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![]() | General Assembly |
A/RES/49/76 |
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Forty-ninth session
Agenda item 63
The General Assembly,
Convinced that the use of nuclear weapons poses the most
serious threat to the survival of mankind,
Convinced also that a multilateral agreement prohibiting
the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons would strengthen international
security and contribute to the climate for negotiations leading
to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons,
Welcoming the Treaty between the Russian Federation and
the United States of America on Further Reduction and Limitation
of Strategic Offensive Weapons, signed in Moscow on 3 January
1993, aimed at reducing the strategic arsenals to an aggregate
level not to exceed 3,500 deployed strategic warheads for each
side no later than the year 2003,
Conscious that the recent steps taken by the Russian Federation
and the United States of America towards a reduction of their
nuclear weapons and the improvement in the international climate
can contribute towards the goal of complete elimination of nuclear
Recalling that, in paragraph 58 of the Final Document of
the Tenth Special Session of the General Assembly, 7/ it is stated
that all States should actively participate in efforts to bring
about conditions in international relations among States in which
a code of peaceful conduct of nations in international affairs
could be agreed upon and that would preclude the use or threat
of use of nuclear weapons,
Reaffirming that any use of nuclear weapons would be a
violation of the Charter of the United Nations and a crime against
humanity, as declared in its resolutions 1653 (XVI) of 24 November
1961, 33/71 B of 14 December 1978, 34/83 G of 11 December 1979,
35/152 D of 12 December 1980 and 36/92 I of 9 December 1981,
Stressing that an international convention would be a step
towards the complete elimination of nuclear weapons leading to
general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international
Noting with regret that the Conference on Disarmament,
during its 1994 session, was unable to undertake negotiations
on this subject,
1. Reiterates its request to the Conference on Disarmament
to commence negotiations, as a matter of priority, in order to
reach agreement on an international convention prohibiting the
use or threat of use of nuclear weapons under any circumstances,
taking as a possible basis the draft Convention on the Prohibition
of the Use of Nuclear Weapons annexed to the present resolution;
2. Requests the Conference on Disarmament to report to
the General Assembly on the results of those negotiations.
90th plenary meeting
15 December 1994