DATE=6/2/2000 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=PUTIN MISSILES (L-ONLY)(CQ) NUMBER=2-263092 BYLINE=PAULA WOLFSON DATELINE=WASHINGTON CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: Russian President Vladimir Putin says he will propose a joint missile defense system when he meets this weekend in Moscow with President Clinton. V-O- A's' Paula Wolfson reports Mr. Putin made the surprise announcement in an interview with America's N-B-C television network. TEXT: Just days before his first summit with President Clinton, Vladimir Putin took his case directly to the American people. During a nationally broadcast interview, he disclosed a new Russian arms control proposal. He said his country is willing to join with others to build one missile defense system. /// Putin and Translator Act /// Such mechanisms are possible if we pool our efforts and direct them towards neutralizing the threats against the United States, Russia, our allies -- or Europe in general. We have such proposals and we intend to discuss them with President Clinton. /// End Act/// On Wednesday, Mr. Clinton said the United States is willing to share its missile defense technology with friendly nations. He did not mention Russia by name, but there have been indications the United States would be interested in working with Moscow. The two sides have been at odds for years over the notion of an American-built missile defense system. The White House has said time and time again that such a system would not be directed at Russia, but would be designed to protect the United States from surprise attacks by so-called "rogue states" such as North Korea, Iraq and Iran. Russia has long been skeptical, claiming development of a U-S nuclear shield would be a violation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, and could lead to a new arms race. Mr. Putin's statements to N-B-C television marked the first public sign from Moscow that compromise could be possible. /// Rest Opt /// During the interview, the Russian president also offered a spirited defense of his military action against Chechnya. But when asked to name the biggest threat facing Russia, he offered two answers. /// Putin and Translator Act /// The biggest threat to Russia is ineffective economic policy. And if one speaks of external threats, I should say that religious extremism exists in Russia like in other parts of the world. /// End Act /// Mr. Putin spoke briefly at the end of the interview about his two young daughters, "What kind of future do you see for them?" he was asked. He spoke of the importance of preserving Russia's culture and identity in a changing world, adding "I want to see my children see themselves as Russians." (signed) NEB/PW/JP 02-Jun-2000 11:28 AM EDT (02-Jun-2000 1528 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .