For the purposes of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of SovietSocialist Republics on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, the Parties have considereddata on numbers of strategic offensive arms and agree that as of November 1, 1978 there existedthe following numbers of strategic offensive arms subject to the limitations provided for in theTreaty which is being signed today.
U.S.A. | USSR | |
Launchers of ICBMs | 1,054 | 1,398 |
Fixed launchers of ICBMs | 1,054 | 1,398 |
Launchers of ICBMs equipped with MIRVs | 550 | 576 |
Launchers of SLBMs | 656 | 950 |
Launchers of SLBMs equipped with MIRVs | 496 | 128 |
Heavy bombers | 574 | 156 |
Heavy bombers equipped for cruise missiles capable of a range in excess of 600 kilometers | 0 | 0 |
Heavy bombers equipped only for ASBMs | 0 | 0 |
ASBMs | 0 | 0 |
ASBMs equipped with MIRVs | 0 | 0 |
At the time of entry into force of the Treaty the Parties will update the above agreed data inthe categories listed in this Memorandum.
DONE at Vienna on June 18, 1979, in two copies, each in the English and Russianlanguages, both texts being equally authentic.
Chief of the United States Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Chief of the USSR Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
The United States of America declares that as of June 18, 1979 it possesses the followingnumbers of strategic offensive arms subject to the limitations provided for in the Treaty which isbeing signed today:
Launchers of ICBMs | 1,054 |
Fixed launchers of ICBMs | 1,054 |
Launchers of ICBMs equipped with MIRVs | 550 |
Launchers of SLBMs | 656 |
Launchers of SLBMs equipped with MIRVs | 496 |
Heavy bombers | 573 |
Heavy bombers equipped for cruise missiles capable of a range in excess of 600 kilometers | 3 |
Heavy bombers equipped only for ASBMs | 0 |
ASBMs | 0 |
ASBMs equipped with MIRVs | 0 |
June 18, 1979
Chief of the United States Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
I certify that this is a true copy of the document signed by Ambassador Ralph Earle II entitled"Statement of Data on the Numbers of Strategic Offensive Arms as of the Date of Signature ofthe Treaty" and given to Ambassador V. Karpov on June 18, 1979 in Vienna, Austria.
General Counsel
United States Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics declares that as of June 18, 1979 it possesses thefollowing numbers of strategic offensive arms subject to the limitations provided for in theTreaty which is being signed today:
Launchers of ICBMs | 1,398 |
Fixed launchers of ICBMs | 1,398 |
Launchers of ICBMs equipped with MIRVs | 608 |
Launchers of SLBMs | 950 |
Launchers of SLBMs equipped with MIRVs | 144 |
Heavy bombers | 156 |
Heavy bombers equipped for cruise missiles capable of a range in excess of 600 kilometers | 0 |
Heavy bombers equipped only for ASBMs | 0 |
ASBMs | 0 |
ASBMs equipped with MIRVs | 0 |
June 18, 1979
Chief of the USSR Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Translation certified by:
W. D. Krimer,
Senior Language Officer,
Division of Language Services, U.S. Department of State
The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, hereinafterreferred to as the Parties,
Having concluded the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms,
Reaffirming that the strengthening of strategic stability meets the interests of the Parties andthe interests of international security,
Convinced that early agreement on the further limitation and further reduction of strategicarms would serve to strengthen international peace and security and to reduce the risk ofoutbreak of nuclear war,
Have agreed as follows:
First. The Parties will continue to pursue negotiations, in accordance with the principle ofequality and equal security, on measures for the further limitation and reduction in the numbersof strategic arms, as well as for their further qualitative limitation.
In furtherance of existing agreements between the Parties on the limitation and reduction ofstrategic arms, the Parties will continue, for the purposes of reducing and averting the risk ofoutbreak of nuclear war, to seek measures to strengthen strategic stability by, among otherthings, limitations on strategic offensive arms most destabilizing to the strategic balance and bymeasures to reduce and to avert the risk of surprise attack.
Second. Further limitations and reductions of strategic arms must be subject to adequateverification by national technical means, using additionally, as appropriate, cooperative measurescontributing to the effectiveness of verification by national technical means. The Parties willseek to strengthen verification and to perfect the operation of the Standing ConsultativeCommission in order to promote assurance of compliance with the obligations assumed by theParties.
Third. The Parties shall pursue in the course of these negotiations, taking into considerationfactors that determine the strategic situation, the following objectives:
2) qualitative limitations on strategic offensive arms, including restrictions on thedevelopment, testing, and deployment of new types of strategic offensive arms and on themodernization of existing strategic offensive arms;
3) resolution of the issues included in the Protocol to the Treaty Between the United States ofAmerica and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Strategic OffensiveArms in the context of the negotiations relating to the implementation of the principles andobjectives set out herein.
Fourth. The Parties will consider other steps to ensure and enhance strategic stability, toensure the equality and equal security of the Parties, and to implement the above principles andobjectives. Each Party will be free to raise any issue relative to the further limitation of strategicarms. The Parties will also consider further joint measures, as appropriate, to strengtheninternational peace and security and to reduce the risk of outbreak of nuclear war.
Vienna, June 18, 1979
President of the United States of America
General Secretary for the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
On June 16, 1979, President Brezhnev handed President Carter the following writtenstatement [original Russian text was attached]:
President Brezhnev confirmed that the Soviet Backfire production rate would not exceed 30per year.
President Carter stated that the United States enters into the SALT II Agreement on the basisof the commitments contained in the Soviet statement and that it considers the carrying out ofthese commitments to be essential to the obligations assumed under the Treaty.