
Current as of: May 21, 1996
Created August 1, 1991


The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Data contained in the START Treaty establishes a benchmark data base and categories of Treaty Limited Items (TLI) for the Treaty. This facilitates verification of compliance with Treaty obligations. The data contained in the MOU are accurate as of September 1, 1990. An update to the data will be exchanged 30 days after the Treaty enters into force, and baseline inspections will be conducted to help verify the data. The chart below contains those US and Soviet strategic nuclear delivery vehicles (SNDVs) and their warheads, which are subject to the central limits. The second chart illustrates how central limits will affect current forces.

Weapon Type US Forces Deployed SNDVs Accountable Warheads Weapon Type Soviet Forces Deployed SNDVs Accountable Warheads
ICBMs MMII 450 450 SS-11326 326
MMIII 500 1500 SS-13 40 40
PK 50 500 SS-17 47 188
------------ SS-18 308 3080
------------ SS-19 300 1800
------------ SS-24 (silo) 56 560
------------ SS-24 (mobile) 33 330
------------ SS-25 (mobile) 288 288
SLBMs Poseidon 1921920 SS-N-6 192192
Trident I 384 3072 SS-N-8 280 280
Trident II 96 768 SS-N-17 12 12
------------ SS-N-18 224 672*
------------ SS-N-20 120 1200
------------ SS-N-23 112 448
Total ICBMs & SLBMs 1672 8210--- 2338 9416
Heavy Bombers B-52(ALCM) 1891968 Bear (ALCM) 84 672
B-52(Non-ALCM)290 290 Bear (Non-ALCM)63 63
B-1 9595 Blackjack15 120
B-2 0 0---------
Total Heavy Bombers 5742353 ---162 855
*Attribution of 3 warheads in accordance with downloading provisions

Effect of START Reductions on Current Forces
START Limits US Totals (% Reduction Required)Soviet Totals (% Reduction Required)
SNDVs1600 2246 (29%) 2500 (36%)
ICBM & SLBM Warheads4900 8210 (40%)9416 (48%)
Total Accountable Warheads 6000 10563 (43%)10271 (42%)
Heavy ICBM Warheads1540 0** 3080 (50%)
Mobile ICBM Wareheads 1100 0** 618 (0%)
Throw-weight of ICBMs & SLBMs 3600 MT 2361.3 MT (0%) 6626.3 MT (46%)
**US has not deployed these systems.