DATE=12/23/1999 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=RUSSIA / U-S (L) NUMBER=2-257425 BYLINE=PETER HEINLEIN DATELINE=MOSCOW CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: U-S Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott has left Moscow after a series of discussions with Russian officials about Chechnya and other topics. V-O-A Moscow correspondent Peter Heinlein reports Mr. Talbott also found the going rough in talks on arms control. TEXT: Emerging from a meeting with Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov Thursday, Deputy Secretary Talbott said he reiterated U-S concern that Russia is violating international standards with its massive military onslaught in Chechnya. /// TALBOTT ACT /// We want very much to see Russia deal with what is really a global problem, a problem that we also face in the world, and that is the problem of extremism and terrorism. But to see Russia deal with that problem in a fashion that meets international norms. And our feeling is that that standard has not been met, particularly recently. /// END ACT /// Mr. Talbott said he also expressed concern about the possibility that the conflict in Chechnya might spread to neighboring countries, including Georgia and Azerbaijan. The U-S official said Russian ministers assured him they fully intend to respect the sovereignty and integrity of other countries. Aside from Chechnya, one of the most contentious issues on Mr. Talbott's agenda was arms control. The Clinton administration wants to amend the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (A-B-M) Treaty to allow construction of a limited missile defense system. The Interfax news agency quoted a senior Russian negotiator Wednesday as saying the treaty is not up for negotiation. General Leonid Ivashov said any attempts to undermine the A-B-M accord would have, "grave consequences." But Mr. Talbott said from his point of view, progress is being made. /// 2ND TALBOTT ACT /// We now have reached the stage where high- level experts, including military experts, are grappling with the problem in military/technical specifics, which is an important part of what I hope will get us to the point where President Clinton and President Yeltsin will be able to assure each other, and the world, as part of their legacies to their successors will be a solid and enduring arms control regime, based on the principle of strategic balance and equilibrium between the United States and Russia, but that will also permit both countries to deal with the new threat, and that threat is of ballistic missile proliferation. /// END ACT /// Mr. Talbott admitted this has been a tough year for Moscow-Washington relations, but said during his visit he had sensed a commitment on the part of Russian officials to make next year a better one. (Signed) NEB/PFH/GE/KL 23-Dec-1999 09:17 AM EDT (23-Dec-1999 1417 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .