

                                                   15 December 1983

                                                   Meeting no. 97

              Prevention of an arms race in outer space

     The General Assembly,

     Inspired by the great prospects opening up before mankind as a result of

man's entry into outer space twenty-six years ago,

     Recognizing the common interest of all mankind in the exploration and use

of outer space for peaceful purposes,

     Reaffirming that the exploration and use of outer space, including the

Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be carried out for the benefit and in

the interest of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or

scientific development, and shall be the province of all mankind,

     Reaffirming further the will of all States that the exploration and use

of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be

exclusively for peaceful purposes,

     Recalling that the States parties to the Treaty on Principles Governing

the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including

the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, have undertaken, in article III, to

carry on activities in the exploration and use of outer space, including the

Moon and other celestial bodies, in accordance with international law and the

Charter of the United Nations, in the interest of maintaining international

peace and security and promoting international co-operation and understanding,

     Reaffirming, in particular, article IV of the above-mentioned Treaty,

which stipulates that States parties to the Treaty undertake not to place in

orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds

of weapons of mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies or

station such weapons in outer space in any other manner,

     Reaffirming also paragraph 80 of the Final Document of the Tenth Special

Session of the General Assembly, in which it is stated that, in order to

prevent an arms race in outer space, further measures should be taken and

appropriate international negotiations held in accordance with the spirit of

the Treaty,

     Recalling its resolutions 36/97 C and 36/99 of 9 December 1981, as well

as resolutions 37/83 of 9 December 1982 and 37/99 D of 13 December 1982,

     Gravely concerned at the danger posed to all mankind by an arms race in

outer space,

     Mindful of the widespread interest expressed by Member States in the

course of the negotiations on and following the adoption of the

above-mentioned Treaty in ensuring that the exploration and use of outer space

should be for peaceful purposes, and taking note of proposals submitted to the

General Assembly at its tenth special session, devoted to disarmament, and at

its regular sessions and to the Committee on Disarmament,

     Noting the grave concern expressed by the Second United Nations

Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space over the

extension of an arms race into outer space and the recommendations made to the

competent organs of the United Nations, in particular the General Assembly,

and also to the Committee on Disarmament,

     Convinced that further measures are needed for the prevention of an arms

race in outer space,

     Recognizing that, in the context of multilateral negotiations for

preventing an arms race in outer space, the resumption of bilateral

negotiations between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United

States of America could make a significant contribution to such an objective,

     Taking note of the report of the Committee on Disarmament,

     Noting that in the course of its session in 1983 the Committee on

Disarmament considered this subject both at its formal and informal meetings

as well as through informal consultations,

     Aware of the various proposals submitted by Member States to the

Committee on Disarmament, particularly concerning the establishment of a

working group on outer space and its draft mandate which had been

considered extensively by a contact group,

     Taking note of the draft Treaty on the Prohibition of the Use of Force in

Outer Space and from Space against the Earth, submitted by the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics, as well as views and comments expressed during the

discussion of that draft at its thirty-eighth session,

     Expressing its deep concern and disappointment that, although there was

no objection, in principle, to the establishment without delay of such a

working group, the Committee on Disarmament has not thus far been enabled to

reach agreement on an acceptable mandate for the working group during its 1983


     1.   Reaffirms that general and complete disarmament under effective

international control warrants that outer space shall be used exclusively for

peaceful purposes and that it shall not become an arena for an arms race;

     2.   Emphasizes that further effective measures to prevent an arms race

in outer space should be adopted by the international community;

     3.   Calls upon all States, in particular those with major space

capabilities, to contribute actively to the objective of the peaceful use of

outer space and to take immediate measures to prevent an arms race in outer


     4.   Reiterates that the Conference on Disarmament, as the single

multilateral disarmament negotiating forum, has a primary role in the

negotiation of an agreement or agreements, as appropriate, on the prevention

of an arms race in all its aspects in outer space;

     5.   Requests the Conference on Disarmament to consider as a matter of

priority the question of preventing an arms race in outer space;

     6.   Also requests the Conference on Disarmament to intensify its

consideration of the question of the prevention of an arms race in outer space

in all its aspects, taking into account all relevant proposals, including the

consideration of the proposal referred to in the preambular part of the

present resolution;

     7.   Further requests the Conference on Disarmament to establish an ad

hoc working group at the beginning of its session in 1984, with a view to

undertaking negotiations for the conclusion of an agreement or agreements, as

appropriate, to prevent an arms race in all its aspects in outer space;

     8.   Requests the Conference on Disarmament to report on its

consideration of this subject to the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth


     9.   Requests the Secretary-General to transmit to the Conference on

Disarmament all documents relating to the consideration of this subject by the

General Assembly at its thirty-eighth session;

     10.  Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-ninth

session the item entitled "Prevention of an arms race in outer space".
