister;
(f) for training models of SS-N-6, SS-N-8, SS-N-18 and SS-N-23 types of missiles:
(ii) if the training model has the nozzle on the first stage rocket motor, two holes, each no less than ten millimeters in diameter, drilled through the nozzle near its edge;
(g) for training models of SS-N-20 type of missiles, one hole, no less than ten millimeters in diameter, drilled through the casing of the first stage rocket motor and into the inert propellant, or one of the differences provided for in subparagraph (f) of this paragraph.
Nothing in this Joint Statement shall be deemed to prejudice the right of each Party to declare other external and functional differences to differentiate training models of missiles from ICBMs or SLBMs of the corresponding type.
The Parties agree that, for existing and new types of ICBMs and SLBMs, all declarations of differences between training models of missiles and ICBMs or SLBMs of the corresponding types shall be subject to discussion in the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission.
To assist inspectors, the Parties shall either provide a photograph of each of the differences of training models of missiles or, if a photograph of any of such differences has not been provided prior to the first inspection of an item declared to be a training model of a missile on the basis of such a difference, the inspected Party shall provide to the inspecting Party, during that inspection, a photograph of the difference, taken in accordance with paragraph 18 of Section VI of, and Subsection B of Section VI of Annex 8 to, the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty.
The consent of Ukraine to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by its Government in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Andrey Sannikov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kasymzhomart Tokayev
(The Russian Federation)___ Gennadiy Shabannikov
The Parties understand that each exhibition conducted pursuant to Annex 13 to the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Inspection Protocol, shall be a one-time exhibition, provided that, as a result of each such exhibition, the United States of America confirms, in accordance with the procedures provided for in Annex 13 to the Inspection Protocol, that the SLBM being exhibited is an SLBM of the declared type and that the dimensions of the SLBM stages being confirmed pursuant to Annex 13 to the Inspection Protocol correspond to the data specified for those items in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Data Base Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991.
The consent of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Russian Federation)___ Gennadiy Shabannikov
Geneva, Switzerland
April 14, 1993
The Parties understand that the list of equipment provided to the Parties by the United States of America in the document titled "U.S. Equipment for Use at the Votkinsk Continuous Monitoring Facility at the Beginning of Continuous Monitoring Activity" on October 15, 1992, fulfills the obligation of the United States of America pursuant to paragraph 17 of Section VI of the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, hereinafter referred to as the Inspection Protocol, to provide to the inspected Party through diplomatic channels a list of items of equipment provided for in Annex 8 or 9 to the Inspection Protocol indicating the manufacturer's name and the model.
Pursuant to paragraph 17 of Section VI of the Inspection Protocol, the Parties agree that the technical specifications for the U.S. equipment listed in Annexes 8 and 9 to the Inspection Protocol, provided to the Parties by the United States of America in the document titled "Technical Specifications of U.S. Equipment for the Conduct of Continuous Monitoring Activities" on October 15, 1992, shall be the technical specifications for the equipment specified on the list provided to the Parties by the United States of America in the document titled "U.S. Equipment for Use at the Votkinsk Continuous Monitoring Facility at the Beginning of Continuous Monitoring Activity" on October 15, 1992.
The Parties further understand that this Joint Statement does not relieve the inspecting Party from the obligation to provide documentation pursuant to paragraph 25 of Section XVI of the Inspection Protocol, and does not require the United States of America to bring to the territory of the inspected Party all the items of equipment.
The consent of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'tsov
Geneva, Switzerland
October 14, 1993
The Parties agree that, as an exception to the provisions in Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Agreement Number 13, the pre-inspection restriction zones for the Yagel'naya and Olen'ya submarine bases shall be separated as follows: The five-kilometer pre-inspection restriction zone for the Yagel'naya submarine base shall not extend to the entrance of the Olen'ya inlet beyond the intersection of the five-kilometer arc associated with this zone with the five-kilometer arc that is associated with the pre-inspection restriction zone for the Olen'ya submarine base and that abuts on the peninsula between the entrances to the Sayda inlet and the Olen'ya inlet; and the five-kilometer pre-inspection restriction zone for the Olen'ya submarine base shall not extend beyond the intersection of the five-kilometer arc associated with this zone with the peninsula between the entrances to the Sayda inlet and the Olen'ya inlet.
The Parties therefore understand that the provisions of paragraph 4 and subparagraph 8(d) of Section IX of the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to-as the Treaty, regarding pre-inspection restrictions and procedures for reentry vehicle inspections, do not apply to ballistic missile submarines at the Yagel'naya Submarine Base when the Olen'ya Submarine Base has been designated as the inspection site subject to a reentry vehicle inspection, and vice-versa.
The consent of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'tsov
Geneva, Switzerland
October 14, 1993
With respect to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, the Parties agree that routes to San Francisco, California, via Anchorage, Alaska, specified by the United States of America in subparagraph 10(b) of Annex I to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Data Base Relating to the Treaty, shall be used only for flights of IL-76 inspection airplanes. The Parties further agree that, when the IL-76 airplane used pursuant to paragraph 3 or 4 of Section IV of the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Inspection Protocol, lands to refuel at Anchorage International Airport, Anchorage, Alaska:
(b) Anchorage shall not be considered a point of entry under the Treaty.
(c) Refueling shall be routinely conducted at the remote refueling station at the Anchorage International Airport. Inspectors, monitors, and aircrew members shall not deplane.
(d) If refueling is required at a terminal gate, inspectors and monitors shall deplane and remain in the United States Customs holding room until refueling is complete. Baggage shall remain on the airplane throughout the layover of the airplane at Anchorage International Airport.
(e) All costs associated with the refueling at Anchorage International Airport shall be paid by the inspecting Party directly to the commercial entity that provided such goods and services, as is done for regularly scheduled commercial flights.
(f) If a mechanical breakdown occurs, the inspecting Party shall arrange and pay for necessary repairs.
(g) If a delay occurs due to mechanical breakdown or circumstances brought about by force majeure that would require the United States of America to provide escorts, meals, lodging, and transportation for inspectors, monitors, and aircrew members, the costs of these services shall be paid by the inspecting Party. The United States of America shall submit to the inspecting Party separate bills for these costs, since they will fall outside the obligations contained in the Treaty.
The consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Alexandr Baichorov
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'tsov
Geneva, Switzerland
October 14, 1993
The Parties understand that the list of equipment provided to the Parties by the United States of America in the document titled "U.S. Equipment for Use at the Pavlograd Continuous Monitoring Facility" on October 15, 1992, fulfills the obligation of the United States of America pursuant to paragraph 17 of Section VI of the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, hereinafter referred to as the Inspection Protocol, to provide to the inspected Party through diplomatic channels a list of items of equipment provided for in Annex 8 or 9 to the Inspection Protocol indicating the manufacturer's name and the model.
Pursuant to paragraph 17 of Section VI of the Inspection Protocol, the Parties agree that the technical specifications for the U.S. equipment listed in Annexes 8 and 9 to the Inspection Protocol, provided to the Parties by the United States of America in the document titled "Technical Specifications of U.S. Equipment for the Conduct of Continuous Monitoring Activities" on October 15, 1992, shall be the technical specifications for the equipment specified on the list provided to the Parties by the United States of America in the document titled "U.S. Equipment for Use at the Pavlograd Continuous Monitoring Facility" on October 15, 1992.
The Parties further understand that this Joint Statement does not relieve the inspecting Party from the obligation to provide documentation pursuant to paragraph 25 of Section XVI of the Inspection Protocol, and does not require the United States of America to bring to the territory of the inspected Party all the items of equipment.
The consent of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex l to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
With respect to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, the Parties understand that, for Subsection E of Section VI of Annex 8 to the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty, the inspected Party shall ensure that the satellite system receivers are capable of providing information on the coordinates of the silo launchers of ICBMs located on its territory, at any time when a satellite signal necessary for use by such satellite system receivers is available.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Andrey Sannikov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kairtay Zhanbatyrov
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'tsov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
Geneva, Switzerland
May 4, 1994
With respect to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, the Parties understand that during baseline data inspections, data update inspections, or new facility inspections, assembled SS-N-8 SLBMs without front sections may be located at declared facilities without the detachable front portion of the missile, in which the missile's guidance and control system instruments are located, and that the inspecting Party will not require the attachment of such front portion to the missile in order to confirm the type of such SLBMs during an inspection.
The Parties understand that the photographs of the SS-N-8 SLBM without the detachable front portion of the missile and the declared data on the length of the missile in this configuration, which is 12.1 meters, which were transmitted by the Russian Federation to the United States of America on December 21, 1993, may be used by the United States of America during baseline data inspections, data update inspections, or new facility inspections only for the purpose of confirming this type of SLBM.
The Parties understand that the following length measurement was used to obtain the 12.1 meter length declared for this missile in such configuration: the distance from the edge of the main engine nozzle of the first stage to the place where the missile joins the detachable front portion of the missile.
The Parties agree that when an SS-N-8 SLBM without the detachable front portion of the missile is first encountered during an inspection conducted by the United States of America, the United States of America shall have the right to confirm the declared 12.1 meter length.
The Parties understand that along with the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section I of the Protocol on Notifications Relating to the Treaty, the Russian Federation will provide the text of a footnote specifying the 12.1 meter length declared for the missile in such configuration. In subparagraph (a)(ii) of Annex F to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Data Base Relating to the Treaty, the number of such footnote will be superscripted after the first mention of the SLBM type designation "SS-N-8".
The consent of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by their Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 of Annex l to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the Treaty.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'stov
Geneva, Switzerland
October 13, 1994 October 13, 1994
With respect to paragraph 3 of Section VI of the Protocol on Inspections and Continuous Monitoring Activities Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Inspection Protocol, the Parties understand that the requirement to annotate a copy of the site diagram to indicate the location at the inspection site of the items specified in paragraph 8 of Section VII of the Inspection Protocol, applies only to such items that are located within the boundaries of the inspection site.
In this regard, and for the purposes of paragraphs 6, 8, and 16 of Section VII of the Inspection Protocol, the Parties agree that ballistic missile submarines, missile tenders, storage cranes, and SLBM launchers located in the waters of a submarine base:
(b) shall not be subject to pre-inspection restrictions;
(c) shall not be indicated on the annotated site diagram provided to the inspection team leader; and
(d) shall not be subject to inspection.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Aleksandr Baichorov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kairtay Zhanbatyrov
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'tsov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
Geneva, Switzerland
October 13, 1994
With respect to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, the Parties understand that each Party shall have the right to change the functions of facilities, specified by that Party in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Data Base Relating to the Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Memorandum of Understanding.
The Parties understand that, for facilities, the functions of which are changed in the period between signature and entry into force of the Treaty, the changed functions of such facilities shall be included in the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section I of the Protocol on Notifications Relating to the Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Notification Protocol. Revised site diagrams for such facilities shall be provided through diplomatic channels no later than 48 hours after such notification.
The Parties understand that, for facilities, the functions of which are changed after entry into force of the Treaty, the changed functions of such facilities shall be included in notifications provided in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 9 of Section I of the Notification Protocol. Such facilities shall be considered to be new facilities.
The Parties agree that changing the function of a facility shall not be considered to be its elimination and that a close-out inspection shall not be conducted at such a facility until its elimination.
The Parties understand that if, as a result of a change in the function of a facility, the size criteria used during the inspection of the facility in its new function increase, a Party shall not change the function of such a facility until procedures for the inspection of such a facility are agreed within the framework of the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Aleksandr Baichorov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kairtay Zhanbatyrov
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'tsov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
Geneva, Switzerland
October 13, 1994
With respect to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 3l, 1991, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, the Parties understand that, for facilities which were not specified in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Data Base Relating to the Treaty but which were specified in the notification provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section I of the Protocol on Notifications Relating to the Treaty, the site diagrams for such facilities will be provided through diplomatic channels no later than 48 hours after such notification is provided.
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Aleksandr Baichorov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kairtay Zhanbatyrov
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'tsov
(Ukraine)___ Konstantin Hrishchenko
Geneva, Switzerland
February 3, 1995
The Parties, referring to paragraph 4 of Article VIII of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of July 31, 1991,
hereinafter referred to as the Treaty, understand that, for providing and receiving notifications relating to the Treaty:
(b) the Republic of Belarus shall use the equivalent Continuous Communications Link of the Republic of
(c) the Republic of Kazakhstan shall use the equivalent Government-to-Government Communications Link of
the Republic of Kazakhstan; and
(d) Ukraine shall use the equivalent Government-to-Government Communications Link of Ukraine.
The Parties understand that the United States of America shall provide all of its notifications relating to the
Treaty to the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. The Republic
of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine shall each provide all of its
notifications relating to the Treaty to the United States of America.
The Parties understand that the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and
Ukraine shall exchange, by agreement among themselves, the notifications they have provided to the United States
of America. The Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine agree that
the provisions concerning releasability of information, set forth in Annex 1 to the Protocol on Notifications Relating
to the Treaty, hereinafter referred to as the Notification Protocol, shall apply to the information contained in the
notifications received from each other.
The Parties understand that the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and
Ukraine, by agreement among themselves, may use the Nuclear Risk Reductions Center, Continuous
Communication Link, or Government-to-Government Communications Links, referred to in this Joint Statement for
transmitting to the United States of America notifications relating to the Treaty on behalf of any or all of these
The Parties understand that the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and
Ukraine may, by agreement among themselves, transmit as a single notification, the data on aggregate numbers by
the categories of data contained in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Data Base
Relating to the Treaty, provided in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Section I of the Notification Protocol.
The Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine shall be responsible for
the timely provision of accurate and complete data to each other in order to ensure the provision of the relevant
notifications to the United States of America.
The Parties agree that, in transmitting such notifications, paragraph 1 of each such notification shall specify the
designator of the Party providing the notification in fulfilling its obligations provided for in the Treaty. In this
connection, the following designators shall be specified: for the United States of America -- ANC/STR; for the
Republic of Belarus -- BNC/STR; for the Republic of Kazakhstan -- KNC/STR; for the Russian Federation --
RNC/STR; and for Ukraine -- UNC/STR.
The consent of Ukraine to be bound by this Joint Statement shall be expressed by its Government in accordance
with paragraph 6 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission Relating to the
(United States of America)___Steven Steiner
(The Republic of Belarus)___ Aleksandr Baichorov
(The Republic of Kazakhstan)___ Kairtay Zhanbatyrov
(The Russian Federation)___ Mikhail Strel'tsov
Geneva, Switzerland
(a) the United States of America shall use the Nuclear Risk Reduction Center of the United States of America
and the Russian Federation shall use the Nuclear Risk Reduction Center of the Russian Federation;
September 28, 1995