Document Adopted by the States Parties to the Treaty
on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe on the Scope and Parameters of
the Process Commissioned in Paragraph 19 of the Final Document of the
First CFE Treaty Review Conference
- The States Parties have defined the following scope and parameters
for the process commissioned in paragraph 19 of the Final Document
of the First CFE Treaty Review Conference.
- The States Parties intend to improve the operations of the Treaty
in a changing environment and, through that, the security of each
State Party, irrespective of whether it belongs to a politico-military
alliance. The character of this process should be such as to permit
the Treaty to sustain its key role in the European security architecture,
in conditions existing and foreseen.
- The process should strengthen the Treaty's system of limitations,
verification and information exchange. It should promote the Treaty's
objectives and enhance its viability and effectiveness as the cornerstone
of European security, introducing such new elements and making such
adaptations, revisions or adjustments to existing elements as may
be agreed to be necessary.
- The process should preserve and strengthen overall and zonal stability
and continue to prevent destabilizing accumulations of forces anywhere
within the Treaty's area of application.
- The process should further develop and consolidate the emerging
new co-operative pattern of relationships between States Parties,
based on mutual confidence, transparency, stability and predictability.
It will aim to promote equally the security of all CFE States Parties.
Acting within the context of the Treaty, States Parties will address
new security risks and challenges through binding mechanisms, while
taking into account the legitimate security interests of each State
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- The following principles will guide the process:
- Arms control obligations, freely entered into, must be fully met;
- The integrity of the Treaty and its associated Documents must
be preserved, that is to say a common commitment to the Treaty's
objectives, achievements and efficient functioning;
- The results of the process must be internally consistent, coherent
and an integrated whole;
- The States Parties will avoid a wholesale renegotiation of the
Treaty, adopting specified adaptations for specific purposes;
- The process must be consistent with the OSCE's concept of comprehensive,
indivisible and co-operative security, while bearing in mind States
Parties' other security arrangements and obligations, their inherent
right to choose or change security arrangements, the legitimate
security interests of other States Parties, and the fundamental
right of each State Party to protect its national security individually;
- The existing Treaty and its associated Documents must remain fully
in force and be implemented in good faith until such measures and
adaptations as may be decided upon through this process have themselves
come into operation;
- The States Parties will maintain, individually or in association
with others, only such military capabilities as are commensurate
with individual or collective legitimate security needs, taking
into account their obligations under international law;
- The process should not result in any adverse effect on the legitimate
security interests of any CFE State Party or other OSCE participating
- The process should recognize the importance of the CFE Treaty's
adaptation for:
- The broader OSCE security context, in particular the ongoing
dialogue in the Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC);
- The work on a common and comprehensive security model for
the twenty-first century;
- Separate regional arms control arrangements and negotiations,
both existing and as they occur, will be taken into account.
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- To meet the aims and objectives set out in Section II, and committed
to the Principles recorded in Section III of this Document, the
States Parties will consider and elaborate, as appropriate, specific
measures and adaptations to the Treaty.
- The scope of this process will be consistent with the original
CFE mandate, taking account of developments since Treaty signature,
and with agreements reached at the First CFE Treaty Review Conference,
and will retain;
- all existing categories of Treaty-Limited Equipment (TLE)
established by the Treaty and will not result in an increase
in total numbers of TLE within the Treaty's area of application;
- all the scope and detail of the information and verification
arrangements established by the Treaty;
- The area of application established by the Treaty.
- Specific aspects of this process will involve, inter alia,
consideration of the following:
- Evolution of the group structure of the Treaty, as well as
elaboration of provisions addressing participation of States
Parties in the Treaty other than as members of a group;
- The functioning of the Treaty's system of limitations and
its individual elements, that is:
- development of the Treaty's system of maximum levels for
holdings, including the possibility to establish a system
of national limits for TLE;
- in this context the development of the redistribution
mechanisms in Article VII;
- the zonal provisions in Article IV of the Treaty, preserving
the principle of zonal limitations, so that no destabilizing
accumulations of forces should occur;
- the provisions in Article IV of the Treaty limiting aggregate
numbers for a group of States Parties, preserving the principle
that no destabilizing accumulations of forces should occur;
- The Treaty's provisions in relation to stationing forces;
- Article XIV and related provisions on Verification, the Protocol
on Notification and Exchange of Information and the possibility
of promoting further co-operation in the spheres of Information
Exchange and Verification;
- The Treaty's provisions on designated permanent storage sites
- The possibility of accession to the Treaty by individual States
who might request it, and related modalities;
- Means to assure the full functioning of the Treaty in cases
of crisis and conflict;
- The possibility of incorporating provisions designed to facilitate
the involvement and co-operation of States Parties in peacekeeping
operations conducted under the mandate of the United Nations
or the OSCE;
- The possibility of extending the Treaty's coverage so as to
include new, or expanded, categories of conventional armaments
and equipment;
- Provisions on temporary deployments.
- Further measures and adaptations, additional to those listed in
paragraph 9 above, may be taken under consideration as part of this
process as it evolves.
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- The States Parties have decided that:
- In order to permit the next phase of this process to commence
promptly in 1997, in accordance with the scope and parameters defined
in Sections II-IV above, the Joint Consultative Group (JCG), in
Vienna, in parallel with its ongoing tasks, will take responsibility
for these negotiations when it resumes work in January 1997;
- They will work in good faith with the aim of completing these
negotiations as expeditiously as those conducted under the original
Treaty mandate;
- They will consider a report on results achieved at the time of
the OSCE Ministerial Meeting in Copenhagen;
- During these negotiations, the Chairman of the JCG should, on
a frequent and regular basis, at the FSC inform all other OSCE participating
States of the work done and progress made; and that States Parties
should exchange views with other OSCE participating States and take
into considerations and views expressed by the latter concerning
their own security.
They also recall that:
- The JCG should, in parallel with these negotiations, intensively
continue efforts directed at resolving the implementation issues
contained in the Review Conference Final Document, recognizing that
such efforts will contribute substantially to the success of the
negotiating process;
- The existence of this negotiating process will not prevent the
JCG from adopting concurrently additional measures for enhancing
the operational functioning of the current Treaty;
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- Building on the achievements of the Treaty on Conventional Armed
Forces in Europe, States Parties commit themselves to exercise restraint
during the period of negotiations as foreseen in the document in
relation to the current postures and capabilities of their conventional
armed forces - in particular with respect to their levels of forces
and deployments - in the Treaty's area of application, in order
to avoid that developments in the security situation in Europe would
diminish the security of any State Party. This commitment is without
prejudice to the outcome of the negotiations, or to voluntary decisions
by the individual States Parties to reduce their force levels or
deployments, or to their legitimate security interests.
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