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African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty
Treaty of Pelindaba

The African Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (ANWFZ) Treaty -- the Treaty of Pelindaba, named for the South African site where the text was concluded -- commits Parties not to conduct or receive or give assistance in the research, development, manufacture, stockpiling, acquisition, possession or control over any nuclear explosive device by any means anywhere.

The Organization of African Unity (OAU) first formally enunciated the desire to draft a treaty insuring the denuclearization of Africa in Cairo in July 1964 at the first OAU Summit. No real progress toward a treaty was made until South Africa joined the NPT in mid-1991. In April 1993, a UN/OAU "experts group" convened to begin drafting a treaty. The Treaty was opened for signature on April 11, 1996, in Cairo. The United States, United Kingdom, France, and China all signed the relevant protocols to the Treaty on the same day. The United States was eligible to sign the non-use and non-testing Protocols only, as it has no territories for which it is internationally responsible in the African region. France ratified Protocols I, II and III in September 1996. Russia signed the relevant protocols in 1997.

Primary documents, including treaty text and other related material.

Protocols I and II to the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty, transmitted to the U.S. Senate for ratification on May 2, 2011

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