

Conference on the Facilitación of the Entrance
in Vigor of the Treaty of Complete Prohibition
of the Nuclear Tests

Intervention of

S.e. Dr Jose Antonio Moreno Ruffinelli,
Minister of Outer Relations of the Republic of Paraguay

New York - 12 of November of 2001

to verify against reading

Sir President:

Permítame to congratulate it by its selection like President of this Conference, we jeopardize all our collaboration for the success of the same one.

My delegation considers extremely pertinent indeed which we celebrate this today Second Conference to facilitate the take effect of the Trotado de Complete Prohibición of the Nuclear Tests, when the humanity is itself threatened by the use of arms of effect of massive destruction.

The chemical, biological and nuclear arms have all in common producing a massive and indiscriminate effect against all the humanity, which makes particularly unacceptable for the nations that we shared the ideals of the United Nations. The constant and uncontrollable diffusion of the necessary technologies, as well as of the necessary elements for their manufacture, constitutes a new dimension of the danger that watchs permanently to our security, since no longer we were exclusively before the threat of its use on the part of States, but also on the part of groups of in fact terrorist people, whose determination to make be worth its interests with total scorn of the number or quality of its victims, them makes indifferent absolutely towards the most elementary and fundamental rights of the man; as it is more obvious that never if the happened facts in the United States and this city are considered recently, particularly.

These events give a new dimension to the urgency of which the Treaty reaches the sooner its total use. In that sense, my delegation wants to express with satisfaction that the Republic of Paraguay, has ratified it recently, 4 of October the last, thus contributing, with its participation, to the profit of our objective of universalidad, not being nor aspiring to being it, a Nuclear Power.

Totally we endorsed the expressions of the Minister of Outer Relations of Chile, that it pronounced in name of the Group of River.

The delegate of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, in exercise of the Presidency Pro Tempore of the MERCOSUR, interpreting totally the position of the countries of the Block, will accurately remember the profits and commitments that in the Subregion we have reached, so that our countries and Latin America everything are seen, after always, free of the nuclear weapons.

But, he is at the same time evident that los profits reached in a limited portion from the world, can see easily it jeopardize, if analogous and coherent measures in the rest of the planet are not adopted; given the global effect of these arms, in individual those that affect the medioambiente, every time better known by the advance of science and that do not leave doubts on the gravity of their consequences.

The complete prohibition of the nuclear tests, in the atmosphere or the subsoil, seems to us an essential and indispensable step to finish with the proliferation and development of these arms; also, the fact that it is determined in form expresses a prohibition qualifies the international community to make tasks of monitoreo and verification, more and more sophisticated and perfected, in which my country has already given concrete samples of collaboration, even before being part of the Treaty, when authorizing the establishment in its territory of stations of seismic verification with that objective.

The expansion, to world-wide level, of effective mechanisms of verification of an effective fulfillment of the Treaty seems to us essential so that we obtain our objectives. We allowed ourselves, therefore, to make a call to all the States Parts collaborate actively in the verification programs, without which the Treaty would lack of all practical effect.

I want, also, to conclude this brief intervention uniting our voice to I exhort general, directed to the States that still are not Parts of the Treaty, to that they intensify its internal managements for the subscription or ratification of the same one to the brief possible term. Let us think that the ominous signals that they give the new terrorist activities us do not give rise to titubeos and all the members of our Organization must assume the commitments assumed with the Letter with the urgency that demands the case.

Thank you very much.

