Mr. TARMIDZI (Indonesia):
I would like to reemphasize that our flexibility means that we
are open to any proposal presented at this forum, and that we are ready
to discuss it as long as it can bring valuable progress to push our deliberations
or negotiations forward. When we say we are open, this also means that
we can accept the decision of the CD to discuss all matters pertaining
to the procedural as well as to the substantive items contained in the
agenda, either in its entirety or partially, if the members so wish. Again,
this is for the sake of the credibility of the CD.
However, if we are of the view that the agenda should be based on the existing Decalogue, it is because we think and I believe that this view is also shared by most members the Decalogue is still relevant to the present world situation. If any country wishes to discuss the relevance of the Decalogue, we are ready to do so. Likewise, if we have stated that our top priority is nuclear disarmament, it is because it has logic and relevance and because it has always been the concern of the international community. The logic and reason of our priority in nuclear disarmament lie in the most prominent international agreements which are universally adhered to, namely the 1970 NonProliferation Treaty (NPT) and the 1978 Final Document of the first special session on Disarmament (SSODI), which I believe are recognized and adhered to by most of us in the CD. But again, I repeat that we are open to any suggestions by members wishing to discuss nuclear or conventional weapons, or both, or any other issue, as long as there is a balance between these two items.
If members of the CD think that the time is not yet opportune to discuss
those matters of concern and wish to discuss some or any single aspect
of each issue, then we are willing to listen. In the context of nuclear
disarmament, for example, we could start discussing the fissile material
cutoff treaty (FACT) or negative security assurances (NSA). We believe
that, in the end, the completion of our negotiation on these issues could
strengthen our efforts to achieve comprehensive nuclear disarmament, as
in the case of the NPT and the Comprehensive TestBan Treaty (CTBT).
Mr. REIMAA (Finland):
I would like to state that another issue that we consider of great importance
is the fissile material cut-off treaty. Negotiations on this should be
started on the agreed mandate without further delay. We see the FMCT as
an important step in the process of nuclear disarmament.