E. p. Mr. Abdulaziz
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republics of Uzbekistan
Conference on the
assistance to the entrance into the force
of the agreement about
the universal prohibition of the nuclear tests
12 November 2001 of the year
New York
Dear Mr. President',
Dear Sir is secretary general,
Respected delegates,
First of all,
please on behalf of the delegation of the republic of Uzbekistan to be joined
to those sounded into your address, Mr. President ', to congratulations on
occasion of election to so important and critical a post. We supported your
election, on the basis of that role, which plays your country in a matter of
global nuclear disarmament and, in particular, guarantee of universality of the
agreement about the universal prohibition of nuclear tests. It is confident,
that your contribution will become one of that determining in the plan/layout
of the successful conducting of this conference.
Mr. President ',
The republic of Uzbekistan
in the number of first 10 states ratified this agreement. In this appeared not
only a fundamental understanding of importance DVZYAI, but also desire to bring
real benefit in the solution of the problems of prohibition and
nondissemination of nuclear weapons, improvement in the ecological state of
planet, strengthening global and regional safety and stability, or encouraging
the international collaboration in the sphere of the use of nuclear energy for
the peaceful purposes.
With the
entrance of world association into the new millennium we became the witnesses
of the continuous interlacing of the existed problems with the increasing
number of new calls, connected/bonded with the dynamic development of
scientifically- technological progress and the expansion of access to the
information and the technologies.
As one of the
key factors, which ensure global safety and stability, Uzbekistan examines the
regional cooperation of states. Uzbekistan completely supports the principle of
the indivisibility of safety, and in this context, being the initiator of the
creation of zone, free from the nuclear weapons, in central Asia, feels
responsibility for strengthening of the universal regime/conditions of nuclear
nondissemination and is intended actively to participate in the process of
producing the international tools in this region.
It is necessary
to note that the last events in the world revealed the emergency for radical
measures for strengthening of the global regimes/conditions of prohibition and
nondissemination of the weapon of mass-destruction and effective mechanisms on
their maintenance. In the beginning of new millennium the tendency of
the expansion of the scale of the activity became
the terrorist groups: withdrawal/departure from the traditional terrorism of
narrow directivity is accompanied by the attempts to master the components of
weapon of mass-destruction. In this connection, Uzbekistan solidly entertains
idea itself that the curtailment of nuclear tests for military purposes and
modernization of nuclear armaments, and also
the sequential realization of the verifikatsionnykh measures is
the important condition for strengthening the regime/conditions of nuclear
Coming forward
in Summit the millennium OF UNITED NATIONS in 2000 years, the President of
Uzbekistan Islam Karimov emphasized the need of averting the potential access
of terrorist groups to the fatal means of the weapon of mass-destruction and
destruction of the sources of financing terrorist activity. It is difficult
even to present the consequences of obtaining this access by terrorists, and
therefore Uzbekistan speaks in favor of fast completion of development and
adoption of the international convention about the fight with the
reports/events of nuclear terrorism.
The republic of
Uzbekistan considers DVZYAI as one of the most effective tools of the
restraining of nuclear propagation and its development and, correspondingly, it
speaks in favor of the fast entrance of this agreement into the force. We also
positively evaluate the efforts/forces of the preparatory commission of
organization DVZYAI, directed toward strengthening of polygonal
collaboration at the regional,
interregional and global levels in the
sphere of the guarantee of universality of present agreement and
realization of its positions.
Mr. President ',
He would want to
again confirm complete support by the delegation of Uzbekistan of your
efforts/forces, undertaken for achievement of the successful results of this
conference, and to also note that, being participant DVZYAI, Uzbekistan and
subsequently will render of every kind practical aid for the realization of the
targets/purposes of the agreement about the universal prohibition of nuclear
I thank for the