ACCESSION NUMBER:382066 FILE ID:EUR208 DATE:03/07/95 TITLE:DUMA LEADER CITES HIGH PRIORITY FOR START II RATIFICATION (03/07/95) TEXT:*95030701.GWE *EUR208 03/07/95 DUMA LEADER CITES HIGH PRIORITY FOR START II RATIFICATION (Piskunov calls for even lower level of strategic weapons) (700) By Jacquelyn S. Porth USIA Security Affairs Correspondent Washington -- The deputy chairman of the Russian Duma Defense Committee says the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) is "one of the highest priority" arms control agreements to be considered for ratification by the parliament. Speaking through an interpreter at a March 6 press conference, Alexander Piskunov said there should not be "any serious objections" to ratification, although he alluded to some "technical and economic problems" associated with the Russian ratification process, noting that the timing of U.S. efforts to develop Ballistic Missile Defenses (BMD) could create "some very serious problems." Following three hours of consultations between members of the Russian Defense Committee and the American National Security Committee, Piskunov said new BMD development "would have some serious consequences and negatives overlaying" of the upcoming Duma ratification, given the fact that both sides are talking about "partnership." But Representative Floyd Spence, chairman of the House National Security Committee, told the visiting delegation that "a global defense initiative" is needed to protect the United States from "new world realities." Committee member Duncan Hunter told the Russians that the United States 1xperienced casualties from an Iraqi Scud ballistic missile attack in Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm. "We are somewhat unique in that sense," he explained, "and we intend to protect our troops in theater, and we are developing a number of systems to do that." At the same time, Hunter noted that the United States does "not wish to build a new ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty that will constrain the development of those theater systems." Piskunov noted that there is a sentiment in his committee that the level of weapons remaining after START II implementation is still "very high" and that ratification would be "immensely helped" if the two sides express their intention "to go down to even lower levels." By the year 2003, both the United States and Russia are expected to retain no more than 3,500 strategic nuclear warheads. Piskunov said a statement issued by the Russian and American presidents pledging to seek even lower levels of strategic arms "would also help bring in other members of the nuclear club to get them to freeze and reduce the levels of their own armaments." Such an expression of intent, he suggested, would be "very timely" as the deadline approaches to extend the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty this spring. In the absence of such a public statement, the Russian official suggested that the concept to further reduce arms levels could be captured in a written document to accompany START II through the ratification process. Spence said the meeting with Duma members covered a number of subjects including NATO expansion and nettlesome conflicts in Bosnia and Chechnya. There was also discussion of U.S. objections to Russian plans to sell civilian nuclear reactors to Iran. Russian Defense Committee member Vladimir Avercheve suggested that the United States and Russia could revise the 1972 ABM Treaty and develop a strategic ballistic missile defense system "jointly." This would not involve either side's taking any unilateral steps or abrogating the treaty, he said, but would require both sides to "jointly revise" the ABM Treaty if it were in their national security interests to do so. Such an undertaking, however, would require the two sides to have even closer military ties, the official added, embracing an "alliance relationship." Spence noted that the Russians, unlike their American counterparts, already have a small ABM system in place. In terms of providing limited defense of territory, he said, Russia is in "better shape" than the United States. Piskunov said members of the American and Russian committees recognized that there is an existing dichotomy between trying to manage the ABM Treaty and dealing with the subject of theater ballistic missile system. There is "nothing that guides us," he said, on the dividing line between theater and strategic defenses. While acknowledging the need to develop ways to protect populations and troops from ballistic missile attacks, the official also called for the two sides to discard "mutual suspicions." NNNN .