Open Skies Pamphlet
Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program
August 1995
Your facility may be subject to an Open Skies
overflight. The Open Skies Treaty will permit Treaty
members to overfly the United States using aircraft
equipped with a variety of specified sensors. Any facility
in the U.S. can be imaged during those overflights, and
sensor data collected during overflights can be given to
any Treaty member. The combined effect of several
sensors operating simultaneously may reveal information
about your facility and its operations that is otherwise
not available.
The U.S. government, through its Defense Treaty
Inspection Readiness Program (DTIRP), can advise you
of impending overflights of your facility, if you so
request. DTIRP can also provide additional information
regarding the impact of an overflight on your facility, and
actions you can take to reduce any adverse impact. This
pamphlet provides a brief introduction to the Open Skies
Treaty and its potential impact on U.S. facilities.
The Open Skies Treaty is an international
agreement that permits Treaty members to fly observation
missions over the territory of other members. These
overflights were originally intended to improve the
openness and transparency of the positioning of military
forces, stockpiles, and other military activities; to
facilitate the monitoring of arms control agreements; and
to strengthen the capability for conflict prevention and
crisis management.
Although such measures contribute to increasing
confidence among Treaty members of the benign intent of
other members, the use of Open Skies flights for military
and economic intelligence collection cannot be
overlooked. The U.S., Canada and twenty-five NATO
and former Warsaw Pact states have signed the Treaty,
and other states may apply to become a member.
The U.S. is obligated to accept up to 31
overflights each year during the first three years of the
Treaty, and 42 per year for the life of the Treaty, which
is of unlimited duration. Any portion of U.S. territory
may be overflown.
The Open Skies Treaty limits the types and
capabilities of sensors that may be used during an
overflight. Permitted sensors include optical panoramic
and framing cameras, video cameras with real-time
display, infra-red line-scanning devices and synthetic
aperture radar. Additional sensors, such as environmental
sensors, could be added in the future.
Each sensor has unique imaging capabilities. Four
optical cameras may be installed on the aircraft. One
camera may be used to take pictures directly below the
observation aircraft and two other cameras may be used
to take oblique pictures on either side of the aircraft.
The vertical and oblique pictures can then be overlapped
to provide a stereographic image of the photographed area.
This process may reveal the height and side characteristics
of objects on the ground. A fourth panoramic camera may
also be used to take a series of pictures which will render
a wide view of the photographed area.
The video cameras will provide a real-time display
of the imaged area. Although the resolution of the video
cameras is limited to 30cm, processing of the multiple
video images can produce much sharper images, bringing
resolution down to extremely precise levels.
The Treaty also permits the use of infra-red
line-scanning devices which are used primarily to detect
relative temperature differences between imaged objects.
Under the Treaty, infra-red devices may be used during
the first three years only by mutual agreement, on a
case-by-case basis, between the observed and the
observing country. Thereafter, use of infra-red devices
is unrestricted.
Finally, observation aircraft may be equipped with
sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar (SAR). SAR is
a radar that produces an image, regardless of weather or
darkness, which is more like a picture than a radar image.
Buildings will be recognizable, large and small aircraft
can be detected, and the presence or absence of large
numbers of vehicles in parking lots can be confirmed.
An Open Skies sensor's ability to collect useful
data depends upon the permitted ground resolution. For
example, the permitted ground resolution for both optical
and video cameras is 30 centimeters. The use of 30cm
photographic imagery will permit the detection of groups
of people engaged in activities and the identification of
industrial equipment and vehicles, as well as some
modification to equipment or structures.
The ground resolution for the SAR used on Open
Skies observation aircraft cannot be better than 3 meters.
This resolution will allow recognition of the presence of
very large equipment or buildings, but could not be used
to identify individual pieces of equipment. The infra-red
line-scanning devices are limited to 50cm resolution.
This resolution can be used to detect heat from operating
vehicles and industrial equipment, fuel status in storage
tanks, and to identify aircraft and vehicles.
Imagery collected during Open Skies observation
missions will provide a significant amount of intelligence
information that cannot be acquired by commercial
satellite sensors. Open Skies overflights will primarily
affect activities that occur outdoors such as research,
development, testing, evaluation or modification
programs. Plant or facility layouts are readily observable
including such items as new construction, power sources,
ventilation systems, physical security arrangements,
external storage areas, shipping containers, material
handling equipment, parking lot and road capacity and
use, cooling ponds, thermal pollution of waterways and
pollution of vegetation.
All of these items could be useful in creating an
intelligence mosaic of a facility and its operations. This
type of information can be valuable in filling in missing
pieces of an intelligence picture that has been created
from other sources. This is particularly important for
U.S. industry because of the increased emphasis on
economic intelligence collection by many countries.
Thermal images from the infra-red sensors may
reveal information on production activities and processes,
as well as the level and scope of heat generating
activities that are occurring inside of the plant. Oblique
photography could image exposed objects through large
open doors that could not be detected by overhead
Government contractors who are working on
classified, sensitive, or advanced technology programs
should carefully assess the potential disclosure risks that
may be posed by Open Skies overflights. All companies
should determine whether proprietary information could
be exposed. In doing so, one must remember that a
skilled analyst will exploit the combination of all
available imagery.
The Open Skies Treaty will provide many nations
with their first opportunity to conduct aerial observations
over the United States. A considerable amount of
information could be collected which may not have been
previously available to them, and which could increase
their knowledge and understanding of your facility.
Additionally, other Treaty members who previously
have had to rely on commercial satellite imagery such as
SPOT from France may purchase copies of the data
from Open Skies flights. Although distribution to
non-member states is prohibited by the Treaty, the
possibility exists that the Open Skies data may also
become available to nations that are not Treaty members.
The Treaty is designed to guard against covert
intelligence activity and use of sensors with capabilities
that exceed Treaty limits. U.S. sensor experts will
inspect observation aircraft for permitted ground
resolution on authorized sensors and for clandestine
sensors. In addition, U.S. government escorts will be on
observation aircraft to ensure that flight altitude
restrictions associated with sensor resolution are adhered
to and that the permitted sensors are properly used.
The Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program
(DTIRP) is a Department of Defense program designed to
protect national security interests and critical technologies
during arms control treaty activities such as Open Skies
overflights. DTIRP is supported by subject matter
experts and security and counterintelligence specialists
from the National Security Agency, Central Intelligence
Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of
Investigation, Defense Investigative Service, Defense
Nuclear Agency, Defense Evaluation Support Activity,
Defense Information Systems Agency, Arms Control
Intelligence Staff, Department of Energy, various Military
Services, and other Executive Branch agencies, as well as
the On-Site Inspection Agency.
If requested, DTIRP will provide early warning
notices to any facility that can be imaged during a
specific Open Skies observation mission. Such notices
normally consist of an initial 72-hour notice of intent to
conduct an observation flight in the U.S.; notice to sites
affected by the proposed flight route and the negotiated
flight route; warning of imminent flight departure for the
mission; cancellation or completion of the mission; and
others as required. Upon receipt of a DTIRP notification,
facilities can implement any protective measures that may
be required.
DTIRP can provide you with more information on
Open Skies overflights and notification. The On-Site
Inspection Agency (OSIA) is DTIRP's Executive Agent,
and OSIA's Security Office is the focal point for
information and assistance. Contact the DTIRP Outreach
Program at 1-800-419-2899.