The budget request
contained $400.0 million for cooperative threat reduction (CTR) with
states of the former Soviet Union.
The Senate bill
included a provision (sec. 1013) that would authorize the requested
amount and extend the authorities and reporting requirements contained
in the Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 1993 (title XII of Public
Law 103-160; 22 U.S.C. 5951 et seq.). The Senate bill also contained
a provision (sec. 1041) that would require a report on offensive biological
warfare programs of states of the former Soviet Union.
The House amendment
contained a provision (sec. 1048) that would authorize the requested
amount and extend the semiannual CTR report. Additionally, the House
amendment contained a provision that would express the sense of Congress
on the safe and secure dismantlement of the Soviet nuclear arsenal (sec.
1046); require a report on the coordination of military-to-military
programs (sec. 1047); require Presidential certification that Russia
has terminated its offensive biological warfare program (sec. 1049);
require a report accounting for CTR assistance (sec. 1201); require
a report on the accountability and control of fissile and chemical materials
(sec. 1202); require a report on allied support for CTR programs and
annual reports on multiyear planning for CTR programs (sec. 1203); and
place specific limitations on all CTR programs for fiscal year 1995
(sec. 1204).
The conferees agree
to combine the provisions of the Senate bill and the House amendment.
The conferees reiterate
that the main focus of cooperative threat reduction must be on activities
directly related to the safety, dismantlement, and nonproliferation
of weapons of mass destruction. The conferees direct that any environmental
restoration or housing activities proposed to be carried out in fiscal
year 1995 may be funded only from the subaccount established in paragraph
(a)(6) of section 1206 of this act and may be conducted only in accordance
with the authorities established in sections 1203(b)(6) and (b)(7) of
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994. The conferees
note that the limitations established in section 1206 of this act would
apply only to the $400.0 million authorized to be appropriated in section
301(21) of this act.
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