DATE=8/20/1999 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=RUSSIA / U-S (L ONLY) NUMBER=2-252967 BYLINE=PETER HEINLEIN DATELINE=MOSCOW CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: An influential Russian general has accused the United States of dictating terms to Russia on proposed changes in the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. V- O-A's Peter Heinlein in Moscow reports Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov (pronounced Ee-va- SHWAFF) suggested U- S arrogance could doom a new round of strategic arms talks. TEXT: General Ivashov says a just-completed preliminary round of U-S/Russia talks on a START-Three arms control treaty yielded nothing. /// IVASHOV ACT ONE - IN RUSSIAN - FADE UNDER /// He says, "There were no results". General Ivashov -- the director of the Defense Ministry's International Cooperation department -- also told reporters the United States' attempt to modify the A-B-M treaty is threatening to upset the entire arms control process. /// IVASHOV ACT TWO - IN RUSSIAN - FADE UNDER /// He says, "Our approach is that the 1972 treaty is the basis for all subsequent arms agreements. So diluting it means disrupting the whole concept of nuclear deterrence." At a news conference Friday, the Russian general accused the United States of violating the A-B-M accord, then demanding changes through heavy handed and unfair negotiating tactics. /// IVASHOV ACT THREE - IN RUSSIAN - FADE UNDER /// He says, "First, the decision is made to start work, money is appropriated, contracts are let for research and development, all in violation of the A-B-M treaty. Then Russia is faced with an accomplished fact and invited to agree to modify the agreement." General Ivashov's comments echo those of Grigory Berdennikov, head of Russia's team at this week's preliminary talks. Mr. Berdennikov on Thursday said the request to amend the A-B-M treaty could touch off a new nuclear arms race in space. The accord bans anti-missile systems, but the United States has suggested changes to allow a so-called "limited shield" designed to protect against a small- scale nuclear attack, such as might be launched by a terrorist group or a rogue state. The United States argues such a small system would not affect the balance of forces because it would be worthless against a massive attack, such as Russia is capable of launching. Russian officials at first suggested that they might pull out of the arms negotiating process to protest U- S tactics. But despite the strong rhetoric, a spokesman Friday confirmed that the official level talks will continue next month in Washington. (Signed) NEB/PFH/JWH/KL 20-Aug-1999 14:07 PM EDT (20-Aug-1999 1807 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .