Rules of Procedure and Working Methods of the Joint Consultative Group Worked Out in Accordance with Article XVI of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and the Protocol on the Joint Consultative Group.

17 July 1991
  1. Chairmanship

    1. States parties shall assume in rotation the Chairmanship of the Group. A State Party shall remain in the chair until it has completed two weeks of chairmanship, in each of which it chaired meetings. The Chair shall rotate immediately after this two week period.

    2. The responsibilities of the Chairman shall include the following:

      1. to inform all States Parties of the date, time and location of the meetings, as well as proposals made by States Parties concerning the program of the sessions;

      2. to chair the meetings;

      3. to keep a list of speakers and maintain a Journal, which shall be handed from Chairman to Chairman and which shall be available only to the States Parties;

      4. to distribute to all States Parties copies of the Journal and attached texts;

      5. to propose to the Group the suspension or adjournment of the meeting, and the adjourning or closure of the debate on an item under discussion;

      6. to seek resolution of administrative questions relating to the organization of the work of the Group in contact with the services of the administrator;

      7. to circulate to all States Parties a list of contact points of States Parties valid for the period between sessions; and

      8. to fulfill other duties, as agreed by the Group.

  2. Meetings

    1. While in session, meetings shall be held twice a week unless the Group decides otherwise.

    2. Statements in any of the official languages shall be interpreted into the other official languages.

    3. The Chairman may declare the list of speakers closed with the consent of the group. The Chairman shall, however, accord the right of reply to any representative if, following closure of the list, he is so requested.

    4. If any representative raises a point of order in the course of a meeting, the Chairman shall give that representative the floor immediately. A representative raising a point of order shall not speak on the substance of the matter under discussion.

  3. Work Program for the Sessions

    1. Before the end of each session the Group shall seek to establish a provisional work program and the starting date of the next regular session.

    2. If a States Parties requests an additional session, the Chairman shall inform all other States Parties of that request, and of any questions raised by that States Party. This question or questions shall be included as the first item in the work program of the additional session.

    3. Each State Party shall have the right to include additional items in the work program of any session. The State Party requesting such an inclusion should inform the chairman of those items, where possible no later than 30 days before the beginning of the regular session or 7 days before the beginning of an additional session.

  4. Agenda of the Meetings

    1. The Group shall, as the first item of the agenda of the first meeting of a session, consider the work program of that session and the agenda of that meeting.

    2. Before the end of each meeting, the Chairman shall propose a provisional agenda for review by the Group at the start of the next meeting of the session.

    3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 above are without prejudice to the right of each State Party to raise before the Group, and have placed on its agenda, any issue relating to the Treaty.

  5. Journal

    1. The Journal shall record the sequential number, the date, the time of opening and the tame of closing and the location of each meeting; the State Party in the chair; the agenda of the meeting; the States Parties whose representatives took the floor; and the date time and location of the next meeting.

    2. Decisions and recommendations shall also be recorded in the Journal by the Chairman. Any text of such decisions and recommendations shall be attached to the Journal.

    3. Interpretive statements, formal proposals and related documents on matters of substance shall be recorded in the Journal and their texts attached to it at the request of the originator when submitted in writing to the Chairman.


  1. Financial Issues

    Payment of contributions by the States Parties shall be made into a special account. Accounts shall be rendered by the host State in respect of each session or at intervals of 3 months as appropriate together with a budgetary forecast for the following billing period. Accounts shall be expressed in the currency of the host State and shall be rendered as soon as is technically possible after the termination of the billing period. Accounts shall be payable within sixty days of presentation in the currency of the host State unless contested by any State Party.

  2. Administrative Issues: Services Rendered by Host State

    The government of the host State shall appoint an administrator, subject to agreement by all States Parties, who shall be a national of the host State. the task of the administrator shall include, in liaison with the authorities of the host State, the provision of the following services:

    1. arrangement of accreditation;

    2. management of facilities and equipment;

    3. security of, and control of access to, facilities and meetings;

    4. employment and management of appropriate technical staff;

    5. availability of appropriate technical equipment;

    6. availability of interpretation and translation services in all official languages;

    7. administration of financial matters.

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